USAA pay

USAA is a bank that is trusted by hundreds of thousands of military members, veterans, and families worldwide.  Having support for this bank would increase the amount of transactions used by others such as myself. 

First Steps

Hello everyone!

Any news on adding USAA? 

Or does anyone know who we should contact at USAA?


Thank you!


This thread has been up for over half a year! Please, Fitbit, usaa is a huge bank! Android wallet, Google pay and apple pay all support them, and a huge part of me getting the ionic was nfc payment, so please develop support for my only bank

First Steps

Agreed! Another 2 votes for me and my wife!

First Steps

Update? We are now at 76 votes. I've been checking every day if they have been added to the list. Please support usaa on fitbit pay. It's my only bank. 

First Steps

USAA is the only bank I use for all my financial needs. I would very much like to use the application on my Fitbit that was part of the up-charge. Hope to hear an update on this soon. 

First Steps

Any progress with this?  I am getting ready to buy a Versa & want to know if the special edition is worth the extra money.  I bank exclusively with USAA!

First Steps

Nothing yet, we're still hoping and UPVOTING!
Smiley Very Happy

First Steps

Is this up to Fitbit or do I need to be contacting USAA as well?

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration. Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.

Recovery Runner

+1 for best bank I've ever had.

Not applicable

I have also called USAA to and had my customer service representative there send a comment to their software and service development team that we are interested in integration with Fitbit Pay.  She was confused at first, because they are not used to feature suggestions, but after explaining that this isn't a current feature with the bank, she was able to add the comment as a non resolved issue.  They don't like having non resolved issues, which will make them look at it in a serious light.  This might speed it along a little faster on the bank side.


I've been using Google Pay with USAA since it was Google Wallet.  I would love to be able to use Fitbit Pay.  Please add our Bank.


Please make this happen soon! It's our main bank and main card.


Come on USAA and Fitbit.  Under consideration for a year?  One of the main reasons I bought my Ionic was for the smartwatch functionality especially including Fitbit Pay.

First Steps

Just got the Versa Special Edition for the NFC feature very upset USAA is not part of the banking list. Please add, as this is the only bank I bank with. 


Since purchasing my Versa I've been a little disappointed with how few features there are from a smartwatch perspective. Definitely would like to see USAA added to Fitbit Pay and for the smartwatch ecosystem to continue maturing. Thanks!

First Steps

Maybe for Christmas Santa will add Fitbit pay support for USAA members?!?! Possiblity Fitbit programmers? There are plenty of current and former military users on here. 

First Steps

Over a year we have been asking for this! Why has this not been taken care of yet?

First Steps

Let's go Fitbit and USAA! Best bank ever! My only bank and I want to use my Fitbit pay 👍


Another +1.  Many people I know use USAA; please add already!

First Steps

I agree USAA needs to be added. I've been waiting and waiting for them to be added. I'm hoping its soon as we've been waiting over a year 



First Steps

Long time USAA member and mobile app user. Just purchased a Charge 3. I think if we can defend your freedom, Fitbit/USAA you can help us out with upgrading to allow us to use the NFC feature. Thank you and Happy New Year.


This request was over a year ago.  Lets go Fitbit.  Lets make it happen.  Probably thousands of USAA members use Fitbit including myself!!

First Steps

Would love for this to be accepted

Not applicable

This was under consideration over one year ago.  What is the verdict?  I'm tired of checking on this. Why can't a decision be made in a timely fashion?  Somebody who knows needs to answer us.

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