USAA pay

USAA is a bank that is trusted by hundreds of thousands of military members, veterans, and families worldwide.  Having support for this bank would increase the amount of transactions used by others such as myself. 

First Steps

USAA is one of the largest banks in the nation serving military families throughout the world. I purchased my Charge 3 to utilize the NFC capability but cannot use the feature because my bank is not on the list. Please add my financial institution so that I may use my product for the reason I purchased it.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @FortFixthanks for sharing your idea. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option on Fitbit Pay, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps

I’d like to be able to use FitBit Pay as well, since we all paid more for this option. I never would have thought USAA wouldn’t be on the list. 

First Steps

please add USAA bank to Fitbit pay. Very disappointed that my bank is not supported....was major reason I bought Versa SE


USAA had 12.4 million members in 2017. A requirement to be a member is to be in the military, a veteran or a family member. To have Fitbit pay work with USAA would show tremendous support for those who do and have served. USAA being my main bank I would love to see Fitbit pay and USAA work together. So please consider my request to add USAA to the list of available banks. It would be a profit for both USAA and Fitbit. 

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Roe56 and @Lobobarnes, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your posts here. Don't forget to add your votes!

First Steps

I'm sorry, but where do I add my vote?

First Steps

What's that status of adding USAA to Fitbit Pay?


This weekend I just paid the extra money to buy the Fibit Versa Special Edition for the sole purpose of using the electronic pay feature. I am very disappointed to learn that USAA is not a participating bank. I have contacted them regarding this.


Adding my vote too.  Both my wife and i would like to use Fitbit Pay

First Steps
I too am disappointed. USAA is a great bank and company, and not being
able to use USAA with my Fitbit is a major disappointment.

I will be extremely happy (as I'm sure that millions of other USAA & Fitbit
customers will also be) when USAA is an available bank in the US for Fitbit
Pay users.

Thank you for your support!

First Steps

I also vote for USAA to be added. I bought the Versa SE for the pay feature and have been patiently waiting for USAA to be added. I see that there are quite a few what look to be smaller local banks but USAA is still not on the list. I'm hoping that this happens soon. 

First Steps

It looks like this issue has been going on for a 1.5 years. There are 167 votes. How many votes are needed to add USAA as a bank with Fitbit Pay? I’m considering buying the Versa SE but this issue is a big deal breaker. Any updates on how soon USAA may be added?! 

Recovery Runner

Please add USAA!  Would love to use the Fitbit Pay function. 

First Steps

+1 for USAA support Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Please consider USAA for this app. As a military family, this would work out great. I would use this app if USAA was added.

Stepping Up

I would love to see USAA get added into the banks that can use the pay feature on my fitbit. USAA is a bank that serves the armed forces and I feel it would be a great way to show support for our troops. Plus I know a lot of military people who would use it if it was available

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Twtchey, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

First Steps

USCG member here, please please add this card soon! Your business would accelerate quick.  

First Steps

Checking in, mid-late 2019. Hi fitbit. Kinda rediculous at this point. I bought an ionic and cant use one of the best features. Come on now.

First Steps

Are we any closer to USAA being added? It’s a fabulous well-trusted bank uses by military families worldwide. Let’s get going FitBit!! 

Base Runner

I bought my wife a Versa SE assuming they might add USAA quickly. Boy I was wrong. My pebble2 finally died and I really want something with NFC and more than a day of battery life. I would buy a Versa for myself tomorrow if they has USAA. I've also contacted USAA about this


On a side note the Versa my wife has doesn't sync with her OnePlus6 except perhaps once a month randomly. Come on Fitbit!

First Steps
Yes please!!!

Wanting to get my spouse a smart watch. But because fitbit still doesn't accept usaa instead of getting the versa or iconic imma get the Apple watch. Convinced 4 of my fellow military members not to get a fit bit because of this and I will continue to convince my fellow members not to support fitbit. Already over a 1000$ lost because of one feature. And once it's time to upgrade my fitbit I will be getting the Samsung watch. How much money will u loose fitbit because of this one feature. 

First Steps

Any update would be appreciated.  If we don't get feedback we can't try helping if the issue is on USAA's end.

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