Weekly Report: Add Cals In Vs. Cals Out

I just noticed that Fitbit has changed the style of the emails for Weekly Progress Reports, and this change has removed some of the information I find most useful. This information being the "Calores In vs Calories Out" tile.

As such, is there anywhere in the new format that allows me to access the information that used to be shown under "Calories in VS Calories out" in the old format?

If not, please incorpoate this tile again - it is the most useful one!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

First Steps

Couldn't agree more - without the calories in the calories burned represents a totally useless figure. People who use Fitbit to record sporting or general activity, in dietary situations, for medical purposes etc etc (and the list is really endless) the reporting of just calories out is meaningless and indicates that Fitbit is not now providing an integrated package to its users.  Full information was previously recorded and issued in weekly reports, with Fitbit also promoting the use of spreadsheets for recording this information.  I wrote my own spreadsheet to cover my requirements which really only added on blood pressure, actual weight and BMI recordings to the various total and average figures from Fitbit.  The figures now provided by Fitbit are now incomplete (missing Calorie input figures), and are a mish mash of weekly totals and daily averages.  I have had to amend my spreadsheet by adding new formulae to most columns to covert the averages to actuals / actuals to averages and manually add 7 seperate daily calorie input figures to give a weekly total.  Addition and manual input of figures into an 'integrated' computer package in the 21st century???  - come on Fitbit it is not April Fools Day, nor is it the 20th century, let alone the dawn of computing.  Whoever decided to change the format of reporting into this nonsensical form which you now have needs some lessons not only in computing but also in common sense.  

I am 70 years of age and have seen many changes in my lifetime but I have rarely seen anything so disjointed as your current reporting from what originally was an integrated package.  Please look at your earlier mission statements / core values and you will see how far you have strayed from supporting what I suspect has been a very loyal customer base until now.  Just look at your various forum comments regarding broken trackers, unreliable recording, now poor and nonsensical reporting - again the number of issues is getting rather long.  You have many competitors in the market and unless these issues are addressed as a matter of some urgency your popularity and sales will inevitably take a downturn.  Sorry, but it has to be said.

First Steps

I Agree - Bring it Back

First Steps

I could not agree more. I am a Masters in Public Health in Nutrition from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and RD/CDE. Calorie deficit is the ultimate measure of weight loss. FitBit tracks this as a goal but does not provide any app statistics and progress beyond "day" for "weeks/months/year" like is does for the other units of measure. This is a short-coming of the application. What if I exceed goal one day--I should be able to make it up over the week. I traveled to Italy this past month and ate--I want to do my best before leaving and up on return to earn those calories over the month--please help me see calorie deficit over time.


I would like to recommend this product to my patients and I myself love it, but I am doing this math myself (total calorie expenditure over time - total calorie intake over time = calorie deficit progress. Yields weight loss if you meet/exceed appropriate goal!!!). Please help us track this goal!

First Steps

Piggybacking on to this comment.   You give a daily average, per week, for calories consumed and a weekly total for calories burned.   So you have to do the math one way or the other to find weekly net calories.

First Steps
I do not know how long you have had your Fitbit, but the old report I am talking about did the math for you. I was only asking them to go back to what they were doing before. Thanks for your comment. Have a great day 😊

Sent from my iPhone

Please bring back this feature, it made inputting calories worthwhile to see at the end of the week the difference between calories in and out and factoring in my meal plan to. It really helped with motivation

Recovery Runner


It would be really useful to be able to see your cals in vs cals out on a weekly basis. The targets for weight loss are set by weeks so it would be helpful to see the weekly deficit. It should be kept simple too i.e. this week you burnt 21000 cals and took in 18000 cals giving you a deficit of 3000 cals. Thanks 


I would really like someone from Fitbit to explain the reason this feature has been taken out - is it a difficult calculation to make? I would have thought the system could cope fairly easily with this type of calculation; when I first got my Fitbit in January  this was included in the weekly report and if it can be calculated why would Fitbit actively take it out of the report  since customers seem to want it? (I know I do). 


Please bring it back!!! Why would you take away such a useful feature? It was truly the only part of the weekly report I cared about.  That, more than anything else in it, told me if I was sticking to my goals.


On 02/08 someone pointed out that you can still see the in v out stats on the dashboard and I was delighted - hadn't known that - but I looked this week and it isn't there now - it says I need a 'food plan' to get this info now - all is revealed - this is why it's been taken off - so we have to sign up for something else. I don't want or need a food plan  - I just want the calories

@Gloeee wrote:

I noticed that since one of the recent cosmetic changes I no longer see calories in vs calories out on both the "dashboard" and "weekly report".  Can you please bring this back? Thank you.

in v out stats...

First Steps
I emailed the company and they confirmed that this feature has been removed/disabled, bummer

Did they give a reason why jennmo83?

Premium User
Recovery Runner

I'm looking at my old emails and I don't have an in vs out.

I have total calories burned for the week.

Daily cals average and a Best day.


Am I missing something? I know that there is a calories burned tile that shows me my daily average burned and whether that's up or down from the previous week.


I don't see and In vs Out as everybody is saying. Am I missing something? DO you just want a tile that says you burned X but logged X calories of food?

The weekly report used to provide total calories consumed (from the daily
log) and total calories burned (from the Fitbit). That is the equivalent of
calories in and calories out.

The weekly report used to provide a weekly summary of the logged calories

I now accomplish the same result using a spreadsheet to sum the daily total
consumed for a weekly value.
First Steps
There used to be a calories in vs calories out, but they (Fitbit) took it away. It was a VERY useful piece of data, it is no longer is provided. This forum is to complain to Fitbit about this misguided decision and plead with the to return this feature.

Sent from my iPad
Premium User
Recovery Runner


this is my old email that I dug up from 2015

I have total calories burned (18,642) and my daily average and best day in the same cell.

Lots of people keep saying there was an in vs out. I only see what I can figure is calories out in my total burned calories. Can you show me an old email so I can better understand what's missing? I get it that people are upset this was excluded from the email but when I look back I don't see an In vs. Out just a total burned with a daily average and my best day.


Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 9.29.38 AM.png

Not applicable
There used to be a Calorie Balance Tile that would tell you what your weekly calorie balance was. If you were trying to lose 1 lb per week, for example, you would shoot for -3500 weekly calorie balance. It was very helpful & why they took it away I’ll never know.
Not applicable
There used to be a Calorie Balance Tile that would tell you what your weekly calorie balance was. If you were trying to lose 1 lb per week, for example, you would shoot for -3500 weekly calorie balance. It was very helpful & why they took it away I’ll never know.
Premium User
Recovery Runner


would you mind sharing an example of this tile? I would love to see what it looked like, for reasons I'm not really comfortable sharing 😉

Not applicable

A weekly summary for cal in/out is vital to providing the complete picture. On the iphone app for the "food" screen, the daily bars should remain, but there should be a weekly average bar on the right side of the graph. This weekly average bar would constantly update to show both avg cal in and avg cal out. Thus indicating if you are over or under for weekly calorie targets. To further support this, the "food" screen should be change to a fixed week view (Mon-Sun) rather than a rolling last 7 days. The last piece should be that this same static week and weekly average features are carried to the macro nutrients screen, thus showing the overall average % carbs, %fat, % protien over the coarse of a week.  This would greatly increase the funcationality and usability!

Stepping Up

Please bring this back!!!



Here is an example. I guess it may have depended on what you were tracking in your dashboard as to what was included in your weekly report.Sample Fitbit report old styleSample Fitbit report old style






Hi Fitbit team,

Please bring back the calorie in vs out feature in the weekly report. My primarily goal is calorie, hence this information is really vital to me.



+1.  Bring back calories in vs calories out on the weekly report

Recovery Runner

Bump... this is really important information, I'm shocked that it was removed.

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