brightness setting and longer display times

In certain circumstances the LED is very bright. Controlling the brightness level via app could save battery power which could be used on having the display on for longer.


Moderator edit: labels.


Hi there!


I came here looking for a way to turn my brightness down at night.  I could tell my husband was getting annoyed whenever I tossed because this thing is so bright at night.  You need to be able to have it automatically be dim when you are sleeping.  Maybe you could shake your hand if you want to really wake it up when it's been in sleep mode for awhile.  

Recovery Runner

The Alta display is unusable outdoors in sun. Like almost completely.


WhatI have the hardest time trying to sort out here in these forums is why all the threads requesting brightness controls for the Alta and some other models have been locked, without any official response. These threads shouldn't be locked unless Fitbit provides some guidance re this being committed, or marked infeasible or otherwise won't fix. Stringing people along for nealry 2 years on the Alta thread and locking with no feedback is rubbish.

First Steps

I agree regarding brightness on Alta.  It is impossible to see in sunshine.  Why can't you add a brightness adjustment feature?  This is not an inexpensive or disposable tool, and I have no interest in replacing it with a newer Fitbit model.  I was instructed by one of your agents to post my suggestion here, so I hope it will help.  I do love my Alta aside from this issue.

First Steps

Please add control for adjusting brightness.


Agree.  It is difficult to see the info on the Charge2 when outside.  Hard to read time on stopwatch or even to set it.

Stepping Up

My vote YES also.  Nearly impossible to see display outside in daylight.

First Steps

Brightness control would be nice for night time also, its almost blinding when it comes on in the middle of the night when changing positions during sleeping.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @EvilEd, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature on Charge 2 although it has been incorporated into future models such as Fitbit Ionic and Versa. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

Fit bit display not visible in bright sunlight.  I currently have to seek shade and cover the display with my hand to see the information (steps, time, miles, calories, etc.). 


Please make the display fully visible in bright sunlight.  

First Steps

Just put brightness for maximum 🙂

First Steps

 I have fitbit one and looking at the alta hr.....from what I see, neither of these have a brightness option.

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @FlashP74 and commenters, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re happy to let you know that this has been released on Charge 3. Open the 'Settings app' search for 'Brightness' and tap it to adjust it. As you've submitted a high quality suggestion, you will now receive a higher voting weight worth 5 votes. Thank you for sharing your ideas and enthusiasm with the community.

This is great to hear as viewing the Charge 2 outdoors is a problem.

On another topic, I’ve noticed that the application on my iPhone does not keep up with whether I’ve completed 250 steps in an hour. It shoes I have on the FitBit but sometimes not on the phone application. In addition sometimes the iPhone ap “loses” my water intake. I enter it and it shows for a while then the next day sometimes it shows no water on the previous day. Are others having this issue?

I have a Charge 3 and the only settings I see for the display is "normal, auto and dim".  I've tried changing it to dim at night but it is still too bright for a dark room.  Maybe like mentioned, make a setting for turning display completely off at times.

Stepping Up
I've had similar issues on my Android phone. But, it appears that my phone
finally catches up after some (variable) period of time.

*Live, Love, Laugh*
Recovery Runner

Nice that this simple feature is already implemented in some product. A perfect gift for Xmass.

I hope in future more and more usefull suggestions and features will pass the finish line and will be implemented.

Thank you again

A bit a of sarcasm. It took just 3 years sinc this suggestion. Nice job. Cat Tongue

I have had several different Fitbit watches over the years but have yet to have one that is readable in sunlight! I am reminded of the Robert Frost poem:

"The walking trail is long and steep, but i will have to go into the forest, dark and deep, to read my fitbit to see if I got enough steps to quit and go to sleep!

Stepping Up

Need steps and clock to be better in outside lighting for charge 3 otherwise love it

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @CJD3! Thank you for sharing your idea with the Community. I moved your suggestion here because this suggestion is very similar to yours. Regarding the larger font you should vote for this feature suggestion: Adjust Font Size for Charge 3.

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