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how am I able to contact the developer 'redshift' of the great clockface 'Stargazer' ? I'd like to ask for a feature.
Regards Wolle
01-19-2018 09:20
01-19-2018 09:20
There is now a "contact developer" link in the in the App Gallery page for each clock/app.
01-21-2018 12:15
01-21-2018 12:15
Thanks for your replay. Unfortunately only some clockface developer have this link...
01-23-2018 08:17
01-23-2018 08:17
Hi there--
I'm the developer. Let me know what feature you'd like. Willing to try, but ran into some issues trying to reliably sync settings with the companion app, so kind-of gave up on it.
Guessing an "all-red" mode for nighttime viewing? 🙂
01-23-2018 13:59 - edited 01-23-2018 14:01
01-23-2018 13:59 - edited 01-23-2018 14:01
Hi bhwolf,
thanks for your message 🙂 Your watchface is so awesome - I like it so much :))) Your idea with moon and sun is so great :))
There a three things that would be nice to have 😉
* First of all a 24h clock would be nice to have
* somewhere a line, a circle or something other which represents the battery capacity would be great.
* last but not least my biggest wish 😉 on the bottom in the middle you placed the calories, that's a piece I'm not really interested it. Absolutely great would be a step counter of the current hour. So I could see how many steps I did since this hour.
I get a reminder from the watch 10 minutes before next full hour how many steps are left to do of the 250steps/per hour. With the described function you always know how active you've already been this hour.
What do you think about these ideas?
01-24-2018 19:06
01-24-2018 19:06
The ideas are good, let me noodle on the best way to incorporate. I think I already did the 24 hour clock... on the portal (web) there’s an option to go to 24 hour time. Once that setting syncs the clock, I think, should reflect that but I’ll verify...
Glad you like it!
01-26-2018 05:33
01-26-2018 05:33
Thanks for your positive feedback 🙂 I'm curious what and how you change/add these things 😄
For me it would be no problem to pay a small fee like others do as well.
Regarding the 24 hour time. I searched in the settings of the fitbit app, but there I only was able to change some colors.
Thanks Wolle
01-26-2018 07:36
01-26-2018 07:36
Hi Wolle,
Sure thing. I'll post back with any updates as I have them. For the 24 clock, I think they only way to change it is via the web portal:
If you scroll down, you'll see a 12/24 hour option. I'll have to test that next time I load the clock to see if it works -- I know it did at one time, but sometimes features break. It could also take a while to sync and be recognized by the app (usually several minutes). If you do have this on 24 hour time and it's wrong in the app, let me know. Thanks!
01-26-2018 08:38
01-26-2018 08:38
ahh now I know what you mean. It was set to 24h. I changed it to 12h did a sync waited half an hour and switched it back to 24h and did a sync once again. Unfortunately no change at the watchface.
When I use a fitbit watchface it shows me a 24h clock and German weekdays. Your's shows me English weekdays but that I don't care.
Thanks. Wolle
01-28-2018 13:34
01-28-2018 13:34
Hi Wolle,
I'll check out the 24 hour function, obviously doesn't seem to be working.
My thinking was to just make the bottom stats user configurable so you see whatever stats you'd like. Regarding the steps per hour: it looks like fitbit has not implemented this into the SDK, as far as I can tell, so no easy way to do this. (Strictly speaking, developers could create their own code by continually polling steps at some interval to create create views like steps this hour/etc, but practically speaking, it's really on fitbit to incorporate this into the API. Because it's in the Today app, hopefully that's something they'll do eventually.)
Hopefully will have some time shortly to work on this more!
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I'll check out the 24 hour function, obviously doesn't seem to be working.
Thanks 🙂
My thinking was to just make the bottom stats user configurable so you see whatever stats you'd like.
That's a good idea. I guess you think about a configuration in the app and not on the watchface.
Regarding the steps per hour: it looks like fitbit has not implemented this into the SDK, as far as I can tell, so no easy way to do this. (Strictly speaking, developers could create their own code by continually polling steps at some interval to create create views like steps this hour/etc, but practically speaking, it's really on fitbit to incorporate this into the API. Because it's in the Today app, hopefully that's something they'll do eventually.)
I thought it would be an easy calculation but I don't know how easy it is to handle. I'll make a feature request for the API maybe once they implement it 🙂
Thanks for your great support Wolle
Moderator Edit: Format
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I thought it would be an easy calculation but I don't know how easy it is to handle. I'll make a feature request for the API maybe once they implement it 🙂
Thanks for your great support Wolle
Definitely add a feature request -- it would be good to see. There are two ways to do it: API, or raw calculation. Ideally, you always want to pull data from the API for consistency sake. (For API, it looks like it is sort-of possible using the Web API intraday time series information, but you don't want to be using that on a watchface.)
I'm explaining this a bit long looking for feedback from the dev community:
Calculation wouldn't be too bad on the surface: every hour (at the top of the hour), hold a value of all steps taken that day. Subtract that from current total steps at the current time, and you have steps taken that hour. However, the challenge here is that the watchface is essentially an app that might not be running, if you're running another app, working out, etc. So, you could easily miss a reading, and then what? Suppose you have 5,000 steps at 3pm; watchface not running for a bike ride or other exercise or other app. Now it's 5:15pm when watchface runs, and total steps is 5,200. You could average is out since last known reading, but not much else can be done. Any other devs solve this problem? (Could be in the API and I'm missing it.)
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02-13-2018 10:20
02-13-2018 10:20
no worry the feature request was done after I had the idea. I did it on the German site of fitbit.
I guess your question to others will not be read here inside the thread.
I had one more idea regarding your watchface. A press on the moon or the sun could show the today rising and settlement time. Maybe you replace the time dialog for 5 seconds with that information.
Thanks Wolle
03-19-2018 13:43
03-19-2018 13:43
Hi bhwolf,
I just got the new OS v2 and tried to play with the 24h settings again. Unfortunately it did not yet help.
Maybe it's really dependent on the watch face.
Thanks Wolle
03-20-2018 14:41
03-20-2018 14:41
@GoForwardwrote:Hi bhwolf,
I just got the new OS v2 and tried to play with the 24h settings again. Unfortunately it did not yet help.
Maybe it's really dependent on the watch face.
Thanks Wolle
Thanks Wolle --
Unfortunately I haven't had too much time to investigate due to work. The other bad news is, I'm disappointed with the overall performance of the watch, and OS v2 doesn't seem to have helped that at all. (Problem is specific to watch face load times.) Continuing to think about how to best proceed.
03-21-2018 13:35
03-21-2018 13:35
Hi bhwolf,
thanks for your thoughts. Regarding the performance I totally agree with you. But compared with other products on the marked it's still my favorite (smart)watch. I have hope that a new model in one or two years performs better. Till then I can live with it.
Because I'm an outdoor fan I still love your watchface. It's so great with the moon and sun stuff 🙂 Hope you stay on track with development.
Thanks Wolle
03-26-2018 20:30 - edited 03-26-2018 21:45
03-26-2018 20:30 - edited 03-26-2018 21:45
Hi BHWolf. I’m another Ionic user that likes your watch face, especially considering I’m a part-time amateur astronomer. I have however found a bug (I think). Your watch face only shows the steps acumated by the Ionic and not the TOTAL step count. For example, if I swap my Ionic for my Charge 2 and walk around for a while, your watch face will not update/sync to the total number of steps accumulated by both the Ionic AND Charge 2 (as shown in the IOS Fitbit app and via the ‘Today’ function on the Ionic). Is this a bug you can replicate? Alex
06-10-2018 06:38
06-10-2018 06:38
Hi bhwolf,
in the past I had several times a problem. The watchface was shown and then one second later the screen was black, then shown, then black,.... The only way to fix it was to install any other watchface and install you're one back again.
This just happens. Today I mentioned that both rings around moon and sun have been full.
I guess you stopped the development of that watchface. Would it be possible to get the sources maybe I'm able to do some stuff. I really like it.
Thanks Wolfgang
06-11-2018 11:01
06-11-2018 11:01
Same Problem today. But now I know more details because I remember the situations the last time too.
My mobile phone (Android) got hot and slow. The fitbit app drained the battery and while the same time the clock showed up and then the screen was black for one second and then watchface and then black,...
The ring around moon and sun was empty only the correct time in the ring has been shown - and all other stuff on the watchface was fine.
The only thing I did now is installing a new watchface then everything went normal again. Looks like the best watchface ever is now (for me) unusable.
Regards Wolfgang
08-24-2018 12:15
08-24-2018 12:15
Hi. I really like your clock face for Ionic (Stargazer). But is there a way to change the displayed clock time to 24h display instead of 12h?
In my Fitbit setings I already have the time set to 24h for years so that isn't the reason why the clock time is displayed in 12h version.