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Metal trim on back of Sense 2 fell off

Has anyone had this problem and is it safe to use superglue to fix.  See pic


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

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325 REPLIES 325

If you are still within the year go back to Amazon, unfortunately the contract of sale is with them and not Fitbit. Amazon should help you, they are quite good with their customer service in my experience. 
That said, they could point you to Fitbit directly, see what they say. Good luck either way. I’ve now moved away from Fitbit after every watch I’ve had has had issues 

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Mine fell off as well yesterday.

I can not get the watch to recharge the battery any longer 😒 

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Actually that’s not true.  Amazon is an authorized retailer of Fitbit products. Check the link.

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@JGenn, I did the same when mine fell off at 14 months. Design flaws aside, the sensors do seem to still be working correctly

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That’s good to hear. Hopefully lasts a bit longer. My first Fitbit lasted years. This one not so much 😕

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 My Sense 2 also has this issue. Silver pieces came off one and another. I was afraid to glue by myself to ruin it's function and could cause my skin irritation.

Of cause this happens after warranty expired.

What should I do???

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  •  Clean both the metal and plastic with some rubbing alcohol and allow to dry.
  • Put a small dab of super glue under each end of the place where the metal goes, staying away from the metal pin that sticks out. I used a toothpick.
  • Carefully put the metal piece on, taking care to not touch the glue with your fingers.

I have not had any irritation.



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Thank you xmnuz for tips and pictures! I'll try that.

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Hi! I’ve had the very same problem. This is the third time I’ve had to contact customer support for three different watches. There is ZERO customer support for this on going defect. I’m outside my warrantee period so was not offered anything except a very small discount on a new Sense2. Seriously? Fitbit needs to stand behind their faulty product and replace any watch that falls apart. I could have bought ONE Apple Watch for the price of the three Sense2 watches I’ve had. In fact, that’s my plan now. If they can’t fix the problem, then do like me and buy from a better brand. 

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Thanks for your reply, I share your view. I'm content to wait for a bit to see if the company decides to do the right thing -- and I'm not gonna try to glue anything or fix it myself since I'm pretty sure that would constitute a reason to deny my any fix, replacement or compensation, but yes I'm over it.

Just some backstory for any Fitbit company observers and any others: I was an early Fitbit adopter buying the first iteration of the device -- which as everyone knows, was a worthy first attempt but hardly the best work. And although I did try another model of watch, once newer, more accurate and better models came out I purchased the Ionic, which then ended up becoming a danger with battery issues, overheating, fires, etc. The Company persuaded me to remain by offering discounted prices on the Sense2 and so once again I trusted that Fitbit (especially after being acquired by an entity with more money than god) would have learned from its history and made SURE their product was solid. So at this point, I'm not willing to pay AGAIN for yet another design iteration barely a year later. The Company should apologize and replace my device and show me and the many other customers the respect we have earned by trying to be loyal and by granting Fitbit good faith with our money, over and over. Or when I'm tired of waiting I'll gladly purchase an Apple watch as well. Fitbit does not appear to care about communicating with customers about these issues it seems, either on forums like this, or via PR or website updates. But I suspect that Fitbit may have boxed itself in. If they replace these problem watches all they have to replace them with is the same ones -- and it appears these flaws are not one-offs but commonly experienced and it looks like in another year perhaps a majority of these watches will have come apart.  Fitbit, If you're smart you'll recognize that customer retention and customer endorsement is far more important and critical than a few bucks. Grow the F up and own your mistakes. It should REALLY REALLY REALLY worry you that customers like me are on sites like this one trying to get help.  Soon customers like me will be calling you out -- and NOT on your own support forum, but on social media and elsewhere once we have been sufficiently pissed off by your conduct.   

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This. All of this.

Also don't be surprised if your message is removed for "violating the rules of conduct" like one of my posts of a similar nature was. It appears Fitbit doesn't much like being called out for its known defects or asked to be responsible for remedying them.

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Hello, wow 3 times!! And Wow No customer service! Nobody can blame you to go other brands! Even Fitbit ain't cheap, can't afford buying new ones again and again....


Hello, I feel your frustration!
I'm also Fitbit wearer since first model, prototype, one, too

I'm surprised you also had not just metal problem but also overheat problem!!!
Yes, I had overheat problem as well in the past model!!!!

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I am curious. Some of us seem to have had a "send a quick screenshot and get a replacement without questions asked" experience (me).
Others had a lot more trouble.

Of those of you who got instant replacement without question, how many of you have a premium fitbit subscription?

I do.

How many who had a difficult experience did NOT have an active fitbit subscription?
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I have an active subscription - it took me over a month to get a replacement. The problem was that I had a replacement product. I was still under the 1-year warranty period of my original purchase, but (based on my experience) it seems support will automatically deny coverage for any replacement product as not covered by the terms of the FitBit warranty policy. I ended up forcing their hand by quoting the policy on replacement products and asking them to confirm (in a chat) that FitBit was denying coverage in violation of their published policy. That finally did the trick, and I did the quick pic and the new unit was on the way.

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OK, I’m in the very same boat with my replacement. I’ll give that a try. Thank you!

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here's the policy from the FitBit website - verbatim...

“…Any replacement Product will be warranted for the remainder of the original Warranty Period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer.”

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The Fitbit sense 2 is awful in terms of build quality. I bought two one for me and my wife and both have had the mental sensors fall off. On my device BOTH fell off on the same day! I contacted Fitbit and after some back and forth they supplied replacements. These were not new and were only refurbished which I thought was awful considering my devices were only a couple of months old. Guess what, the contact points fell off again! Discontinue these watches and give us our money back!

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OMG! Only few months!? And 2 of them 😱😩 They should have replaced with brand new ones!!!!!

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Honestly that’s exactly what Fitbit should do! Either stand behind your product and fix the problem or refund everyone who has gone through this multiple times. 

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