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1-tap to wake up does not work

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Hello, I'm newbie with Fitbit devices. I like so much my new Sense but I don't understand what's happening with the 1- tap waking up feature.


It seems that just after some seconds that it has been awake, then 1 tap wakes up the display. But trying to wake up the display at any time it just doesn't respond when I tap.

Very annoying.


Some times it responds after 10 taps, or I've played tapping in different zones...


How the hell a 330€ smartwatch has this types of bugs?


I just want to tap the screen and wake it up. Or at least that Fitbit explain how this tapping feature works because I look like a fool trying to repeatedly tap the screen to wake up my new smartwatch.


By the way, the left side capacitive button always works and wake up the screen...but is not the most comfortable way to wake it up.


Thanks for your help.

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Good video - thanks


I don't use the always on display, so it might be a factor in getting a different response to tap.


Without always on, double tap works the same way as it does for you, but a simple touch and 1 tap also work after the screen blanks, for a short period.

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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I just tried and without the "always-on" 1 tap is working perfectly(not 100% of time but close to it during my short test) to wake up the watch again after few seconds. Not only for the strength of the tap but also the position on the watch...i can tap in the center or in one of the corners and it's working perfectly.

For the "normal" wake up with double tap is like with "always-on": hard double tap is working well but normal tapping is working randomly.

Same results as you 😊

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I can't hear anything on the video. 

When I have the always on display enabled, I rarely am able to see this display. As the arm is raised it quickly switches over to the main clock. 

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I'm fine with a 2 tap of the screen to wake it, my issue is this rarely works. I can tap the screen 6+ times firmly and it still won't wake up. I can consistently reproduce this, and I've had 2 different Sense watches and both experienced the same behavior. I'm running the most up to date firmware.



  • In quick settings I have Auto wake disabled (set to Manual)
  • In settings, under Display -> Screen Wake, I have this set to button only (there are only 2 options: Button Only, Motion and Button) NOTE there is no option for tap screen specifically, i'm assuming it's included under Button Only
  • Press the button to wake the screen, then press the button to turn the screen off
  • With the screen off immediately double tap the screen to wake. It responds immediately as expected and the screen wakes with 2 taps every time.
  • Now, with the screen on, press the button to turn it off.
  • Now wait several minutes (minutes, not seconds) and then try to double tap the screen to wake. It isn't very responsive, I can try to double tap 5+ times (5x2=10 or more taps) very firmly and the wake behavior is very inconsistent and rarely wakes after 2 taps. Almost as if the sensitivity is reduced and it's not picking up the screen taps.

So for some reason, when the screen has been off for awhile, the double tap to wake sensitivity isn't registering taps and the screen doesn't wake up. However when you immediately try to wake the screen with double tap after the screen turns off this works very well.


Wish Fitbit would address this. It's very frustrating, especially during workouts when i tap the screen a bunch of times and can't get it to turn on. I don't want to enable auto wake or always on display as that eats uneccessary battery.

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Same issue. Double tap works fine after the watch was just on but after 1-2 mins it appears to be In A deeper sleep and it could take 50 taps on ever part of the screen before it comes on... if it does. Tried tapping the watch band and corners like other suggested. All work fine when watch was recently active but again issue once off for longer time. I may return my watch just for this. Very inconvenient. My index finger is sore from violent taps and thumb from the awkward pressure I need to put to push the “button”. Really wanted Fitbit to work. 

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It’s absolutely terrible. No method, rhyme or reason to get this thing to work consistently.  I’ll likely return the watch. 

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Using 2 hands and furiously tapping a delicate and very sensitive piece of electronic equipment doesn't seem like a good idea.


The watch was designed for single handed use, like ordinary watches


@UserZMA suggestion


On the watch swipe left to right and

Make sure all icons are greyed out except the middle bottom one


That way no more tapping is even necessary and you prolong the life of your watch.


@bobby2478Auto wake uses virtually no extra battery, especially if you set the display timeout to 8 seconds, and is more practical in most cases, being able to use the watch single handed, especially when exercising. You can also use touch rewake in this mode for a short period.


Also during exercising if you want to constantly monitor progress try setting the timeout to 60 seconds.It still goes off to save battery when the arm is lowered.


If you use the SimpleClockDuo watch face it has watch management builtin and you can see how many times and for how long the watch was on.

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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As someone else suggested here or in another thread, i found that tapping on the edge is working very well. 

It doesn't make sense but worth a try. 

(considering that the thread started about  "1 tap to wake up" i just want to specify that i'm talking about normal double tap to wake up the screen after it's off/"always on" screen for a while)


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Auto wake turns on the screen whenever you lift your arm even if you don't plan on looking at the display. It was turning the screen on all the time when I didn't need it to, which is why I prefer to manually wake the screen by tapping when I actually want to look at it. 


The button as others have mentioned is weird. I wear it on my left wrist and I notice when looking at the face of the watch the only portion of the button that responds is the top half of the button (the half nearest the top of the display). Which means I have to reach around the top of the display to press that portion of the button. If I press the bottom half the button (not covering the top half) then it doesn't respond at all. So button to wake isn't nearly as friendly as simply tapping the screen. 

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The Sense is designed to be worn in the left arm with the right thumb used to press the button. 

I find that covering the button completely with the thumb, a slight squeeze, the display turns on. 

As for the tap, it should at most take 2 taps. These taps should be no different then when typing on a phones touch screen. They both have the same technology and a very light touch, not a tap, is all that is needed. 

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Just got my new Sense and experienced the same problem (sometimes will not wake up after it has been off for a while and auto wake did not work).  I at first tried the always on feature so I could always see the time which was fine, but does drain the battery a bit faster.  Then I discovered that I could double tap the upper right corner of the bezel from the side (not the display) - it works every time for my watch.  I saw your post and tried double tap where you indicated - that works for me, too.  I think someone mentioned earlier in this thread that this is moving the accelerometer which causes it to wake up.  Normally it should wake by moving the wrist to the viewing position, but apparently sometimes it misses wake-up.  I think when the display goes off for a while, it cannot detect taps because it is not active (saving battery), so jolting the accelerometer or pressing the side button is needed to wake it up.

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@arupert- Check your Quick settings [swipe to the right] when wrist wake is not working to make sure you are not in Sleep mode, as that will disable it, even if wrist wake is enabled.


Note: If AOD is not enabled, the 1-tap to wake works only for a few seconds after the display blanks, otherwise it has to be 2 taps, if you aren't going to use wrist action or button push to wake.

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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Thanks for your response.   Sleep mode is off and AOD is not enabled.  Yes, 1-tap works a few seconds after the display blanks.  Usually wrist action works, but sometimes it does not, and then double-tap sometimes works, but usually does not.  Now I double tap the upper right bezel when wrist action fails and so far no problem.  Of course I can also push the button to wake, but easier for me to double tap the bezel.

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When I do a double tap, it is more like a double touch. After all, the Sense has a touch screen, and I touch the screen in the same way that I type on the phones touch keyboard. 

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Thanks.  Yes, I have tried double touch, fast double touch, slow double touch, double tap slow and fast.  It just happened again, and I double touched the screen several times but no luck.  Then I double tapped the bezel and it woke up.  No problem.

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