06-07-2021 17:46 - edited 06-28-2021 11:19
06-07-2021 17:46 - edited 06-28-2021 11:19
Hi there,
Our team has released the new Fitbit iOS App 3.43 version and it should be available for all of you. Please make sure to download it from the App store as this will resolve the battery short life issues experienced on your Sense. Take in mind that this and future Fitbit app versions will require iOS 13.4+.
Hi everyone. Thanks for your continued reports.
Our team is aware of the Sense not holding charge when syncing with iOS devices and they're working to bring a fix as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend force quitting the Fitbit app on your iOS devices to prevent the battery from draining when syncing.
I've moved your posts to this thread so we can keep our team informed of this situation. Your patience is truly appreciated and please know your feedback hasn't gone unnoticed.
See you around.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
06-10-2021 06:51
06-10-2021 06:51
As of this morning, my sense won't even charge. I just purchased it in January of this year and now it's totally worthless. 😞
06-10-2021 07:12
06-10-2021 07:12
It is really frustrating! Usually updates are tested before put into production for such a significant impact. Mine won’t hold 100% for more than 20 minutes and I can’t force quit either. I depend on my fitbit!
06-10-2021 07:49
06-10-2021 07:49
06-10-2021 08:04
06-10-2021 08:04
I agree it’s not fit for purpose so I want a refund!! Such hard work though to get them to understand!!
06-10-2021 09:14
06-10-2021 09:14
I totally agree with you. I would definitely like a refund and would gladly mail it back to Fitbit. This is the last fitness watch I will purchase from Fitbit. Nothing but one problem after the other. Evidently they don't wear their own products or this wouldn't be happening.
06-10-2021 10:23
06-10-2021 10:23
Actually, Helpdesk told me to remove and reinstall app. So far the battery drain has slowed down
06-10-2021 10:54
06-10-2021 10:54
Are you an iOS or Android user @CoachMaya ?
06-10-2021 12:37
06-10-2021 12:37
Day 3 update after factory reset : in 1 hour after charging overnight, battery usage went from 100% to 85%. 👎
06-10-2021 14:58
06-10-2021 14:58
Seems the issue is with the bluetooth as even when the app is closed (Forced, if you like) the drain continues if the watch is still connected to the phone.
Maybe some fitbit backgound process that remains loaded even when the app is closed?
06-10-2021 15:58
06-10-2021 15:58
Hi everyone. Thanks for keeping me posted about this situation.
I'm sorry for the difficulties experienced with your Sense not holding charge when syncing with an iOS device. Your feedback has been passed along so our team can be informed of the impact to all of you. Our team is working to fix this situation, so please keep an eye for any update for the Fitbit app and make sure to download it once you see it available in the App Store.
Your patience is truly appreciated and rest assured every comment shared in this thread hasn't gone unnoticed. Once I have more details to share, I'll update this thread.
See you around.
06-10-2021 16:14
06-10-2021 16:14
06-10-2021 16:26
06-10-2021 16:26
06-10-2021 17:04
06-10-2021 17:04
Nothing is helping. As others on this thread and similar threads on same issue, we are loyal customers. Over the last 6 years, I have purchased different models, upgrades, gifts, accessories. I recommend Fitbit to anyone who asks. Last year, my husband got me an Apple Watch and I exchanged for the Sense because I use it primarily as fitness and health tracker and THOUGHT it was the right option for my needs, everything integrated. I’ve now lost an entire month of tracking health, heart rate, and everything in between. I’d like someone to reach out to me directly. We shouldn’t have to shut things down, uninstall, shut down, stop using features (like SPO2) and GPS to get it to work. That’s what we paid for. I can’t even track a walk or a run using “exercise” without it shutting down completely. It’s a tracker that doesn’t track. I don’t need a watch. Or at least I didn’t think I did. Please email directly.
06-10-2021 17:05
06-10-2021 17:05
oh, and we can’t call because the lines are unusually busy.....again, why you would “upgrade” without testing is beyond me
06-10-2021 17:32
06-10-2021 17:32
Wow! Exchanged an apple watch for the Sense and now all these frustrations. Must be challenging to even think about the Sense for you at the moment. Makes me a bit glad that I haven't received the update yet through the app.
Wonder what's in store for us Sense users once google WearOS is implemented. Hope someone from FitBit directly reaches out to you.
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My sense device was purchased mid January for my birthday. I selected this device for its advanced features, and that it claimed 6+ days battery life. For the first month it worked ok. There was the odd hicup not syncing or refusing to sync first thing in a morning. But I persisted.
Then it got worse. It had regular issues syncing up, and the battery life was down to 3-4 days. I followed all the instructions switching off features to see if it helped. However, these were the features which initially attracted me to it, so it became less fit for purpose.
Then Tuesday evening this week, it needed a firmware upgrade, which I did. When I went to bed after updating the battery was approx 75%, by morning it was 14%. I recharged, it to full. Yesterday morning I woke at 3.30am and the battery was now dead.
I contacted support via twitter, who were of no use, and could only see that I had put the device on charge and the battery at 4:37am with 99%. They told me to reboot which I did.
When I woke this morning at 02:55, my fitbit sense was dead. I plugged in the fitbit for power and it is now saying 4%, Twitter support do not appear to offer any solution but to tell me to wait.
For a device which was £300 this is beyond a joke. It is not fit for purpose. I am unable to use any personalised faces, or some of the features due to design/manufacturing issues.
How do I obtain a refund? I would normally ask for a replacement but feel fitbit could not assure me that a replacement device would be any better
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
06-11-2021 00:20
06-11-2021 00:20
I’m furious. If you knew this was an issue then you could’ve email people. I get enough sales emails from you trying to sell me yet another Fitbit when I’ve had mine Jess than 6 months.
many way, as a result my alarm did not go off and I did not get up at 6.30. I was therefore late getting ready by 50 minutes and consequently late for work making excuses like a teenager. So embarrassed.
Mine has been resetting/rebooting at least twice daily (that’s what I see and know about) for several months so when this happened on Wednesday I said if it reboots one more time the. I’ll contact you so aside the general issues here I think mine needs replacing.
06-11-2021 00:37
06-11-2021 00:37
Mine is not even lasting 24 hours. Need to charge just to last overnight. All has happened since the update.
06-11-2021 01:43
06-11-2021 01:43
Hi all,
It appears that there are a number a variables at play with this update. At present my Sense is working well with the update. After a full charge a day ago it has now dropped to 88%. This is quite acceptable battery discharge and syncing is also working fine.
Details of my Fitbit environment:
Fitbit model: Sense
Activation date: 21/1/2021
Firmware: 44:128:5:38
Phone model: iPhone XR
Fitbit app version: 3.42(1052)
It has to be assumed that if you have similar Sense firmware and Fitbit app you should have similar battery performance. If that’s not the case perhaps there’s an issue with the various iPhone models.
Interesting to see if others with the same settings are still having issues with the battery discharging too quickly.
06-11-2021 03:12
06-11-2021 03:12
Since updating my Fitbit sense onto the new update it has been draining my Fitbit within a couple of hours.
Is anyone else having this issue?
My watch normally needs charging every 7-10 days.