10-19-2015 20:37
10-19-2015 20:37
Hello Fitbitters! I was wondering how long was the maximum Fitbit users have slept. In my case is 12 hours. That day I was so tired that I didn't know about myself until I realized I had spent half day in bed. I found koalas and sloths are the most somnolent animals, they sleep for about 16 to 18 hours a day. That is what I call a good life.
In the opposite, dolphins and sharks rarely sleep. They seem to just slow down their energies for short periods during the day.
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04-28-2016 13:00 - edited 04-28-2016 13:01
04-28-2016 13:00 - edited 04-28-2016 13:01
04-28-2016 14:27
04-28-2016 14:27
The longest I have slept was probably about 15 hours.
But this must have been after a lot of physical activity, partying and slepless nights.
04-29-2016 12:35
04-29-2016 12:35
@Nomad92, whenever I don't have a chance to sleep at all I feel terrible, I've tried that a few times and I always end up laying in bed for hours. There's nothing better than going to sleep for a long time after you've exhausted all of your energies, it does feel like a very restoring sleep.
04-29-2016 12:39
04-29-2016 12:39
It's the same for everyone.
I mean, the chance is that you just keep walking and trying to stay active doing something, the other option is to stay in bed of course.
I personally think, if you don't have to cut down on sleep, don't do it. If it is necessary because you have to look after a crying baby at night, or if you have to overwork or just be at the military and getting drilled by your instructor. It's alright. But nothing positive or good.
Some people think, forcing yourself to NOT sleep is making you stronger and more disciplined, but I think this is not the case. At least not on a regular base.
04-30-2016 05:36 - edited 05-07-2016 11:04
04-30-2016 05:36 - edited 05-07-2016 11:04
04-30-2016 13:32
04-30-2016 13:32
Well, You usually have two options.
1. Lack of sleep but more time at the day.
2. More sleep, but being more effective and concentrated.
3. Doesn't happen too often, but I heard it exists. Go to bed early and wake up early.
I think the problem most people are having is to go to bed at the right time, I know it from myself. When I finish my work, I want to enjoy the evening as long as possible, and sometimes regret that I didn't went to bed earlier.
05-05-2016 16:36
05-05-2016 16:36
@EdsonFitbit jumm. The maximum I have slept is around 12 hours, after a party of course .
05-05-2016 17:09
05-05-2016 17:09
@CarlosMo Yeah, it's necessary resting for a while after a party.
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05-07-2016 11:26
05-07-2016 11:26
Hey, @Nomad92! Welcome aboard! You are totally right! I have come to make it happen because if not I feel too tired the whole day and want to kill myself.
But sometimes it happens as well, that sometimes you just want to spend some time before bed doing the things you like to do that's not work or school related.
06-20-2016 12:15
06-20-2016 12:15
Back when my hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroditis) was undiagnosed and I wasn't on thyroid hormone replacement, I'd sleep probably 16 hours a night. Oh man that was a terrible time in my life. Soooooo sleepy. I'm still chronicly fatigued but nowhere near that amount.
06-22-2016 09:44 - edited 06-22-2016 09:45
06-22-2016 09:44 - edited 06-22-2016 09:45
10-13-2016 13:50
10-13-2016 13:50
10-14-2016 09:26
10-14-2016 09:26
Hello, @marfar! Thanks for joining in and sharing your knowledge with us! I have noticed that when I sleep at my friend's house and her room at night is completely dark, I wake up feeling better than when I sleep at my own room. This is super important to accomplish a good sleep, I will need to go buy new blackout curtains haha.
See you around.
10-14-2016 11:07 - edited 10-14-2016 11:15
10-14-2016 11:07 - edited 10-14-2016 11:15
10-17-2016 11:09
10-17-2016 11:09
@KatH I'm recovering from cancer but able to exercise. Between the drugs and the long walks, I consider anything less than 9 hours of sleep to be a failure () Ten or 11 hours is more like it. Going to bed when I'm really tired from exercise is my favourite time of day and I think delicious is the right word to describe the feeling.
10-18-2016 09:09
10-18-2016 09:09
Hey, @marfar, @garybartlett! It is nice to see you around. haha sorry for the confusion, your English is good. Where I live we always get the sun during the day and the moon at night, so I have not experienced having to sleep during the day because the sun is up 24/7 for a long period, just after a long party on Saturday haha. It would be cool though.
So from 10pm -1am is the sacred moment with melatonin?
Thanks for sharing that video, I will watch it tonight when I get home!
@garybartlett, It is always inspiring and joyful to meet cancer warriors like you. To tell you a secret if I had more time, I would sleep between 10-11 hours too. And I totally understand your delicious feeling after a good workout and going to bed, to me it is even better when I swim and go to the jacuzzi before bed. It is like the cherry topping on a cheesecake pie.
See you around beautiful people!
10-18-2016 20:46
10-18-2016 20:46
10-18-2016 21:08 - edited 10-18-2016 21:10
10-18-2016 21:08 - edited 10-18-2016 21:10
10-24-2016 11:31
10-24-2016 11:31
5 hours
10-24-2016 12:30
10-24-2016 12:30
Longest (over the last 30 days, I don't know how to show more than that): 12 hrs, 48 minutes
Shortest: 02 hrs, 13 minutes