02-03-2020 08:30
02-03-2020 08:30
I currently have two usable FitBits: a Charge HR and a Blaze. I have found the Charge HR to be more comfortable than the Blaze, especially for sleeping.
It turns out that the Charge HR does not give a sleep score like the Blaze does. Also, it gives a simple column chart of my night, as opposed to the much fancier analysis chart and sleep score that I get with the Blaze.
Not for nothing, but it is also of interest that the Blaze thinks I get a lot more sleep ("Sleep Scores" around 80), whereas the Charge HR seems to think I only manage a little over 4 hours per night. Which is closer to correct?
Can you tell me where there would be such a disparity between the two devices? Does the Blaze have more sensors? Also, which FitBits give the "full report" and which are limited like the Charge HR? Maybe there is a newer FitBit that has the comfort of the Charge HR, but provides the better sleep analysis of the Blaze?