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How to use Nokia (Withings scale/ Healthmate) with Fitbit?

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I would like to sync my weight/bmi/fat% to my fitbit account/dashboard. Maybe the other way around also the steps from fitbit into the nokia health mate app.


anyone any idea where to start? All the links in other topics and the help pages lead to 404 pages, for example:


any help is greatly appreciated!







Moderator Edit: Updated Subject For Clarity.

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@GrandOak on November I upgraded my app, and it work properly.

This thread is just full of troll..

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@Mark81, if you're following thread you would know Withings changed their API AFTER Thanksgiving, with no deprecation support.  Thus, these are NOT Trolls but users WITH VALID complaints!  I know as I am one of them who got a Charger 3 about that time and encountered issue on my first attempt to use sync "feature"!!
Very Best Regards,Del Fredricks
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I am a new user who tried to link with a Withings Body+ in January when I got the scale, and I got an authentication error. I bought the scale because the FitBit site had this Wizzard and a quick search had the forums shown the issues "solved" which is misleasing


However,  others have reported earlier,  it nowauthenticates me and then lists my Withings Profile which i can select.  The  when i click "Next"  I get the error below.


So work seems to be taking place and it is encouraging. @KateFitbit I appreciate your effort and the update and so posting this to help with your testing.


Looking forward to having this feature  working soon





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My account started syncing again as of today, I would say the issue is fixed. Maybe try the process again?



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Nope, I just picked up a nokia/withings body+ and I'm also getting an unknown error after I pick my profile name. I hope it gets resolved soon too because I can't seem to catch a break with this health tech stuff. I had an older weight guru scale that you had to scan a barcode with your phone every time you wanted to sync. Now I finally upgrade my scale and now I don't have to scan it, but this one currently won't connect with the Fitbit system. The ifttt app only will do weight and not the other stats. So I guess I'll be currently punching them in manually, or using myfitnesspal as my main hub instead.

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Robin, do you think people would post without trying again given it takes about 5 seconds to run that connection wizard?! All new users can authenticate but then get the error "Cannot link Withings profile at this time. Withings server returned the following error: Unknown status code" when we try to select a profile.


It is astounding to me (a software developer) that Fitbit can take more than 2 months to get this simple issue fixed. Fitbit were given notice by Nokia/Withings long before they changed their authentication API, see Fitbit apparently ignored this completely and after complaints around the web have only recently hacked something up to now allow us to authenticate, but then fail immediately with the error I state above.

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Dear Mark81,

Just because for your (unspecified) situation an update worked unilaterally, please refrain from taking the lowest road available and branding other users with continuing issues (like myself) as trolls. Because it just makes you look like an arse.

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Did try again BEFORE posting that authentication works but data transfer from selected profile does NOT WORK!

Sent from Xfinity Connect Application
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Hi there, both me and my wife have been using the Withings scales linked to our Fitbit accounts for years now without issue, then they stopped syncing recently. I unlinked my account, and now cannot re-link  due to the 'unknown' error after selecting my profile name. But my wife's data is now coming through again ok (as of this morning) without her doing anything!


It looks like someone is currently tweaking something behind the scenes..

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It's only fixed for people who previously had sync set up -- "new" users
get an error when we try to register. If you were to unregister and try to
re-register, I think you'd find you cannot do so.


Moderator edit: Removed personal info

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Exactly! Unfortunately i tried to disconnect withings from fitbit when it all startet. I thought maybe that would fix the issue. But now I get the same error message again and again every time I try to connect both platforms.


So not really solved yet...

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Hello everyone!


Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences on the matter.


As mentioned before, our team is looking into this situation and we will let everyone know as soon as we have any news.


In the meantime I'd like to ask for other users to confirm if the connection is working on their end. As @lmgray mentioned in this post, it seems like users that already had their accounts connected and didn't disconnect them are getting the functionality back.


Feel free to reach out with any further questions.

Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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It sounds like it is working for people who had it setup before.  I purchased mine in the last month or so and have never been able to set it up and I still can not.  Still getting an error "Cannot link Withings profile at this time. Withings server returned the following error: Unknown status code" after selecting the profile.

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User since September, sync was fine... Tried to disconnect and reconnect to sort things out, now I also cannot reconnect.

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There was the one case where a prior working connection was unlinked by customer when it failed and they are in same boat as us New users of getting "Unknown Error" when trying to sync to Withings profile.

Let me know if there is a means to get actual error occurring and I'll do so in order that it may help identify exactly why or where data exchange failure is occurring.

Sent from Xfinity Connect Application
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I, just like a few of the others, have moved one step closer.  The integration proceeds past the authorization step and actually reads my Withings/Healthmate profiles.  When I select my profile it returns the "unknown" error.  Progress, I suppose...very slow progress, but progress.

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Mark`s Solution works awesome and really fast. What a feeling to not have to put my weight and fat data manually into the app...welcome to 2019 😄


Great Work, thanks Mark!

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Ridiculous price to pay for a sync

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We already paid for both the scale and the FitBit - we shouldn't need a 3rd app just to transfer data.

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