08-07-2023 12:45
08-07-2023 12:45
Upgrade from broken versa 3 to versa 4 and a really infuriating issue. When tracking cycling and walks if I stop for any length of time (to admire the view, have a chat etc) my exercise is ended for me. This happens even if I pause the exercise. I usually get a message (but not always aware I've received it) asking if I want to end the exercise or not. I press NO and then the next thing I know the exercise has been ended! Yesterday I had to restart a cycle ride 4 times, today a walk 3 times. It is infuriating as I'm not getting full tracking results. I can't find any way of turning this auto pause feature off. The really annoying thing is that when I do actually End an exercise I have to press 'end' and then also press 'Done' . However if I was to try this option for pausing the exercise I then can't work out how to resume it? Can anyone please help me with this? Fitbit have just advised me to press the button for 10 seconds 🤷:male_sign:
08-07-2023 21:15
08-08-2023 03:05
08-08-2023 03:05
@Jaah52 Versa 4 doesn't support auto-pause when cycling. What you use is auto-stop (different from auto-pause) which will end your activity (it's how it's been designed). You need to disable auto-stop in the settings of Bike activity.
08-08-2023 13:06
08-08-2023 13:06
08-08-2023 13:11
08-08-2023 13:11