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sleep display changed

The sleep display on the fitbit app on my i phone has changed  from 16.4.24. not showing coloured bars or sleep score. Anyone else had this. How do I change it back please 

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My dashboard is still "black" - anyone able to get the screen back?  At this point only can access "dashboard" info through my phone.

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Completely agree, the new display is dreadful. I can’t get it on landscape either. Why on earth did they change it, the developers can’t actually use it themselves 

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Why did they do this. Do they test it before deploying. It is so hard to find the data I track daily. 

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Yes mine is like that as well.  Did you get it fixed?

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If this is really an upgrade I am done with Fitbit! Mine is getting old and I was looking to replace it.   I will replace it alright but not with another Fitbit.  Please give me my sleep graphics back or I am gone.

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I totally agree with this.  Why did the even change it😡

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I don't know how to change it back. I contacted customer services but they haven't replied. I wonder if they actually read any of these posts, it might give them a clue that lots of us don't like this new display

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Is there a way to change back to the original sleep score? I don’t like this new one at all!

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Not that I know of
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Don't like it. Please put it back.  The old song"if is not broken don't fix it it." It was perfectly understandable. 

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This new version is horrible 

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I agree! The team that worked on this update needs to be fired! It’s so hard to read! Who wants to move a bar over a graph? What in the world! This will be my last Fitbit! 

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I HATE it! What the hell kind of move was this?! I can't tell what times I was awake and you cant click on it to see how long you were awake for at each interval in the night. 

It's a vague graph of blobs and no sleep score what was the point!?

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I'm not happy with the change either. I have a sleep disorder and used it to check the specific times I woke up, for how long was I awake, and the time lapsed between wake-ups. The contrasting colors made it very easy to see, plus you could tap on the wake-up (or REM...) sleep points and see precisely how long they were and what time they occurred. Now it's not very user-friendly and has less useful/accessible information. The sleep part of the app was the main reason I bought the fitbit; the step tracker was a nice bonus, but any ordinary pedometer would do the same job (for less cost and probably with more accuracy). After uninstalling and reinstalling for about a week (hoping that might help) I finally just cancelled my fitbit premium subscription. I am now looking into other sleep tracking options.

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I also canceled my membership.
Moving on…..

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I hate it. Impossible to read. 

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It horrible and it also does not give you all the hours in the night that you slept.  If you slept for 3 hours then woke up then went back to sleep for 3 hours, the total sleep would say 6 hours, even though they analyzed both separately.  Now they just say the last amount 3

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Worse yet is the fact there has been ZERO communication from FitBit regarding this matter!!!

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Agree, the new sleep interface graphics are ugly and hard to read (as are other pages thruout the recent version). What were they thinking and what does it portend for providing good customer experience moving forward?

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This new app is terrible! Did they even test it or survey to try it first? It’s useless, last app was great. I will not renew Fitbit premium and if things don’t either improve, or changed back, I’ll leave Fitbit altogether. I am still amazed they have done this so poorly and misread their community of loyal users. 

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