11-10-2015 04:26
11-10-2015 04:26
We implemented an integration with FitBit for rewarding our users with loyalty points based on their ran distance. In order to avoid fraud, we want to avoid rewarding users for manual logged running activities.
We are currently retrieving the [distance] in Run activities along with the [duration] as well as the [activities-tracker-minutesVeryActive]. We then make a adjust the [distance] for which we reward the customer by doing a percentage between the activity duration with the [activities-tracker-minutesVeryActive].
Is there any better way to do this?
Kind regards.
11-10-2015 11:16
11-10-2015 11:16
The Fitbit Web API does not yet have a way of identifying the source of an exercise activity log, so it's difficult to infer a difference between a manually logged activity, device annotated activity, and MobileRun.
Until that feature is available (no ETA), your approach sounds reasonable.
These sort of incentive programs are difficult. If people want to defraud rewards programs with fake activity, they will find a way. Your system will have to adapt continuously.