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when i coding i apps script...

I want to code the example respose properly in AppsScript as shown in the picture below.correct : I coded the part marked in green in Apps Script, but it does not work properly.worng:Please tell me how to code it?

예시.png 나이.png
ydk12 by Recovery Runner
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How to check if I am sleeping or not by web API?

Hi,I really want to check if I am sleeping or not by fitbit, because I want to stop playing the video and turn off the light in my room when I fall asleep.I have Sense 2, so I can't use Device API, which can describe whether the user is asleep or not...

Koyama by Jogger
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The unit and result of Fitbit API Response

Hi, I'm developer who building the app that integrated with Fitbit API. I have managed to get the data that I want but need the confirmation from you or Fitbit about the units from the result that I got. What is the max of sleep score?What is the uni...

Export Data to Sql.

Hello,How do i combine and export data collected from multiple fitbit sources(Users) into a sql database using an API. Any leads will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Hrc- by Jogger
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Refresh token and revoke not working

Hi, I'm working to integrate Fitbit API on my app, I'm using typescript for backend, and is working fine for auth and get activities, but to refresh the tokens and revoke the permissions is getting errors. For refresh token when I try to run an mutat...

GPierre by Jogger
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500 error when calling /oauth2/revoke

In our product, we use webhook to be notified of new activity by our users. However, when fetching their new activities, sometimes we're not able to get a refresh token for an unknown reason. Therefore, we can no longer fetch data for this user even ...

When will the APIs support active zone minutes?

Hi!I was wondering if anyone read news about this? I want to show AZM, but currently I don't see how this is possible. Does anyone have a workaround? 沈 I was also wondering if there is a place where we can request features, I can't seem to find one. ...

Saroee by Jogger
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Calories In Stat

Is there a way to fetch calories in from the api? I am looking in the summary section for the api output and it is only displaying caloriesOut. Thank you!


Our app got authorized properly, and we have no problem to get the daily activity data using the following API: GET[user-id]/activities/date/[date].jsonUnfortunately, the daily summary of activities we got didn't includ...

Heart rate variability from Web Api

Hi ,I am working on react native app and using web API, how I can get HRV from Web API, if I am a premium user then it is possible or not. Please let me know the way to get HRV.

devd04 by Jogger
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Resolved! Water Summary Data returns as "Undefined"

Am I "getting" the data correctly? I just want to display the total water I've logged so far that day. I print the results to the console and I get "{ summary: {} }" in companion and "undefined" in app. companion/index.js fetch(`

iPh33r by Base Runner
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Altimeter example

Hi, first time poster, sorry if I have the wrong forum, copied the altimeter example (except LICENCE and into fitbit studio, package.json is text based on the github example but graphical on fitbit s...

tonyf1 by Recovery Runner
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Need sample data for my app

Hi all, I'm developing an activity tracking app where one can log daily activities and then visualize them through charts. I also want to integrate the Fitbit API, however, I don't have a Fitbit device with me so I don't have data to play around with...

Resolved! 500 error while calling API from local host

Language : JavascriptEnv : Window 10, Node.js, React JS  Simulator : MS Edge(Chrome) Application ClienID : 22C6TYUse Flow : Implicit Grant Flow  When calling the API in as follows:async function fetchData(){ await fetch(`API`, { m...

How to handle 504 FitBit Error?

I have integrated FitBit tracking APIs. The issue is I am receiving 504 sometimes. What could be the reason and what should I do in this case? If retry calling is the solution, after how much time I should retry or how many times? can anyone please h...

Web API syntax

HiI am new to developing and Web APIs. My question is, how do I make a https request? For example below is an example request. How do I put it into javascript code?GET would be grateful if...

Invalid authorization token type error ??

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------start page<html><head><title></title></head><body><a href="

Problems using web API to set body fat percentage

Hi!I'm trying to POST a body fat percentage to my Fitbit account via the Fitbit web API. This is the code I'm using: function setBodyFatPercentage(access_token, date, bodyFatPercentageValue){ fetch('

thamyB by Jogger
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Webhook doesn't works

I have registered app and webhook. In my phone application I successfully created subscription.{someid}/etc...It works for some users. I mean Fitbit triggers my webhook. But for one user  (which has successful subscripti...

Ted_Lv by Jogger
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Desynchronization between my app and Fitbit app

I’m developing a react native fitness app and now I'm facing the issue with the desynchronization of steps data. I'm using that API:[date]/1d.json and sometimes it happened that the Fitbit app s...

Server side fetching of data

Hi.I am new to web development and will use Fitbit API for a small project for personal use using Node js and we're trying to build a server side API where it is ran by a CRON job daily and the fetched data from the Fitbit APIs will be saved to the d...

Problem in access token

Hi,I'm trying to get data user data. After executing the below code the callback URL results in -http://localhost:8080/?code=f2c2b46a44d8981f9c0d5e0ededa3af6e973ee9c#_=_I'm not getting the access token and the user_id in the callback URL rather I'm g...

Resolved! How do i know which user called the oauth2 callback?

Hey guys, i got a charge hr for christmas and am now developing a small analytics app.Serverside is node js / express / mongo db while client side is mainly angular (single page app).Authentication is completely stateless and works by including token...

Cannot GET / Callback

I'm learning to code with Javascript and wanted to rock with some intraday Fitbit data.  I made the app for "personal" use, not client or server side.  I've added the OAuth URL into my HTML as a <a href> but keep getting this page. https://share.getc...

POST data on my server

Hi! I am trying to POST data from companion to my Django server.Spoilerfetch('', {method:'post',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},body:JSON.stringify(}).then(res => res).then(response => console.lo...

CDC Active Minutes

The API only shares sedentary, lightly active, fairly active, and very active minutes. Which of these correspond to activities at or above 3 METs as defined by the CDC? Fairly and very? We only want to pull active minutes. Can you expose active minut...