Forum Posts

Model and SDK inquiry

HelloI would like to make an android app using fitbit's bio data(heart rate, body temperature, ...)Anyone could let me know which model is the best for me and whether i can develop an app using body temperature, heart rate, ppg and so on data(If not ...

sunwon by Jogger
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Server side fetching of data

Hi.I am new to web development and will use Fitbit API for a small project for personal use using Node js and we're trying to build a server side API where it is ran by a CRON job daily and the fetched data from the Fitbit APIs will be saved to the d...

session cookie and redirect url

Hi,RESOLVED: This issue was resolved by changing the samesite attribute of the session cookie from strict to lax.  I am accessing the following url in an authorisation process. When the url redirects back to my site the user session cookie (from our ...

fb-dev by Jogger
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Mutliple Widget.gui Conflicts

Hello, Using the following widget imports in the widgets.gui leads to a Error 60 (resources called multiple times), and prevents my combo button from working. How do I get around this?/resources/widgets.gui <svg> <defs> <link rel="stylesheet" h...

Struck by Recovery Runner
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