02-03-2020 06:30
02-03-2020 06:30
I am part of the Humana Go365 community and I use a Fitbit Versa 2. I love the Fitbit but it’s not communicating all information tracked to Go365, so I don’t get all the points available like a Garmin user. Garmins transfer heart rate and calories burned but Fitbits do not. They only transfer steps taken. We have several Fitbit users at our company struggling with this and wanting to purchase Garmins instead so they can get more points on the Go365 program. Fitbit needs to add this info to let Humana Go365 track it. Please help!
02-03-2020 15:11
02-03-2020 15:11
Hi @chippi,
Welcome to the forums!
We provide an open Web API for developers and allow them to extract daily activity summary totals for data such as calories, steps, distance, floors, activity, and heart rate after user consent.
Humana Go365 can access the data you've pointed out from Fitbit users, but ultimately it's Humana Go365's decision to pull this data or not, not Fitbit. I recommend expressing your concerns to the Go365 team to shed light on your community's request in order to provide a better customer experience for the Go365 app.
I hope this clears things up. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
02-04-2020 11:41
02-04-2020 11:41
02-07-2020 14:37
02-07-2020 14:37
@chippi Thanks for letting me know.
Can you share with me any open community threads you have with Go365 where this is being discussed? We'll be happy to reach and provide clarification.
07-13-2021 10:08
07-13-2021 10:08
I am also a member of Humana's Go365. I have chatted several times with them because my Fitbit 2 will not show up on their side either. They keep telling me it must come from Fitbit.com although everything shows on my phone app but not online. I have disconnected and reconnect to not avail. Also when I go to Fitbit.com my steps don't show there either. I have no such issue with the app. I have logged in and my dashboard comes up but with very limited info. What can I do to fix this?
06-24-2023 07:50
06-24-2023 07:50
This appears to still be an issue. My wife had her Charge 5 stop talking with Humana go365. She disconnected the Charge 5 from the go365 site and it would no longer reconnect. Every time she tries to reconnect the Charge 5 she gets a 404 page. We have called Fitbit and go365 a number of time and they blame each other. No one appears to have a desire to fix this problem. So sad, this used to be such a nice additional connection for tracking heath. We have been looking at Garmin and that might be in our future.
12-26-2023 12:34
12-26-2023 12:34
I've had the same problem that seemed to begin around the time that I switched my Fitbit account to Google. My wife didn’t switch and her device still synchs. Coincidence???
01-02-2024 13:57
01-02-2024 13:57
During the account migration process, your wife should have be asked if she wanted to transfer the connected applications to the Google account. You should be able to look in the Fitbit account settings to see if the connected applications are still listed. If not, then she will need to reconsent to share her data with the 3rd party application again. If you need help finding the list of connected applications, you can contact our mainline support team at https://help.fitbit.com/support. They have tools available to see if the account migration was successful.