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Invalid or expired refresh tokens

Starting at about 3:15am central time yesterday (Sunday 11/6/2016), our application started receiving a large number of invalid_grant-Refresh token invalid errors.  We are receiving an error for affected users every time our app receives a Fitbit subscription update and tries to get the user's updated data.  Not all users are getting invalid refresh token errors, but there seems to be a significant amount.


Our servers are in central time, so these errors started shortly after they "fell back" for the fall time change.  Would this have caused problems for token refreshes between the time our servers "fell back" and the Fitbit servers "Fell back"?  Would the token refreshes during this period have been rejected due to too much of a time difference thus resulting in the refresh token we have for all of those users now being invalid (causing errors every time we receive a subscription update and try to retrieve data for those users)?


It seems we have no way of obtaining a valid refresh token for the affected users and no way to stop the subscription upates without direct user involvement of them relinking their Fitbit accounts.


Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.



Kevin Slocum

Extracon Science

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Hi @Extracon, can you PM me your clientID?

Andrew | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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