11-04-2017 22:22 - edited 11-04-2017 22:23
11-04-2017 22:22 - edited 11-04-2017 22:23
Please make sure to check out our tutorial page with step-by step instructions on how to obtain access token or how to use code and refresh token flow.
Note: each access token issued by Fitbit is JWT token. Use jwt.io to get insights about what data this token has. Worth noting refresh token is not JWT token.
01-03-2022 15:20
01-03-2022 15:20
Okay, I found out where I went wrong! Two things:
01-21-2022 01:47
01-21-2022 01:47
life saver man, i was having a hard time getting the access token following old steps. One question, how you get the refresh token?
04-07-2022 13:56
04-07-2022 13:56
This seemed easy and I got excited when I went to the tutorial, but it still does not give me an access token. What do I paste in this box? It isn't clear
04-07-2022 14:33
04-07-2022 14:33
what did you paste in the box to get the auth token? Never run a curl request before and have 0 idea how to
04-12-2022 08:26
04-12-2022 08:26
Most computers these days have curl installed as part of the operating system. If not, you can download the tools from https://curl.se/. Once setup, cut/paste the curl statement provided and execute it at a command prompt. The result will provide the access token and refresh token, similarly to this
{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyMkJYVEwiLCJzdWIiOiI2SzVaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJzY29wZXMiOiJ3aHIgd251dCB3cHJvIHdzbGUgd3dlaSB3c29jIHdhY3Qgd3NldCB3bG9jIiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5ODA1ODAwLCJpYXQiOjE2NDk3NzcwMDB9.6I8wkZZ_ytudFujdXGDIK85QSNNlm6274Pt93c34xAI","expires_in":28800,"refresh_token":"3e46e3a7cdcb6c19943a7cc9f0f18c3cca54fe08757df12e5449","scope":"heartrate nutrition sleep social activity location profile settings weight","token_type":"Bearer","user_id":"123ABC"}
Enter your response into the field at step 2.
05-10-2022 17:47
05-10-2022 17:47
So do I copy/paste everything starting from "curl" and ending at ..."/token"? Instructions aren't clear to me.
05-11-2022 07:41
05-11-2022 07:41
Yes, you will copy the entire curl statement and execute it at a command prompt on your machine. If you get an error that curl cannot be found, then you will need to download and install the curl application (https://curl.se/).
10-11-2022 06:15
10-11-2022 06:15
Is there any flow that can allow for indefinite valid authentication? I want to have a stand-alone device running that can access a personal fitbit, but the token would eventually time out and I'd need to get back in and get a new code. Is there any way to make it so the stand-alone device can just keep running?
10-11-2022 06:58
10-11-2022 06:58
Fitbit does not support an authorization flow that creates a single, non-expiring access token. But, there are 2 options that are close
1. Authorization Code Grant Flow - this authorization flow creates a short-lived token and a single use, refresh token. When the access token expires, you use the refresh token to obtain a new access token and refresh token. By maintaining the tokens through this process, the application maintains access to the user's data until the Fitbit user revokes consent. See https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/developer-guide/best-practices/#Using-Tokens-Effectiv...
2. Implicit Grant Flow - this authorization flow is less secure than the Authorization Code Grant Flow because it is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. However, this flow will create an access token that can last for up to 1 year. The application will not receive a refresh token. When the access token expires, the user will need to go through the authorization flow again for the application to obtain an new access token.
12-02-2022 15:47
12-02-2022 15:47
Hello @IoanbsuFitbit Are there any considerations in getting tokens via CURL vs Postman/Insomnia/ Nodejs Axios library?
I'm getting proper tokens from CURL commands, but migrating such request to Axios... it just ends in weird encoded data response.
I just posted a sample here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/SDK-Development/OAuth2-0-Code-Grant-Flow-Getting-weird-encoded-respo...
06-17-2024 16:01
06-17-2024 16:01
Does this below change impact on Oauth2 Auth (fitbit.com/oauth2/) https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/troubleshooting-guide/oauth2-tutorial/
Thank you,
06-18-2024 11:59
06-18-2024 11:59
Hi @knaveen
The deprecation dashboard has no impact to the Web API. The dashboard, found by logging into https://www.fitbit.com, is one of the tools Fitbit users can use to see or edit their data. We will be focusing our resources on the mobile experience.
06-18-2024 12:08 - edited 06-18-2024 12:11
06-18-2024 12:08 - edited 06-18-2024 12:11
Thank you so much.
From my understanding, Fitbit's OAuth2.0 services, including the authorization endpoint at https://www.fitbit.com/oauth2/authorize, continue to operate as usual after dashboard deprecated on fitbit.com.
Is this correct? please confirm.
06-27-2024 16:25
06-27-2024 16:25
This is a nice tool, but I have found that it doesn't include the redirect_uri in the initial authorization URL?
I am trying to debug our authorisation url to test the Fitbit login page but its missing the redirect_uri
09-03-2024 03:53
09-03-2024 03:53
Hi there, I got "403 Forbidden" message after clicking <OAuth 2.0 tutorial page>. The message of Forbidden showed up no matter when I checked an old App generated in 2022 or a new one just registered. Would it be the issue caused by "Redirect URL"? I put it as " " as usual. Thanks any help in advance.
09-17-2024 11:44
09-17-2024 11:44
Hi @YvonneLee
Try changing the redirect URI to https://localhost:0808/ and see if that works.