01-02-2020 07:38
01-02-2020 07:38
My brand new Charge 3 that I received for Christmas is not receiving text notifications or text vibrations. But I do receive other notifications, phone, whatsapp and calendar.
I have tried EVERYTHING they suggested.
-Deleted and reinstalled the app
-Restarted fitbit
-turned notifications off, restarted phone, turned notifications on
etc. etc.
I'm not sure what else to do? it is very frustrating!! I work as a nurse and cannot always check my phone, I like to be able to quickly look at my wrist to see if it is the sitter texting about the kids.
Please help!
I have an iPhone 8 Plus with ios 13.3 installed
01-02-2020 10:37
01-02-2020 10:37
Hello and welcome to the Fitbit Community @khnyc
Have you tried this:
App Settings
Calendar |
Messages |
Phone |
All other apps |
If your still having difficulty please view this thread here and pay special attention to page 1. : https://community.fitbit.com/t5/iOS-App/Stopped-seeing-notifications-after-updating-to-iOS-13/td-p/3...
😃 Let me know how it goes