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Does Fitbit sync with Apples Health app?

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I would love it if it Fitbit synced with the Health app from Apple. Someone please tell me it does and how to do it. I can't figure it out.
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Hello Kate i was expecting a response. Buying the blaze represents the primary customer base. Is the correct way to support that base is to say buy the Ionic? I think not.

Perhaps we should find out how many fitbitters are going to Garmin. 

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Oh my. Another poor choice. It should have been a no brainer to hook it up to the rest of the Apple health infrastructure.


That doesn't mean we'd stop using the fitbit app, it just means that all our data is in one place should we want an overall view of it.


Yup - this thread and the horrible notifications implementation has decided it for me: let's hear it for amazon returns!


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Please please make syncing with Apple health app possible 🙏

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I totally agree with you! 

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Hi Kate,

Please push your administration for apple health syncing.



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@RipcurlNg wrote:

I cannot believe this. I thought for sure I just wasn't finding the feature. What an embarassment. Was thinking of buying one of their products but would this is just a joke. no syncing with health app? are you serious?

Don't blame any of Fitbit's employee. It's just how competition works, Fitbit can Not integrate. Here's why:

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I agree that it's not Fitbit employees' fault for not integrating, it's the fault of Fitbit executives who decided not to integrate not just with Apple health but also with Google fit.  

But the reasons listed are completely flawed, and I think Fitbit executives probably follow these dumb reasoning in making their decision. Fitbit is just a gadget, they are not a platform like iOS and Android, their decision not to integrate doesn't hurt Apple or Google, it only hurts them more. There is no way I'm going to buy Fitbit gadget again, because, hey that means I have to buy every other health device from Fitbit if I want to see my data in one place. And guess what, when other people ask me my opinion on buying health device, one thing for sure I will tell them is to avoid Fitbit for this reason. 

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I already own a fitbit weighing machine and fitbit watch. But because Fitbit does not allow integration with Apple health, I decided not to buy a second weighing machine from them and bought a competitors weighing machine. What Fitbit does not get is, you do not fight competition by taking it on your customers. Most Fitbit customers already own an iphone/iPad and possibly an Apple Watch (I do). So for me, I take it as a personal affront at Fitbit treating me like this. Any positive image I had for Fitbit is gone. I may have dissuaded at least  8 people not to buy a Fitbit. I see Fitbit following the Blackberry strategy of burying their heads in the sand. When people would have  moved to their competitor like Blackberry they will offer integration. But it will be too little, too late. They still have time to keep their current customers happy. I am not sure who is developing their strategy, but as Management Professor I can tell you this is only going to lead to disaster. The customer is always right. Do not take it out on the customer. Fight Apple with better quality and value not make life of your customer harder. Who wins by this strategy?

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@hipanda wrote:

I agree that it's not Fitbit employees' fault for not integrating, it's the fault of Fitbit executives who decided not to integrate not just with Apple health but also with Google fit.  

But the reasons listed are completely flawed, and I think Fitbit executives probably follow these dumb reasoning in making their decision. Fitbit is just a gadget, they are not a platform like iOS and Android, their decision not to integrate doesn't hurt Apple or Google, it only hurts them more. There is no way I'm going to buy Fitbit gadget again, because, hey that means I have to buy every other health device from Fitbit if I want to see my data in one place. And guess what, when other people ask me my opinion on buying health device, one thing for sure I will tell them is to avoid Fitbit for this reason. 

I completely agree with you as a consumer; however, want to point out, that Fitbit doesn't just want to be a "gadget company" - they're a publicly traded company, being a gadget company won't be able to support a good valuation for them. If they can sell their story as a "health data management company", their valuation would be much higher, so will the stock price.

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Being publicly traded doesn't mean they can't play nice with other players. Fitbit's main competitors that they need to worry are not Apple and Google, it's Garmin, Withings, Samsung, and a bunch of Chinese brands entering the health gadget market, and most of these other brands do integrate with Apple and Google platform. So why should I stick with Fitbit when I can have smart scale from Withings, other watch from Garmin, BPM device (which Fitbit doesn't even have I think), and still see all the data in one place (Apple health). I guess looking at Fitbit stock chart, the consumer has spoken that they have the wrong strategy. It just baffles me that the leaders can't see that, and still thinking wishfully that they can be a closed garden platform. 

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I don't know what you mean by health management company. Valuation is by worth of technology. Health data is strictly regulated under HEPA act. So I don't buy that. Fitbit is a technology company and if current customers have no intent to buy again, that is a red signal for the stock. No company has prospered by antagonizing their customer base. I also note you keep talking about employees not being at fault etc. We are talking about Fitbit - it includes employees and management. When a company goes down, everyone goes down the tube. Lastly you keep saying third party apps. You know what, I have 0 desire to give my health data to anyone one other than Fitbit and Apple. So for me, I am not at all happy with Fitbit and seeing their attitude towards their customer, they have already lost out on a sale of a second weighing machine and I have so far dissuaded  8 people from buying a fitbit device. The earlier Fitbit starts respecting their customer base, the better for their long term growth. 

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Valuation is by worth of technology. Health data is strictly regulated under HEPA act. 

Both statements are righteous and I love both; sadly, both are not the reality. 

Stock price is determined by investors' belief in the potential future profit of the company. If Fitbit tries to sell itself as a gadget company, there's no imagination in it - making a gadget is expensive, manufacturing and delivering it in quality and speed is hard, investing in it is risky, profit is slim. If Fitbit can become a data company, there's full of imagination - it can sell a lot more services, and don't have to deal with the dirty manufacturing anymore. Angry customers? Look at how many critics there're about Apple devices - stock price is about whether investors believe in the future, not about angry customers in the current business model.
On health data - Fitbit is dealing with fitness data, not health data. It is recommending a fitness lifestyle to customers, which is not heavily regulated - no company wants regulation, and dealing with fitness can get you around that.
Again, just pointing out the reality. My heart takes side with you.

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Fitbit should take advantage of the Apple Watch. Sell via an in app purchase an app which installs on the Apple Watch.


- Tracks steps only (mobiletrack for Apple watch) £2.99

- Track steps and HR (£9.99)

- track steps, HR and sleep (£19.99)


That way they are getting money from those who went from Fitbit to Apple Watch and this way, it's not going to eat into their hardware business.


I have an Apple watch, great hardware but missing something like the Fitbit ecosystem!


Syncing to Health, why not just sync the basic steps? (rather than all the other data).


But then the data is ours but it can't be shared into the health app. Sounds like Fitbit may be making money from our data!



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This is a garbage answer.  I have a $130 scale Fitbit peddles, and your app, and I have to go buy another $3 app because you won't enable syncing with Health? 


Lemme approach this from a different angle... have you noticed the trending in your stock?  

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It's very difficult to succeed on a closed ecosystem.  Apple did it, Blackberry tried.  Fitbit simply doesn't have the branding foothold to not integrate with major health ecosystem players in my opinion.  I worked on the Apple iPod, I worked on Microsoft's "PlaysForSure" program (including dozens of major brand name portable media players), and I worked on Microsoft's Zune.  I've lived through watching some pretty smart people fail in exactly this manner that Fitbit may be heading.  I just got an Ionic for xmas and I think it's a really great device, then I tried to tie into my other health apps through my iPhone's Health app.  Apparently I need to share my health data with another third party I've never heard of and pay someone else to fix it.  It's really not *that* major of an inconvenience, but it sure is a big warning flag in my mind as to the future of Fitbit.  As an example, I just went and priced Apple Watches to see if I should return my Ionic.  They are about $200 more expensive, so no, I'll keep my Ionic, but take warning Fitbit, your customers shouldn't be shopping for your competition within the first week of ownership, solely due to your integration strategy.  Maybe your hands are tied from a BizDev perspective, but boy that sure is a handicap I'd be looking to solve!

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That's just very long for "Not yet"

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Bla bla bla.


Unless there is a technical reason like Apple not allowing this then you don’t have an excuse.


I just bought the Aria weight, and I still have to enter my weight into the Health App manually everyday like with my analog weight. 


I could go all in on the Fitbit and replace my Apple Watch with the inferior Fitbit tracker and be forever locked in to Fitbit.

Or wear two devices!!!!


Your at not the leader in anything when you make decisions like this that are in direct conflicts with user needs.

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+ 1 for the sync with apple Health

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the heart rate and sleep schedule are very much more related to health than to fitness. I bought the fitbit just for that, i don’t care about steps (btw, the step recognition algorithm is awful, when i’m petting my dog or just moving hands while talking (i’m italian, we talk with hands basically) it thinks that i’m walking). so if the third party app can’t synchronize the fine grained heart rate and sleep behavior this product is garbage for me.

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Hi guys


You have to use 2 apps with your Fitbit tracker - then you can sync with your iPhone:

  • Fitbit app
  • Power Sync

Only downside is, that the free version of Powersync doesn't sync automatically - aside from that it WORKS.


In Denmark the Fitbit Charge 2 is half the price of an iWatch Series 1, so to me choosing wasn't difficult.


I use my Fitbit to track walking, running, fitness and manually set it tracks spinning as a "Interval workout". It tracks my sleep, my pulse and more, and I feel confident, that it does a pretty **ahem** good job at that.



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