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Fitbit not syncing yet again!

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And here we go again! When will it be fixed?

I primarily use my Fitbit as a sleep monitor. Yesterday I had to input my data and it looks like I'm going to have to do it today too. My iPhone, iPad and Mac computer are not syncing with my Fitbit One yet another day. I refuse to have to restart my Fitbit on a daily, or twice daily, basis now with the last wonderful update. What bug fixes did it fix? My Fitbit was working just fine. This morning my iPad is showing the closest data to my Fitbit as far as steps are concerned. My iPhone is still syncing, which it has been doing for the last 30 minutes and still showing '0' steps and my computer hasn't synced since 11:58 last night. I know I'm not the only one with this issue. There is a problem! When is it going to be fixed!


Moderator edit: Edited format and thread title.

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Thank you, SteveH. I've reviewed the Guidelines and have done nothing untoward. I've talked about the problems I've had. As a result, others have voiced the same issues. My post indicates to them that they are not alone and that hopefully something will be resolved. I had thoroughly loved using my Fitbit One for all the years I've had it but this last update did me in. Perhaps it's time to put the Fitbit away, purchase a device for sleep monitoring only and be done with it. It was fun challenging myself to get all my steps in each day. I've always been an active person so I can't really credit Fitbit but actually seeing my progress each day did confirm that I was doing well for my age, 71. I know there are not too many seniors who are as active as me but somebody has to do it!

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Hello @zodybee! Thanks for those updates on the situation.


I do believe that it could be an issue with the Bluetooth signal between the three devices, like @Shassmith29 mentioned. Let's try the following:

1. Turn off your iPad and your computer.

2. Make sure that the Bluetooth on your iPhone is on.

3. Try to sync your Fitbit with your iPhone, make sure that the iPad and the computer remain off during this whole process.


Please let me know how it goes! 


Lanuza | Community Moderator

Remember to vote for posts that helped you out! Tired of the same workout music? Try a Podcast! 🙂

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Thank you for your suggestion. I haven't done this one yet so stay tuned. I'm up to trying anything that I haven't done before.

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Typing on my iPhone...ugh!


i did this and closed the Fitbit app and reopened and it worked. Now what? Is this something g I have to do each day? My computer is never off nor are any of my devices. 

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The same thing is happening to my fitbit one! Yesterday it just decided to stop....very frustrating! 

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Thank you for your support. I know it's not just me. I'm tempted to go over to the Apple Store (not near me at all), make an appointment at the Genius Bar and return again to determine if it's my computer/iPhone/iPad that is having the problem but the other day I learned that PC users were having the same difficulty so I think the hassle of going twice to Apple Store would be futile. I'm determined to get this solved for everyone and sharing the solution for all. Yes, I want to give up too but I believe there are too many of us out there with the same frustration. Thank you again for your support

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@zodybee Out of curiosity, how do you typically sync your tracker? Do you rely on background syncing, force syncing, or syncing when you open the app?


Also, what type of iPhone and iPad are you using?

Additionally, what iOS versions is your iPhone and iPad running (ie iOS 8, iOS 10.2, etc)?


Lastly, do you manage multiple Bluetooth connections on your mobile devices (things like a Bluetooth speaker, head set, car multimedia system, etc)?


There seems to be a lot of moving parts in this conversation and this information would be a big help.



Derrick | Retired Moderator, Fitbit

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Have you tried restarting your Fitbit One?  I've had the same problem in the past and today. Restarting worked. See restarting steps here: 

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Thank you for asking many questions of which I will gladly oblige:

  • Each morning, when I get up, i go to my kitchen table where both my iPad and iPhone are charging. They've been in the same position, or at least an iPad and iPhone (had previous models too) have alway been.  My fitbit one is always in my pocket when I open the Fitbit app on either device and it usually syncs first try. I've never chosen one over the other. When I open the app, it automatically synced.
  • I have an iPhone 5se and an iPad Air2
  • the versions of iOS on both my iPhone and iPad are iOS 10.2.1
  • No, I don't have multiple Bluetooth connections. I only use it for Fitbit

I hope this helps. Thank you again for your concern. I would LOVE to get to the bottom of this and go on with my normal routines

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Oh yes!! So many times over the first 11 days that I can't even count them. And so many times that it drained the battery. My last restart was two days ago.

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Mine is having issues. So I deleted it off my Bluetooth. Trying to re add it and it's not working. And won't connect to anything. I am so mad. I actually use mine 

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I hear ya!

Yesterday the following was suggested to me and it worked, that is until the last sync at 11:45pm but I was in bed so who knew. This morning I was back to square one so I tried turning Bluetooth off and back on on my iPhone, quitting the Fitbit app and opening it again and after several minutes it started syncing again. I know this is a cumbersome fix but at least it gets my Fitbit One to sync again. BTW, I have a laptop and iPad too.

Try this which I received as a solution yesterday, again, it's a temporary fix but it's a fix for now:

I do believe that it could be an issue with the Bluetooth signal between the three devices.

Let's try the following:

1. Turn off your iPad and your computer.

2. Make sure that the Bluetooth on your iPhone is on.

3. Try to sync your Fitbit with your iPhone, make sure that the iPad and the computer remain off during this whole process.


Not the greatest permanent fix but it works the best of all the ones I've tried without taxing my Fitbit One or other devices. Try it. What have you got to lose?

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Not sync since 4/1/2020

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