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How to turn off sleep score

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Is there a way to turn off sleep score? Sleep score is absolutely useless. As a shift worker and poor sleeper I’d like to know how many hours I slept per day and on an average week so I can catch up sleep. A sleep score is absolutely useless and judgemental. My wife sleeps like a log and I’m wrestles and sleep walk yet our scores are identical.


I don’t want some random meaningless number to judge how I slept. Being judged for poor sleep actually causes more anxiety and issues for my already bad sleep.

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Hello everyone. As mentioned before you can provide you feedback in our Feature suggestions board. Another member shared this idea so you are welcomed to vote on it:


I'll be around.

Alvaro | Community Moderator

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The issue is we PAID for their tracker and the implied contract at purchase is being violated. Pan the app with a 1 star and file a complaint everywhere possible! I can't afford to ditch mine and buy another tracker. Fitbit truly doesn't care after they have your money.

Best Answer

We've repeatedly contacted Fitbit to no avail. You are losing customers. Your base is leaving in droves and speaking out against your attempt to push users (who have already paid for their trackers and have an implied contract) into purchasing an upgrade membership many can not afford. Word of mouth is still the best advertising tool, you've lost all trust and credibility with your customers.

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I hate the score, please give us our hours slept back!! This isn’t a good option and doesn’t mean anything. This is the first time I’ve considered getting an Apple Watch. 

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I wish I could afford an Apple Watch. Fitbit is ignoring our request to make sleep score on/off. Rude and disrespectful to their customers.

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I've been away for a while and had hoped this topic would be resolved by now. For the record, I still HATE the sleep score. I don't want to swipe - I don't want to see it AT ALL.


I am especially irritated that many of the other board entries on this topic have been marked "Answered" when clearly they are not. I am equally disturbed that the titles to those entries have been changed to no longer accurately reflect the dislike for this feature.


I recently deliberately steered clear of another FitBit product when shopping to replace my old Aria scale because of the lack of response here from FitBit, and purchased a Withings scale - which I love.  My Inspire tracker is fairly new, but it will be the next to be replaced - by year's end if this is not addressed.  And, if the rumor of a premium/paid version of sleep tracking (without the score) proves true, you can count me a permanent former FitBit user.

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Fitbit isn’t getting another penny from me
And I’ve been a customer since their very FIRST tracker....

Sent from my iPhone
Please pardon brevity or any spelling errors/abbreviations.
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But I do have a real answer, sort of,


Don't access your data on your iOS device but access it on the web. As of today the both the web dashboard and the windows gadget app dashboard both do not have the sleep score. Guilt free data access.



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You've probably noticed the political methodology Fitbit are using to negate the hatred of sleep score such as, getting people to believe that they have a voice and attempting to give the impression that they're part of a small minority so they can't expect Fitbit to simply give users an option. Their pigheadedness is astonishing. All users want is an option not to see it and they've decided that you WILL see it whether you like it or not probably because they think it will invoke curiousness to pay to see if the sleep score has any validity, which it can't.because of the complexity of monitoring sleep. From a psychological standpoint, being told that you've done something poorly is more likely to motivate curiosity to see what you've done wrong #disgusting
In a rather badly worded tweet, Fitbit have already admitted they have no intention of giving users an option, quote 'Thanks for that screenshot and for those information. We'll surely take this as feedback on our end to be able to improve our products and the Fitbit app since we can no longer remove that feature. We'll take note of this. We're just a DM away in case you got questions' end quote. They appear to be happy to shed existing customers to gain new customers who may naively subscribe to the premium service. It looks like they're counting on people to then subscribe and forget to unsubscribe to the premium service which is a typical strategy of many companies these days. 

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Usually a new Fitbit feature is a win, bit sleep score is AWFUL. It is a poor indicator of my sleep and adds stress to my life. Please at least allow is to turn it off. Getting "graded" for your sleep is a lackluster feature.

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Things like converting to "sleep score" is what happens when the analyst isn't in contact with the customer. I don't know anyone that likes the sleep score, but that's what was rolled out with a vote that we hope you will fix this.  Bad programming, bad support for this one.


Moderator edit: format

Best Answer

Sadly, it looks like they are not going to fix this feature. I can imagine a number of reasons for the company acting this way but I am not a Fitbit decision maker so I will be out of the loop as far as the real reason for this honest to goodness debacle.


However, there are options like Garmin or the tracker rings. And being on my 5th Fitbit, my charge 3 will eventually break and I will move on. A tech company ignoring common sense says to me there is trouble some where in the company.

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I am thinking about doing my own fix. I'll keep you posted. I am not
committing to anything but I am looking for suggestions on what
information everyone would like to see in a better sleep tracking display.

My idea is a separate Android App that will grab you sleep information from
the website and display statistics of your sleep on your phone.

For me, it would be trends for all the elements of sleep and perhaps a
detailed graph of each night. A future version might allow for comments to
be attached to each day or week to provide context for results (evening
drinks, away from home, work stress, etc)

Moderator edit: personal info removed

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If you could get that app to scrape from other companies info for
challenges that would be great. I could finally challenge my Samsung watch
friends and Apple watch. Good luck. You'll have a sale from me!
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It looks like Fitbit are moving towards a subscription model. A subscription model equal higher profits which is what most companies are looking for.  They're not interested the customers, they're interested the net profit they can squeeze from them. Eventually you probably won't buy a Fitbit, you'll pay a monthly fee for the privilege of having, not owning one. An intelligent company would have at least given an option to grandfather the existing customers to the existing tech. I'm not sure what their motivation is, but it looks like they think they can drag loyal customers kicking and screaming into the new business paradigm. As for me, I was looking at purchasing a new Fitbit, fortunately they showed their true colours before I did. My Fitbit will sit in my draw until the 1st of April. If sleepscore isn't an option by then, I will make a video explaining a new and best use for a Fitbit since sleep score plus subscription was added. I haven't decided the method yet, but I suspect it will be a hammer smashing it to pieces. I'll be posting it to YouTube.

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I hate this feature. I’m already stressed enough without projecting onto myself bad health vibes due to poor sleep score!  I’m getting more sleep and rem than before but my score doesn’t reflect that. Let us turn it off!!!!

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I agree, it is utterly useless and because of this creates more anxiety for people already struggling with sleep issues. Especially since they took away our average hours of sleep that were previously useful and easy to see at a glance.  I’ve had Fitbit for years and this is the first time I’ve been so angry and disgusted at their lack of response to a complaint clearly so many customers are voicing.  This will be the last Fitbit I ever purchase and I’ve used them for over 10 years. Change the sleep portion back to average hours or lose previously loyal customers.

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Please add this update. I am at the point where I do not want to wear this watch. The sleep score is absolutely ridiculous. I wake up feeling great and then my sleep score tells me otherwise. It has to go or the watch does. Please fix this ASAP

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Another vote to turn this off please. 

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And please don't mark as answered. All I see is how to request a change to a feature. That was not the question. 

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