10-09-2019 20:03
10-09-2019 20:03
After traveling overseas with IPhone on airplane mode, my Alta Fitbit no longer receives notifications. How can I fix this issue? Notifications are turned on in the App and on the phone
10-10-2019 06:24
10-10-2019 06:24
Hello @Tch9605
Welcome to the Fitbit Community. I understand your having notification issues. Currently this is a known issue since the iOS 13 update. Fitbit is aware of the issue and hopefully there will be a fix coming out soon. In the meantime I suggest keeping an eye out on this thread: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/iOS-App/Stopped-seeing-notifications-after-updating-to-iOS-13/m-p/38...
Here individuals are discussing tips, workarounds and other suggestions that might help a bit until the fix does come out.
😃 I do hope I was able to provide you with the best answer I could and point you in the right direction.