Convertible Clip/Wrist-Based Tracker

I would love to have a device that would be able to switch between a clip and a wristband.


I want the convience of the wristband, but let's be honest, it doesn't really jive with a blacktie outfit.

When I'm dressed up, I'd love to be able to wear a clip instead, but I don't want to have to buy 2 devices and try to figure out how to sync them both (if you even can). 


I also would love to see some more femine wristbands, a little dresser. I have to wear business attire at work, and the current wristband selections just don't go with most of my outfits. 


Just some ideas 🙂 


Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity. / Labels

Stepping Up

I would love this as well.. I really like the idea of the flex but the option to either wear it in the braclet or on a clip would be perfect... I wear my Ultra 24/7 but am looking to upgrade soon.

First Steps

I like the idea of being able to wear it more discreetly in the office.  Or maybe the band could be made more stylish

First Steps

I like all of the above ideas for a convertible ONE - plus, the velcro sticks to different materials and often falls off because it catches on something!

@pat1946 wrote:

I have had a fitbit since the original  I currently have a fitbit One.  I was thinking that it would be nice to have a fitbit that can go from a bracelet to a clothes clip.  I like the idea of wearing it on my wrist all the time, but sometimes when dressed for special occasions would like to hide it on my bra.



When wearing dress pants with no pockets, it is comfortable to clip my One onto my pants waist. I look at the One frequently to check to the time, my steps, etc. & having this on my bra is just tacky to constantly fiddle with. I need a way to wear the one when I don't have pockets. I have seen bracelets people use to attach the One to but they are quite unattractive. The Misfit is gorgeous & I have considered getting it because it can go on a clip, necklace, or bracelet. 


It's my understanding that it measures activity by the motion of your arm or leg.  

Not applicable

i would like other options as well,  sometimes you would like your fitbit to be less obvious!.  besides, the band does not stay on.


I don't think that the One clip arrangement works as well for women as it does for men. I've lost my Fitbit twice, once in a Costco parking lot and once at Fort Mason Park. Both times, I got it back, but a I'm wondering how well the clip arrangement works for women. Clipping it on a belt or pocket for men is fine because men don't have to remove their pants when using the bathroom.  This can result in the clip unhooking. It can also unhook when loading thing into the trunk of a car. Putting it in a bra can result in irritation if it is clipped to the inside of the bra and on the outside, it shows through clothing. I have suggested  that a bracelet arrangment be made with a "pocket" in it for the One, at least until they get a new version of the Force. 


Can the gizmo in my FitBit Flex bracelet be put in a streamlined clip-on instead?  I'm into accessorizing.  Even with all of the pretty colors the bracelets come in - they just aren't in keeping with most of my ensembles ... especially for work, church and more formal events.

Belt clip for flex please! Would like to have that option!

Have you tried to just slip the sensor in your pocket?


I totally agree! I would love to be able to switch between a clip and a wrist band. The current wristband trackers just do not go with many of my outfits either. And most women's dresses don't have pockets. 

First Steps

I agree completely!   I was going to make the suggestion, too, but you've got it covered.  I think that it's probably in the works (they say they can't comment on "future products").



Agreed. I'd like to switch more because the band irritates my arm sometimes, especially when I sleep. I'm pretty proud to show off my lime green band under my suit. Lol. But, not happy that my clothes apparently discolor my band; so I would be better off not doing that...


I would love to see an interchangeable holder also.

First Steps

I agree but the fancy new Tory Burch stuff is so expensive!  It is beautiful but not at all affordable for the average person.  Can you come up with equally cool but more affordable options?  


Sounds like a business opportunity for someone rather than a feature request.  You could certainly make such options for the "one" that already comes with clip and band , albeit the band supplied is only for sleep logging but nothing stopping someone making a fashionable one and one you can wear during the day.

First Steps

I agree with all of these comments -- I would love to be able to switch between wrist and pocket or attaching to clothes.  But the Tory Burch stuff is a bit expensive.  sometimes I would like to be able to wear my One as a braclet from time to time depending on the work I'm doing.  


It would be great to have the option to have a belt clip for the fitbit flex.  Instead of always wearing the wristband.  Thanks.


The flex is designed to be worn on the wrist.

Put it on your waist and it will not count steps correctly.

Base Runner

i've actually had pretty good success wearing my Flex in my bra or in running shorts pocket.  My flex isn't as totally accurate (on wrist or otherwise) as old fashioned pedometer, anyway.  Very close, though --- perhaps 100 (or under) steps.  I, too, would like to see some sort of clip case for Flex for those times the wristband just won't do

Not applicable

Or as another option have a half band, where the fitbit can be attached to a watch band.

Recovery Runner



I just wanted to say first that I LOVE my One! I also love the idea for the new accessories coming out for the Flex! What a great way to make fitness fashionable! I have thought I would love to switch to the Flex from my One for these accessories alone. 


I have seen the new Misfit Shine, which has the ability to wear on the wrist, in a necklace, on a clip, or even in socks (the socks seem a bit too for me, honestly, as you could just clip it to your own socks or shoes). This is what I would like to suggest to you.


I love that you are starting to dive into accessories, but I personally want to be able to switch my tracker from wrist to clip. This is the only reason I have not yet switched to the Flex, as I would loose my clip. It is always possible to just add more than one device to the dashboard, but for new people to fitbit looking between the Shine and Fitbit, it would be frivolous to start Fitbit with buying two trackers when you can just get one from Shine. 


Finally, the Shine is waterproof up to 50 meters! This is great, especially since I love to swim!


I know you guys are probably already looking into these things, as you would have to keep an eye on your competition. I love you guys, so I'll just wait until your next tracker comes out, but I hope it's soon! There are just soo many things I love about the Fitbit (the ability to track stairs, the dashboard, and the cooperation with tons of other apps, etc.), I just want the best of both worlds.


However, even if you only made one of these two changes (multiple ways to wear the tracker or being waterproof) I will stick with you guys in the long run, as I feel you guys are making great strides in daily fitness! I just hope I get to see something new soon! 🙂

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Progression Runner

Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing! 

First Steps
I'd like to see somewhat of a combination of features among the various trackers offered. I also have a suggestion for a brand new feature.<br>1. Battery that does not have to be recharged, like on the Zip.<br>2. Ability to wear on wrist like with Flex and also ability to wear clipped on like with Zip or One. Sometimes I like to wear my tracker on my wrist, but I would also like the ability to clip it on and have it not visible (like clipped to my regular (re: not sports) bra, but not visible under clothes).<br>3. Some sort of trigger or alert after long period of inactivity, and when not in sleep mode. For people that work desk jobs, this would remind them to get up and move throughout the day.<br><br>Thanks for your consideration!

Request: Make the Fitbit Surge detachable from the wrist/strap band and be able to put it in a clip, so you can wear it how you want to wear it. Building on a couple of previous features mentioned, make accessories such a different color bands and different types (Watch or Strap band).


Ex. Withings Pulse O2. If it had website features like fitbit's and compatible with Windows phones, I think I would swith teams. As soon as they come up with one, I'd be forced to reconsider my loyalty to Fitbit.




I like what I'm readying about the upcoming Fitbit Surge and how it wants to be a 24/7 device. I like the potential of this device to be the one tracking device to "rule them all". However, by making it a "sport/smart" watch exclusively, it alienates some of it's potential user base.


For example, I wear a "dress" watch everyday. Let's pretend it's a Rolex. Would I really stop wearing my Rolex to start wearing a "smartwatch", Fitbit or otherwise. No. There is a reason you wear a Rolex in the first place or whatever dress watch brand you like or can afford. That's why my Fitbit One is so great. It's clipped to my belt, inconspicuously everyday.


When it's time for running/sports/sleep, etc, where I wouldn't use my dress watch, I could attatch it to the wrist band, and use it with the GPS/HR etc.



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