Maintain Fitbit web dashboard going forward

As an older user, my eyesight and hand eye coordination are poor. So, I prefer the website dashboard on my PC. That dashboard keeps directing us to the mobile app. Please assure you will continue maintaining both as I cannot rely solely on the mobile app. Please consider all of your customers when providing tools. Many thanks!
Recovery Runner
Why is Fitbit making the use of the Browser dashboard more and more difficult. Bugs in it not being fixed and now all the messages to use the (inadequate) mobile App instead.
The browser shows all your info in a simple single view and is much clearer than the App. The display of info on the App has become untenable after the recent updates.

I completely agree.  One of the many problems with the forced migration to the app is that there is no way to see the detail on a phone screen that is 8-10 times smaller than on a computer screen.  

Another problem is that I have never been able to find the charts and data I want on the app.  How do I download data from the app?

When I add my food to the browser dashboard, it is easy to find what I commonly eat.  On the app, I have to search and search through the lists and often give up and wait until I am home and can add them.

The issues are. endless.

I have been a Fitbit user for 9 years.  I am now looking for a different device that will specifically allow me to access data via browser.


First Steps

Please Keep the Website!
I'm 70 years old with a pair of 70 year old eyes. I can barely find my phone, much less read apps on it!  I'm sure that most of your customer's demographics and your product team are millennials and Gen Z's, without such concerns.  But please remember, with every sunset you're getting older too.

Love the product... and use it daily!

First Steps

I just came to get a better, larger view, of my recent bike ride and ... clicking on the link in the exercise-list led to an EMPTY PAGE.  Keep the web view, it can't be that hard.  I want to review info in a browser, not just on a phone app.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @KBenjamin, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about maintaining the Fitbit web dashboard going forward with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Recovery Runner

From feedback I have via other forums, folks are already voting with their feet and leaving Fitbit and moving to other manufacturers who are more in-tune with their customers preferences.


I agree!  Please keep the web dashboard/logs!!  I meal plan my whole week in the web fitbit food log so I know exactly what I will be eating for the day/week.  You can not view food logs for future days in the app.  I also create meals and favorite foods which you cannot do in the app either.  

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