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Charge 2 GPS distance inaccuracy after 2.66 - RESOLVED w/ 2.67.1

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Fitbit Update: 3/12/18


Hey, there!


I wanted to check-in with everyone as it seems that GPS distance and accuracy has improved with version 2.67. Thanks for letting me know that its better!


Today, we released the Fitbit for Android app version 2.67.1. Please update the app and let me know how it goes with this version. As always, we recommend updating whenever there is a new app version released as this ensures your tracker works as expected.  


If this continues even on the latest version, I'll need to gather some more specific data from some of you to pass this along to our engineers. Thanks for all your help and cooperation! 

Fitbit Update: 2/21/18


Thanks for all the responses! Smiley Happy


As mentioned, this issue with Connected GPS has been escalated to the appropriate team for investigation. I would really appreciate everyone's patience in the meantime. When a fix is in the works, I'll make sure to update you all here. Stay tuned for any updates! 

Fitbit Update: 2/16/18


Thanks for all the great information, everyone! I have merged in some additional threads to get one unified conversation. 


I really appreciate you all taking the time to share the details of your current experience with Android app: 2.66. I understand how important accuracy is to all of you. This has been escalated to our team for review! I will provide updates here in this thread when more information becomes available. Thanks for your help. 

 Hi, everyone!


Thanks for reporting and bringing this to my attention. Sorry to hear that you are all getting inaccurate distance measurements after recording GPS Runs with your Charge 2. 


Please help me narrow down and confirm the following:


-Did this issue begin with the last Fitbit for Android app version: 2.66?

-Is this distance discrepancy also happening with Mobilerun or only when using Connected GPS

-Which error message are you seeing on the tracker, if any? 


If you haven't already, please try a restart and take a look through this help article for more troubleshooting suggestions. Let me know if this changes anything or the same issue persist! 

Want to get more steps? Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Discussion Forum.

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This issue was reported 10 days ago, and Fitbit said engineers were looking into this issue back then.  It's amazing they don't do a thing for an obvious bug for this long when so many people are reporting the problem.  If you look at the post, one user reported Fitbit even said the user's phone (LG G6?) was not supported, when it had been working fine for many months, and this problem just appeared with latest update.  See the post here:  link



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I've been experiencing the same problem. Been running the same course for a couple weeks now, always around 3.4 miles. Two days ago it tracked as 2.8 miles and today 1.7. Couldn't find any fixes and also restarted. 

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Roberto, I went for another walk today (2/19), and the dropouts have returned. I have noticed since this new version, it takes several times of restarting the "Walk" before the watch recognizes the GPS on the phone. This is a new behavior. In the past, it would only take one time. Now, it takes anywhere from 2 to 6 times before I get the "okay" that the watch has connected to the phone's GPS. There are either two issues going on here. Either there was a major bug introduced in version 2.66 or something in Google's February Security update is interfering with the connection (i.e. perahaps, a permission issue?). Anyway, I hope you all find the problem soon. Wade
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Same thing with my stats.  Going Fri 15-16 min pace to 21.  I could see one bad day, but it keeps being really inconsistent.  

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I am having the same exact issue, my GPS looks correct on the map, I also run with a Garmin Forerunner 220, and the distance is wildly off on the Fitbit Charge 2. My phone is Samsung S7. I recently got the Fitbit so I don't know if it ever worked properly with the GPS as I've been doing mostly treadmill runs this winter.


I will try another run tomorrow evening after I restart the Fitbit and turn off wireless on my phone. Hoping this works, but it seems like many others are also having this issue.

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I'm having the same problem. Since about week ago (maybe a week and a half), all my GPS readings are off. I have trouble connecting the tracker to the app, it usually takes about four tries now to get it working. Sometimes the message "Check Fitbit app" appears, but there is nothing to check, the app is running just fine. Restarting the app does not help. Also, there seem to be syncing problems lately, and a lot of 'could not sync'-type messages when checking the app.

When looking at the maps after my excercise, the lines are all jagged and sguiggly, like I have been running back and forth in the same place. Which I have not. The same occurs whether I run, walk or bike. Sometimes the lines seem to go right across areas that are inaccessible. Straight through builidings or right across water. Sometimes the tracking just seems to end suddenly, creating a straight line from the halfway point of my excercise right back to the end. Or strange straight lines in between two points. Compared to runkeeper, the tracking is really off. When running/walking 3 km, fitbit tells me I have only done 1.5 or 2 km's. Really demotivating.

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S7, my tracker is a Fitbit charge I bought last april. It has worked fine, until a week/week and a half ago. The GPS works fine, Runkeeper still records the way it always did. I have done all the resetting, but it doesn't help. 

Since this all seems to be related to the latest update in the Fitbit, isn't there a way to roll back to the last version? Everything worked fine then. (Except for the app being half in badly translated Dutch and half in English, but that's another subject.)

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Hello there Android fellows, thank you all for your constant patience and for sharing all your details and experiences with this issue.


As @AlessFitbit mentioned before here, this issue has been escalated to our teams for further review, as soon more updates arise we will make sure to keep you all informed!


In the meantime keep in mind the basic troubleshooting steps for GPS in order to cover all possible solutions in case you have missed this information before: Why isn't GPS working on my Fitbit device?.


Stay awesome and feel free to report any change of behavior in the Fitbit app.

Roberto | Community Moderator

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” What's Cooking?

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I have encountered another problem today when running 4.5km. See screen shot.  I tracked the run directly from my phone fit bit app as I have no confidence in my fit bit recording correctly.  The run has been split into two sessions one minute apart.  I am really confused. I can't even get the map to show on the app or previous runs with the bar chart. Just get the spinning circle. Screenshot_20180220-135335.png


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The GPS has stopped tracking my exercise. It was working before. Have I somehow reset it incorrectly?


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Please help me narrow down and confirm the following:


-Did this issue begin with the last Fitbit for Android app version: 2.66? - Not sure if this is Version specific but I AM on 2.66

-Is this distance discrepancy also happening with Mobilerun or only when using Connected GPS? - I touched Exercise -> the +stopwatch icon upper right -> Tracking -> the red circle record -> Ran a 2.01 miles track, it recorded about 1.14 miles. 

-Which error message are you seeing on the tracker, if any? - No errors - just incorrect recording distances. 



I thought I would also add device information. 

Samsung S7, 

Android Ver 7.0 


Another edit - 

I have the Fitbit Blaze NOT the Charge 2. didn't pay attention to the fitbit product. 

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- yes the last update firmware

- only connected gps

- before it started a track . The tracker show message : check your fitbit app and then it said ok press the button.

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Hi, I'm also experiencing this issue while tracking my biking. The GPS was locked and no error was displayed. Apart from the distance being less than the actual one, the speed seems to be quite strange. The graph is full of ups and downs, while in the previous version it was more consistent.


Device: Galaxy A5

Android: 7.0

Fitbit Device: Charge 2

Fitbit App: 2.66




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I have just completed a tracked 5k run ( previously tracked accurately▪) but this time it tracked as 3.43k. On monday 19th I did a 15k run but it was tracked as 11k.

On the 10th February I did a 9k run which was accurate.

The distance inaccuracies are therfore also affecting pace and having a significant impact on the VO2 max assessments.

I am now alos having sync problems after the tracked run which have not been encountered before. It is taking numerous attempts to sync the tracked run immediately after the run which has never been an issue.


I am on app version2.66



An update on this issue would be welcomed by all.







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Hi there,


Been using Fitbit Charge 2 for run tracking for just over a year now. I have been extremely pleased withe the result, I have really enjoyed being able to look down at my wrist and receive live data on my pace. I normally plan my run routes before I set off and so have a good idea of the distance I will be running. 


Unfortunately this has stopped functioning on my fitbit charge 2, my last 2 runs have resulted in grossly under estimates of the run distance, which also affects the pace display on the charge 2. One run I do on a regular basis is roughly 5km, fitbit recorded at 2.7km but when you look at the map it has tracked me round the entire run.


I'd say this has happened since the last update to the app but I have no proof of causation only a correlation. Fitbit support reply to the matter was to update my stride length and make sure my phone can access GPS whilst locked. (No help whatsoever). I checked that it wasn't my phone playing up by running strava and fitbit simultaneously on my last run, Strava recorded 15.5km and fitbit 9.7km. Mapmyrun came out as 15.5km exactly the same as what Strava recorded.


Has anyone else had any similar issues? If so were you able to resolve them? I should probably mention that my partner also has a Charge 2 but has a different phone and is experiencing similar issues. 

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I'm having the exact same problem! 


Have you managed to resolve it yet? 

I ran tonight and it told me I had run 2 miles shorter than I'd actually ran! (Friend had a different app) 

It's happened since the update I'm sure of it.. 

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I have exactly the same problem....3 12Km runs recorded as 7.2Km...VO2 went down to 44 from 51

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Most excellent post and data presentation.

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I bought Charge 2 in September 17 after a major operation to monitor heart rate and VO2. I have been extremely happy with the progress and its accuracy. However, the last 10 days I observed issues with the GPS. I noticed this by the decrease of my VO2 value. From 51 to 44. In the beginning, I thought that it was a problem in the settings; therefore, I tried to change all the settings during or before runs. However, nothing has worked out. I noticed that other users faced similar issues. I use this app in a Samsung S7 and the runs are recorded with Samsung Health as well.

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Please help me narrow down and confirm the following:


-Did this issue begin with the last Fitbit for Android app version: 2.66? - Yes.

-Is this distance discrepancy also happening with Mobilerun or only when using Connected GPS? - I have not used Mobile run.  Only connected GPS. 

-Which error message are you seeing on the tracker, if any? - "Check Fitbit App" for the first few seconds then "Press Button".



I thought I would also add device information. 

LG X Charge, 

Android Ver 7.0 

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This sounds like the known problem started with the last Android update described in this thread.

Before posting, re-read to see if it would make sense to someone else not looking at your Fitbit or phone.

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