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I'm having an issue with the HR panel in the app. For weeks now it has not been showing my "live" HR. Only shows my resting HR. The Fitbit itself is showing a heart rate so I know it's recording it and if I tap on the panel in the app it shows my HR throughout the day so it appears to be syncing. It's just not showing "live" which is annoying. Worked in the past. The step counter updates 'live' as I walk so it seems like communication is happening. As far as troubleshooting goes, I've done the following:
Turn off/on Bluetooth on phone
Force stop and restart the app
Remove the HR panel from the app and add back in
Restart phone
Reset Fitbit using the button on the charging cable
Updated to current version of app (3.7)
Any help would be appreciated.
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity
10-09-2019 15:46
10-09-2019 15:46
Hi @emmjayvee, it's nice to see you again participating here in the Community Forums!
I appreciate all the details that were shared in your post, thanks for troubleshooting this situation prior to posting too. To better assist you with this situation, can you please let me know which Android mobile device are you using? When was the first time you experienced this and how many times since then?
You can see live heart rate data if you use the Fitbit app for iOS or the Fitbit app for Android with any Fitbit tracker that includes heart rate tracking. The Fitbit app for Windows 10 shows live heart rate data for all trackers that include heart rate tracking except Charge HR. That said, can you please let me know which Fitbit device are you using?
Please make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device. Keep in mind that you'll only see heart rate data if you have call, text, or calendar notifications enabled too.
Let me know if you have any additional questions, I'll be around.
10-10-2019 06:19
10-10-2019 06:19
Hi Ricardo, thanks for your response. My phone is a Moto Z Play. I noticed the issue at least 2 or 3 weeks ago (perhaps longer) and it has persisted since then. I have Bluetooth enabled and while I'm exercising the step counter continues to update so I'm assuming there is communication between the Fitbit and the phone. It's just not showing any HR info other than Resting HR. I don't believe I have any notifications disabled. I get notifications from other apps. If there's something specific that I should check in that regard, let me know and I'll look. Lastly, my Fitbit device is the Alta HR.
Thanks for any help.
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A couple of days ago there was an update on the charge 3 and now my Android App no longer shows a live heart rate.
Is there a way to get it to do that again?
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity
10-11-2019 14:26 - edited 01-28-2020 09:40
10-11-2019 14:26 - edited 01-28-2020 09:40
Hi @JGR1954. It's nice to see a new face around.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention and let's work on this together. Before anything else, may I know if the issue is with the heart rate tile not appearing on the dashboard? Or is this tile not updating after syncing your Fitbit device? May I know what it's displayed on the Fitbit app instead of your live heart rate?
In the meantime, please verify the following steps:
I'll be around, keep me posted.
10-11-2019 18:36 - edited 10-11-2019 18:39
10-11-2019 18:36 - edited 10-11-2019 18:39
@LizzyFitbit. this was reported a a few Android App versions ago. I'm going to be watching since the CC hasn't been able to get this feature working for at least a month.
10-12-2019 06:54
10-12-2019 06:54
Since the new update there is no gear icon in the top right corner. Instead there is an envelope icon.
And now not only is the live heart rate not working on the app but now it says no device found.
This is twice since the new update that the Charge 3 has disconnected from the app.
10-12-2019 12:51 - edited 10-12-2019 12:56
10-12-2019 12:51 - edited 10-12-2019 12:56
@JGR1954 the dashboard they are talking about is the on-line one, not the app dashboard. Major cause of confusion to newer users.
If you read @LizzyFitbit s post again you will see it highlighted in blue. If you click there you should then be able to log in.
10-12-2019 14:06
10-12-2019 14:06
Oh that's just great! I have spent over two hours on the phone with two different customer reps and neither one bothered to mention that. SMH!
10-12-2019 16:23
10-12-2019 16:23
@JGR1954 yeah, got me at first. I think they expect us to acquire knowledge of the app by some arcane osmosis. The heart rate problem seems to be mentioned by a couple of people, also the devise not found thing.
I'm not able to help with those as I am on Android 5 and app version 3.4.1 is the latest I can get. So keep an eye on other threads too. Good luck.
10-12-2019 21:04 - edited 10-12-2019 21:06
10-12-2019 21:04 - edited 10-12-2019 21:06
@Lilbiddy live heart rate will not show up in the web browser, since the web gets its data from the fitbit server, not the tracker.
The app should be able to get data straight from the tracker, but even the app will be limited to what it will be able to display unless it is online.
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Not the web browser, the phone app, which by the way it does. I just had to
uninstall the app, restart my phone, and re install the app.
Now it shows the live heart rate on the app again.
Moderator edit: removed personal information
10-13-2019 03:59 - edited 10-13-2019 04:03
10-13-2019 03:59 - edited 10-13-2019 04:03
@Rich_Laue if you read my post properly you will realise I was trying to help @JGR1954 find the toggle on the on-line dashboard that @LizzyFitbit was referring to. The control there affects what is seen in the app.
It is sometimes not obvious to newer users which dashboard you are referring to hence @JGR1954 saying that they couldn't see the 'cog' as opposed to the 'envelope' in the top right screen position.
Just trying to ease some possible frustrations.
@JGR1954 glad to see you got it sorted.
10-13-2019 21:33
10-13-2019 21:33
You're welcome @emmjayvee, thanks for your reply too. My apologies for the delay in responding your post.
Seems odd that you're experiencing such difficulties with your Motorola Moto Z Play because it's a compatible mobile device with our products and services. If you haven't already done so, please follow the below steps. I know some of them were already tried but the actual order is important:
Looking forward to your reply.
10-14-2019 07:10
10-14-2019 19:12 - edited 10-14-2019 19:14
10-14-2019 19:12 - edited 10-14-2019 19:14
@Lilbiddy that live days switch was found in the phone app, unfortunately it has been at least a year ago on android. The app did continue to display live data:
It has been a few months since Android lost love update.
10-14-2019 20:47
10-14-2019 20:47
@Rich_Laue, again, I was only trying to explain @LizzyFitbit 's post.
I have never seen that toggle on my android phone app.
I offered no advice on the current app as I can't get it but I do see the animated beating heart in 3.4.1.
10-15-2019 05:33
10-15-2019 05:33
I reported this problem to FitbitSupport on Twitter on 24 Aug already. I have been very patient about it but slowly getting irritated buy the fact that I am not even getting a timeline as to when this will be fixed. It is really annoying as I cannot rollback the software update to at the state when it used to work. 😞
10-15-2019 07:27
10-15-2019 07:27
Did you try what I did?
I uninstalled the app, turned off my phone and restarted it, then installed the app again and it all works fine now.
10-15-2019 08:22
10-15-2019 08:22
Yes and it did not work for me