07-13-2019 17:59 - edited 07-13-2019 17:59
07-13-2019 17:59 - edited 07-13-2019 17:59
I'm extremely disappointed how Fitbit have decided to lock away user's own sleep data behind a Paywall subscription.
Subscription for:
* Audio & Video Workouts
* Guided Programs
I totally understand because they're added features to enhance/supplement the tracker but
* Premium Insights
So I can see my sleeping heart rate, my own data from the tracker, is pretty rude.
I bought the tracker specifically for sleep data and there was nothing in the website to indicate that it is or will be accessible behind a paid subscription fee @ $14.99/month AUD... to access my sleeping heart rate
09-01-2019 08:46
09-01-2019 08:46
They have really shot themselves in the foot in my opinion. The Polar Ignite is a much more expensive device (higher build quality) and has a recharge measurement for sleep. It costs more than Fitbit, but not much more than the subscription will cost you over a year. I will be switching as soon as my versa dies.
09-02-2019 00:11
09-02-2019 00:11
I agree. I bought my Fitbit Charge 3 mainly to track my sleep, I heard they were working on improving the sleep tracking, then it comes out and they want to change a fee well over half the cost of the device to get access to full sleep tracking data.
The sleep score by itself if pretty much useless. It's an arbitrary number calculated using an unknown formula, and seems to bare little relation to how I feel in the morning.
I'll will wait until the next Apple Watch comes out, then make a decision as to what tracker I stick with. I think this experience will put me off Fitbit for good. I feel it's pretty dishonest to sell a tracker, then try to slide in a subscription through the back door.
09-02-2019 02:45
09-02-2019 02:45
09-12-2019 17:06
09-12-2019 17:06
It finally happened to me this morning (locked sleeping heart rate).
That was a useful stat and I might be ok with a one-off small payment, but not an ongoing fee.
For those with synch issues, exit the App, go to phone settings - Apps - Fitbit - Storage - Clear Cache
Open the App again and the sleep data is right there.
Or maybe Fitbit wants us to pay for syncing too??
09-12-2019 21:50
09-12-2019 21:50
I am also disgusted, and frankly this, along with the fact that the NFC payment options are so ridiculously low in the UK (None of my banks like HSBC or Monzo are available), has left me wondering if I will continue with Fitbit. I am just surprised there are not more votes on this post. For the price paid for the tracker you cannot expect people to have to pay for basic insights like that on a premium monthly fee!
09-12-2019 21:52 - edited 09-12-2019 22:05
09-12-2019 21:52 - edited 09-12-2019 22:05
It just appeared for me. It is being rolled out and will appear for you as well.
Please ignore this message, I didn't see the responses that followed. And I can't see an option to delete this post.
09-12-2019 22:12
09-12-2019 22:12
Wow Kate, great way to rub salt in the wound by stating how excited Fitbit are about their new premium offering. Did you even read the posts here? You didn't exactly 'read the room' on this response. A proper response to why data is now being hidden under a subscription needs to be made! I have just bought three devises to further support Fitbit which I have been doing since the Charge, and to see I can't get the insights I had originally paid for has left me furious!!!!! This should have been clearly marketed with the release of the device so that people knew what they were paying for before spending money. What has been done is extremely unethical and you have officially lost a returning customer. I am sure you are going to lose many many more in the coming months when people realise what you have done. Absolutely disgraceful!
09-23-2019 07:15
09-23-2019 07:15
Thank you, I had not heard of that one. Looks like FitBit may be losing me as a long time customer to Polar now....
Did a quick compare search and it looks like the only downside is batter life.
"One of the features of the Polar Ignite that make it stand out from the crowd is its sleep tracking feature which includes breathing rate/heart rate/heart rate variability (ANS data) to figure out if you’re recovering at night. The only other device that I am aware of that uses breathing data for sleep tracking is the Spire health tags.
It will then use a ‘FitSpark’ feature which gives you daily workout options based specifically on history + Nightly Recharge. This feature is not seen on any other fitness device, including Polar’s more expensive offerings."
HRV is a great tool I am just now learning to use. I have a CorSense Elite HRV sensor for morning readings but nothing for while sleeping. I buy Fitbits for sleep tracking and heart rate monitoring, I don't care about counting steps and for workouts a MyZone chest strap is better in so many ways.
In the meantime I will be downgrading to 2.95 and if you go to the play store for FitBit and click the 3 dots you can turn off auto update just for that app. I'm also having text message notifications not coming through with the latest version, it'll work fine then just stop and all the keep alive and everything is turned on.
I also agree plugging how great the new Premium is in this thread sounds like the employee did not even read any of the posts, just saw the headline, so why bother even replying? 25% off after an update bricks devices for many also? Is FitBit owned by Microsoft..........
10-03-2019 10:46
10-03-2019 10:46
This makes me extremely angry as well.
Sure, they can offer whatever services for money that they want, but this feels like they removed a functionality I already owned and then are advertising it back to me for a fee.
Congratulations Fitbit! You inspired me to spend money in order to not be your customer anymore. I will start researching different fitness trackers today.
10-03-2019 17:48
10-03-2019 17:48
10-14-2019 07:54
10-14-2019 07:54
I am disappointed too. I bought the Charge 3 instead of the Apple Watch for the sleep data, and now I feel like I have been deceived.
I don’t want a Premium membership for coaching etc, I would have even been willing to pay more for just the detailed sleep data because that involved some real research, but to have to pay for things I don’t want or need just to see my own data is not good marketing! In fact, I was so disappointed in Fitbit that I probably just wasted my precious morning hours to suggest that Fitbit stop bribing people with sleep problems to subscribe to Premium!
10-14-2019 08:02
10-14-2019 08:02
I don’t expect software for free. As a researcher I understand the need for funds and a business needs to make
money, but I don’t like having to pay for things I don’t need and want to get the details on MY data. I don’t believe it would make it through the Human Subjects research committees. We are Fitbit’s human subjects, are we not?
10-14-2019 08:48
10-14-2019 08:48
Yes, I agree that the extra software programming to extract and interpret the data should not be expected for free either. I propose that a once-off small fee should be sufficient to retain the sleep data we had prior to the update. If by chance there is fancier data developed, then people can choose to pay a further small upgrade fee, otherwise, they should be able to remain on their current purchased sleep data. If there is an ongoing "coaching" service, then people can choose to pay for that. But really, this ongoing subscription fee idea, just to obtain the sleep data only.. well, it makes Fitbit look rather greedy.
10-14-2019 09:10
10-14-2019 09:10
10-14-2019 10:40 - edited 10-15-2019 00:31
10-14-2019 10:40 - edited 10-15-2019 00:31
Should make a petition here and vote for those features to be unlocked ore removed from the default app. If they want to add then in that coach paid app its their choice but I dont want to see locked stuff asking for money in an app which I basically paid for.
05-06-2020 03:38
05-06-2020 03:38
I am extremely disappointed as well that Fitbit withholds critical data such as sleep performance unless you try Premium program. I am seriously considering stopping using Fitbit and looking for another biometrics provider
05-06-2020 05:11
05-06-2020 05:11
05-06-2020 05:30
05-06-2020 05:30
I worry this is the death rattle for a company that needs money more than it cares about alienating it’s user base. I went to Garmin long ago and won’t be looking back.
05-06-2020 12:57
05-06-2020 12:57
08-09-2020 01:25
08-09-2020 01:25
Not software for free. I bought this device only for sleep tracking.
When I researched the devices, they advertised this feature and now all of the sudden they've hidden it under a paywall, significantly increasing the price of the device.
I am surprised nobody sued them for that - if they didn't advertise the feature, that would of been a different story.