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With the installation of this new update, why is all history being either deleted or not displayed? For example I am a 9-year Fitbit member and my weight data is no longer available prior to the last 2 years. I enjoy looking at trends seeing where I've been and where I am at. But this information is no longer displayed when changing time ranges.
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
01-13-2025 09:26
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01-13-2025 09:26
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I am missing 11 years of data. I can only see the last few weeks. Currently I have been working hard and last 55.6 lbs since March. Frustrating to not see these trends.
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I did all this, made no difference
Doesn't make any difference. I had data back to 2014, now just a few data points per year back to 2019. 10 years of data reflecting changes through study, limb breakages, starting sporting activities etc. gone. is it hidden there somewhere?
This does not make any difference
I don't have this option. If I go to manage data it just gives me deletion options. The last thing I want!
Moderator edit - Merged messages

01-14-2025 03:24
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01-14-2025 03:24
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So I decided I just wanted my data After waiting a couple hours for Fitbit to produce a data export for me (and that wasn't easy to find how to do!), I finally jumped through enough hoops to hit "download data" on my email and then "download" on the page that took me to. and something flashed and went and it's nowhere to be found. certainly not in my downloads folder. And apparently I can't try more than once in 24 hours. So typical of this google trash.

01-14-2025 03:29
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01-14-2025 03:29
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also, how does Rocco's original thread count as "answered". it's certainly not fixed AT ALL.
01-14-2025 04:35
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01-14-2025 04:35
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They are trying to keep their statistics good. They must have a performance measurement on this stuff. Fitbit team please take note, we appreciate responsiveness but a response is different from a solution.
01-14-2025 04:50
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01-14-2025 04:50
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Lizzy, I think your Dec 4 note that your team is "looking into this" annoying problem is the last info we have on this loss of weight history. Isn't it reasonable to get at least a monthly update on progress? Confirmation from you that the data is safe and being extracted for us would be comforting. Is this repair underway? Is it on a list to get resolved? Or is it being ignored?
01-14-2025 12:17
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01-14-2025 12:17
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How do you get to that export? I'd like to try that too.

01-14-2025 13:51
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01-14-2025 13:51
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I just upgraded the Android app to version 4.34.1 and none of the issues regarding weight tracking have been resolved. Plus a new issue has been introduced. The Manage Data -> View Data option has been removed. The only remaining options are to delete data. That's very disappointing because I am losing confidence that my data has been preserved. At least with the View Data option I was able to see that all my data was intact. @LizzyFitbit can we please get an update on the status? To update the issues from my previous reply:
Issue #1: When I select view All Time, it says "Since Dec 29, 2022". But I've logged weight in Fitbit for at least 8 years. Now I can't see the data because the View Data option was removed.
Issue #2: The 3 Months, Year and All time views seem to just show averages, not all of the daily data points. It was showing correctly in the now-removed View Data option.
Issue #3: Logging weight no longer defaults to the previous weight that was entered. You now need to enter it into a blank field. Minor inconvenience, but it's annoying.
Issue #4 (I didn't previously report this one.) The Year view isn't useful. For example, if I want a year view of the data on January 5th it just shows me year to date data, just 5 days. The Year view should show data points from the past 365 days, not year-to-date.
Again, as others have already requested, please continue to update this thread. It's been a while since the last update. Thank you.
01-15-2025 04:05
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01-15-2025 04:05
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Fitbit and I noticed right down at the bottom of the email it has the
historical weight loss- I really don't understand why it's so hard to
restore it in the app?
01-15-2025 12:51
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01-15-2025 12:51
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Thanks for listing those issues JayBob, exactly the problems I have.
It seems that as well as deleting the history data ( now consolidated into a single datapoint for each year more than 12 months old, one per month for the last year, etc), the informative graphics have all been dumped in favour of a few simple single point graphs.
I would add a 4th bullet to your list... I used to be able to see my heart rate graph over many days, one below the other, and could scroll down to view more, now can just see one day at a time, with a "no data available" message appearing before each day.
I think the data has been deleted, as I downloaded an export file and could see my weight history.
LizzyFitbit...Please can the data be restored (at least to allow an export), and can we go back a couple of versions in the software?

01-15-2025 12:52
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01-15-2025 12:52
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...see my weight history data points were one per year etc.

01-16-2025 23:05
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01-16-2025 23:05
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So is this fixed yet Lizzy? Like everyone else, I have had years of data taken. Seriously unhappy. Makes me feel at best very doubtful about trusting Google with any other data I might not want to lose, and about buying Google products generally. My Versa is getting old and ready to be replaced but at this point it won't be with a Google product.
01-16-2025 23:54
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01-16-2025 23:54
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I agree. The lack of responsiveness from the team is shocking. And the thread still says 'solved' when it most clearly is not. I had all my weight peaks and troughs (peaks correlating exactly to intensive study periods as it happens) which I want to use in a presentation about work life balance. I need them back..
01-16-2025 23:55
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01-16-2025 23:55
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How do you get the status updates? Is this a premium feature? I don't get anything. Thanks for help, Claire

01-17-2025 07:17
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01-17-2025 07:17
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Any updates on this topic from the team? It would be gratis to have all data entrees back in the graphs. The current grapjes provide too limited insights.
01-18-2025 20:51
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01-18-2025 20:51
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Probably this won't be helpful to most, but I thought I might throw it out here:
someone was asking how to see the trendlines and get the data to download.
On my Samsung phone Android App, I go to "weight" page. At the top right hand corner of the screen are the three vertical dots (breadcrumbs), they have a choice of "Weight Settings" or "Manage Data".
Choose Manage Data
Half-way down the screen you'll see "Delete by date range", but immediately above that is "REVIEW YOUR DATA".
On that screen, all the "week" - "all time" graphs show all data with trendlines.
HOWEVER, to download data, that doesn't appear on the phone app so I had to go to the fitbit website - specifically https://www.fitbit.com/settings/data/export. This page shows a "request data" button which leads to a dialog box and a bunch of info required including email verification etc etc.
After a while you'll get an email with a "request data" link as well and once it's been hit, that finally starts the download process.
That process took maybe a couple hours - clearly very little bandwidth devoted to it.
After that, another email with a link to the same webpage shows up and there's now an extra bit of text on the page saying "Available Archives" and under that another button saying "Download".
Be very careful with this button and be prepared to choose the folder of your choice to store the "MyFitbitData.zip" file when requested (you get one try at this each 24 hours). And then wait at least 30 mins. If you check the folder in question before the download is finished, you'll not see a "MyFitbitData.zip" file but a "crdownload" file.
OK, once the zip file is there, you must create a fresh file folder to accept the relevant data files. For reasons best known to google, they've chosen to deliver the data in ".json" type which is javascript (I think additionally having a .csv file option would have been polite). I don't use java to talk about, but I use MS Excel a lot, so that's where I wanted my data.
So, within the zip file, navigate past the pdf file which "explains" it all to you, to the folder with your name on it to folder "personal & account" and select all the files starting with the word "weight". Copy those files to your new file folder.
I found google has also kindly decided to advise me my weight in lbs rather than the kg they were advised in. oh well.
THEN I opened a fresh Excel file.
1 From the ribbon, I chose "Data"-> "Get Data"-> "From File"-> "From .JSON" and selected the first weight file in my folder.
2 that then created an interim file / dialog box called a Power Query Editor (new to me).
3 the JSON file name you just selected should be highlit on the side - if not, select it. Then with the top ribbon choose "List Tools" "Transform" -> "To Table" which brings up a dialog box "To Table". Hit "ok" without changing anything in the dialog box.
4 You'll now see a "Column1" added above the list of records on the PQ. next to "Column1" is a two-way arrow: click that (brings up new dialog box) and click "OK".
5 Finally from the top ribbon choose "Home" -> "Close and Load" ( -> "Close and Load" if needed). this takes you back to your excel file and there's a new table on a new sheet there showing those points of data.
These steps 1 - 5 need to be repeated for each file in turn (really only a few clicks each once you're in the swing of it or write a macro to do it for you).
Data will then be in separate tables on separate tabs of a single excel file. The tables I have had “Column1.weight”, “Column1.date”, “Column1.bmi” and if I’d made the effort to note it on a regular basis, “Column1.fat”. There are other columns too, but they’ve defaulted to something generic for me so I ignored them. One of them was “time” though, so maybe if people have multiple entries for a date, that should show up. For my data, it’s only showing other than 23:59:59 after 21 November 2024?
So finally, I grabbed all the data off those tabs and listed them on the same tab and created a chart looking like I wanted it. A google search will show how that’s done.
Anyhow, the above is a great way to waste a couple of full afternoons, good luck.
01-18-2025 20:54
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01-18-2025 20:54
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oh, PS for users who live where the date format usually used isn't "mm/dd/yy" but "dd/mm/yy" you'll also have to fool with the date so excel will know it's a calendar date - again fairly straightforward once the fitbit date has been pulled across.
01-18-2025 23:42
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01-18-2025 23:42
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I too have the Samaung Android app but your advice "Half-way down the screen you'll see "Delete by date range", but immediately above that is "REVIEW YOUR DATA"." does not work for me. There is NO 'review your data' option, just 3 DELETE options!
01-19-2025 01:45
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01-19-2025 01:45
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01-19-2025 02:26
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01-19-2025 02:26
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