06-27-2023 16:01 - edited 07-13-2023 15:53
06-27-2023 16:01 - edited 07-13-2023 15:53
7/13 Update: We’re continuing to roll out this firmware for the Charge 5 Firmware Update 194.61, and expect more customers are able to update their devices. This is a progressive rollout and all customers can expect to have it within a few weeks. We release updates in phases so that we can monitor performance closely and make adjustments if needed. If you don't see the option to update, don't worry - you'll have it soon!
We’re excited to announce that a firmware update version 194.61 for Charge 5 will be available soon! Some of you might already have this update available. If you installed it, let us know what you think!
We release updates to customers in phases. If you don’t see it, check the Fitbit app in a few days, and you’ll see a message when you can install the update. We appreciate your patience while we get this update to all of our customers.
*Firmware releases are not distributed based on region or location and can reach anyone no matter where you reside. We do not recommend performing a factory reset to force the update to your device as your data will be lost and you may not get the update. Please be patient and wait until you see the update banner inside of the Fitbit app to begin the firmware download.
Full release notes can be found here. For more details, please see this Community Blog post.
See How do I update my Fitbit device? for step by step instructions for updating your Charge 5. If you run into difficulty updating, review these Why can't I update my Fitbit device?
We’re interested in hearing your feedback on this update! Let us know what you like! If you encounter unexpected behavior during or after your update, please post the details below.
07-25-2023 07:27
07-25-2023 07:27
Hi sorry - turn off auto updates on the app. And then don't sync. At this point, it just removes potential variables. Which means you won't be able track progress, however if it saves the device until they come up with a fix (and you don't want to go to another brand) it makes sense.
07-25-2023 07:41
07-25-2023 07:41
Have hadn't my new Fitbit for 10 hours in syncing with no problems. Just avoiding the update button icon. No issues so far.
07-25-2023 07:53
07-25-2023 07:53
@saltywetman so what you are basically recommending is to virtually brick our devices ourselves for an indefinite period, since there is no sign that Fitbit is even acknowledging that the new firmware is the problem whilst continuing to dish out the damaging firmware to more and more customers, so there is hardly going to be a fix any time soon.
But I really need mine for daily health tracking, and synching to a motivational step and activity challenge, so to be stuck in limbo for an indefinite time without my tracker as the main motivational and accountability factor for that, is likely to kill my hard won momentum and damage the fitness and wellbeing gains I’ve clawed back from the depths I ended up sinking to during the rolling COVID lockdowns.
The Charge 5 is my first step or activity tracker and it, plus the challenge app I synch the activities and steps to, is what turned things around for me.
But as an Australian consumer my right to a remedy is protected under Australian consumer law regardless of the length of the manufacturers warranty. And of course Fitbit and Google would be aware of the legal obligations they have in all jurisdictions where they sell their products, so it should not be news to them, although it probably is news to many Australian consumers who are not tuned in to consumer affairs, that in Australia, if a product is not “fit for purpose” or does not last for the length of time that could be reasonably expected for an item of that value, Australian consumers have their right protected under law, to our choice of remedy including a replacement or a full refund regardless of whether it is still under warranty. So the 35% voucher offer for a faulty product cannot legally be the only remedy offered to customers here for a tracker that gets rendered useless by their own firmware update and hasn’t lasted more than two years. At the price point of the Charge 5, that would be neither fit for purpose nor a reasonable lifetime of the product.
But since so many of them will need to be replaced, it will be a long wait for that remedy.
I have decided that if mine gets bricked I will buy a cheap alternative to fill the gap while I insist on the replacement that I have the legal right to receive (because I actually like my Charge 5, and I don’t want to change platforms) but if I can’t get a functional replacement I’ll be pursuing a full refund and then moving to Garmin.
So if it comes to that, I will need something inexpensive to tide me over for what is likely to be a drawn out process, and I’ll just get a cheap tracker (from anyone other than Fitbit) to fill that gap, but I can’t be without something for that length of time without risking falling back into the health and well-being hole I was in before.
And I have taken a screenshot this post in case I need evidence of any attempt to obscure Australian customers of their rights.
07-25-2023 09:46
07-25-2023 09:46
It's your own device to do with what ever you want. I'm on version 182.26 right now and now 18 hours later I'm still there. FWIW
07-25-2023 10:04
07-25-2023 10:04
My Fitbit Charge 5 died on Sunday after a swim. I did some searching and found out it needed an update. I put the Fitbit on the charger and started the process of updating.
I kept the Fitbit on its charger near my phone all night. The next day I put it on, it wasn’t counting my steps.
I have followed every tip in the forums I could find. The update isn’t installed, the option to update is unavailable in the app. I have restarted the Fitbit, unpaired and then paired the Fitbit, restarted my phone. It’s not counting my steps.
I walk a lot at work and it isn’t counting my steps. I purchased my Fitbit in November from Costco.
Is there anything else that can be done? If not I will return it to Costco.
07-25-2023 10:13 - edited 07-25-2023 10:21
07-25-2023 10:13 - edited 07-25-2023 10:21
Not everyone is as lucky as you living in a country with consumer protection like that. My advice was just one for those that don't so that they can minimize bricking their devices. Not sure how much memory the charge 5 actually has and how many days of data it can log without syncing but if your version of the app doesn't require prompting to upgrade firmware it's just not worth the risk for those living in countries where they are not protected as consumer.
Just because Fitbit hasn't acknowledged the problems and announced plans to fix doesn't mean they won't. The charge 5 is a good tracker so I would rather keep using mine if there's a chance they will provide a fix in the future. However if you brick your charge 5 with an auto update that you can't disable, well, even if a working firmware update comes out in the future, you're outta luck. That's my rationale. If you're planning to get an inexpensive tracker to hold you over while you pursue claims against Fitbit if your charge 5 does brick, why not do that right now so that you'd at least have a chance of a properly functional charger 5 if/when Fitbit releases a fixed firmware?
07-25-2023 11:14
07-25-2023 11:14
I set up my replacement Charge this morning. I had to unpair the old one and pair the new one. In the Android app I turned of news and updates which seems to keep it from auto updating. I still get a message when syncing that there is an update available and I just close it. Seems to be working fine.
07-25-2023 11:33
07-25-2023 11:33
@JSK56, where is the News & Updates option? I cannot find it.
07-25-2023 11:51
07-25-2023 11:51
07-25-2023 12:12
07-25-2023 12:12
Thanks, @JSK56 . I think that only turns off the push notifications about news & updates. (And, I already had it turned off.)
07-25-2023 12:30
07-25-2023 12:30
What about the new App update, is it safe to update?
07-25-2023 12:59
07-25-2023 12:59
I updated the app. No issues
07-25-2023 13:39
07-25-2023 13:39
If you've got a bricked device in the UK and EU and it's still under warranty then whoever you bought the device from is responsible for repair or replacement.
07-25-2023 13:52
07-25-2023 13:52
One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned on this feed. I’ve read in several pop up articles that the charge 6 is possibly coming out in August. Wonder if this is true and if it has anything to do with what’s happening with the charge 5??
07-25-2023 15:02
07-25-2023 15:02
Lol if Fitbit expects people to upgrade to a charge 6 after this in unresolved firmware fiasco they can kick rocks. They essentially killed any brand loyalty they had with existing users. Best to kill off the brand and just sell everything as a Google device
07-25-2023 15:14
07-25-2023 15:14
07-25-2023 15:17
07-25-2023 15:17
There's a message at the top after click on your pic icon to update, I just ignore it
07-25-2023 15:36
07-25-2023 15:44
07-25-2023 15:44
I’ve had three posts removed. They don’t like the truth. I’m really surprised more posts aren’t being taken down. One post I said we need a Fitbit whistleblower to come forward.
07-25-2023 16:52
07-25-2023 16:52
@mchili do you mean you updated the phone app or the device firmware? I’m desperately hoping to hear from one single user who has had a good experience with the new firmware on their Charge5? no shortened battery life or loss of functions?