Waterproof trackers

I'm looking for a completely waterproof tracker with all of the features (sleep, heart rate, steps, stairs, miles, calories, reminder to move, phone alerts, clock with date, etc) all in one. When??  Please make this your next release!!!!!

First Steps

The fitbit should be waterproof and able to be worn in pools, tubs, showers, and while doing dishes without having to worry about it getting wet.


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Recovery Runner

Which Fitbit are you referring to?  I have a Flex and I wear it in the shower, pool, washing up, rain  -  everywhere!  No problem.

Recovery Runner

I thought both the Flex and Force were water proof, at least for the shower. I did read you have to dry the Flex pill thing off after (pull it out of the braclet). I have the Force and never take it off.


Keeps me from buying for my children. Must be waterproof

@SarahField wrote:

The fitbit should be waterproof and able to be worn in pools, tubs, showers, and while doing dishes without having to worry about it getting wet.



I LOVE my FitBit One, but have put 2 of them in the washing machine (while still clipped to my bra).   not buying another until they are waterproof (or at least washing machine proof)

Recovery Runner

Waterproof Fitbit Force.  Gladly give up altimeter if the air ports for that is the waterproof limitation.

Recovery Runner

they are water proof, but i do not remember anywhere reading put them in your washing machine or dishwasher... that is a tad over the top from bathing swimming or in shower... 

@SarahField wrote:

The fitbit should be waterproof and able to be worn in pools, tubs, showers, and while doing dishes without having to worry about it getting wet.

First Steps

Would love to see the option on the app to scan the barcode of food items for the food log. It is quick, and I assume it is stored in your food database

First Steps

I am a swim teacher, and would like to track how many calories I burn in the water, will there ever be a waterproof fitbit or a waterproof case for the fitbit?


Not applicable

We will never see a waterproof Force .. the Flex is already waterproof. This would involve removing the altimeter feature .. and people would scream bloody murder if they removed features. I too would love the waterproof option on the Force, but sorry that is a hardware change and I just cannot see it ever happening. Sad but very true.


If Timex can make $40 waterproof watches, why can't Fitbit make waterproof activity monintors.  I'd buy a new device in a heartbeat!

First Steps

I would like to be able to wear my fitbit force while doing water aerobics. Water aerobics is exercise in the water. To track steps, calories, miles, amount of time, added to my fitbit force. I would like to actually see how hard I am working while doing water aerobics classes. I hope, one day that fitbit, has a fitbit  force that can be worn while in a swimming pool .


I had to return my Force, but I am now using the Flex.  I am looking forward to getting the next generation Force (I miss the Force features).  It would be great if it was waterproof so it could be worn and I can track my fitness in the pool and at the beach this summer.  I would trade ease of charging for this feature.

Recovery Runner

Zip - maybe a specialized case that the Zip can be put into that would be waterproof. How? I don't know, that's a question I'll leave to the engineers Robot tongue

First Steps

I totally agree - I'd also trade ease of charging for waterproof.  Waterproof the Flex and I'll buy my third fitbit! 

I would LOVE to be able to track my swimming!! That would be worth buying a new fitbit
First Steps

So you can't wet a fitbit one obviously. Cause mine has gone blank since it got wet.

First Steps
I think the newest product to be added to the fitbit family should be a waterproof activity tracker. A lot of active people use a pool as part of their work out and all that exercise can't be logged. Having a fitbit, similar to the flex and force but waterproof, would track the activity done in a pool. Also, I go to amusement parks a lot, that's a lot of walking, but I have to take off my tracker when I'm in the water park so I miss out on thousands of steps being logged. A waterproof activity tracker would be awesome and I would buy it immediately! As long as there are decent colors too.
First Steps

I agree.  Most of my activity is water based.  I am considering switching to the Garmin Vivo as it is waterproof.  I love my fitbit, but I need to be able to track my exercise

Recovery Runner

I definately want a fitbit one or zip that is waterproof. I forgot my Ultra was clipped to my bathing suit and wore it into the ocean. Came out and it no longer worked.  They difinately need to make a waterproof clip on one as I really don't want to wear something else on my wrists.  Like the ones that clip onto my bra as no one can see it.  The misfit is waterproof and clips, but doesn't do everything that the fitbit ones do.



First Steps

I would like a waterproof pouch that my Fitbit one could slip in and still work accurately. I accidently put mine in the washing machine when it was attached to my bra. It is so easy to do.

I have a waterproof case for my I phone and all features still work fine.

First Steps

Hey Fitbit why don't you create a fitbit that is waterproof and can measure swimming laps. That would be the great. I know the technology is out there other companies are doing it. So it would be fantastic if fitbit users had this technology to monitor even more activities. I

Not applicable

A waterproof fitbit would be nice ... I want to wear it 24/7 and cannot do it now as I have a Force. But then .. it sits on my desk due to the dreaded Fitbit Force rash.


I love my Flex and would gladly buy a special water-tight band that could be used during swimming!


Would love an official swim band for my fitbit one too .  Swimmers and triathletes cant use fitbit simply without it .

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