Alarm based on set hours slept (eg. wake me up after 8 hours)

I love the silent alarm, but on the weekend my sleep schedule trends to get changed and I over sleep. Because Fitbit can track hours slept, I'd love the ability to set an alarm based on hours slept. Example: after sleeping 8.5 hours my silent alarm would go off. This would allow me to not oversleep while letting me "sleep in". Thanks for listening to this idea!

Premium User
First Steps

I want this on my Fitbit One. And further more,

I don't have a fixed time to go to bed but I want to make sure I sleep X hours. So instead of setting a certain time, I should be able to set how long I want to sleep and after I tell it I started sleeping, it waits for the first proper wake time after X hours to wake me up.

Stepping Up
I would like to it work something like this :

Surge will be able set up alarm based on two things
Activity its tracking and time i set for that activity.

For example , i know 6 hours of sleep is good for me so what i want is surge should wake me up after 6 hours of sleep which it will track. I cant do this as i dont know what exact time i go to sleep but surge can do this.
Same thing can be true for nap time where i will say 20 min and it will set alarm only after i go to sleep 😄.
Smart alarm could be very useful feature which can be applied to any other activity that fitbit tracks.

I would like to be able to set an optional conditional test on any alarm so that the alarm only activates if the "time asleep" exceeds a user settable threshold.


The principal reason I bought my Flex was for the silent alarm so I could wake early to do my fitness routine without disturbing my wife. However, I have started disabling the wake alarm as I often sleep very badly (3 to 4 hrs) and do not want to be woken early on those occasions, especially when I have finally fallen into a deep sleep. I'd like to be able to set an alarm that only goes off if I get 5 (or some other value) hours sleep. Otherwise I need to get the extra hour asleep and skip my fitness routine.


That is a great idea, and I don't see why it should be hard for Fitbit to implement.  I already use the "alarm clock".  It wakes me every morning at 7:30 without the obnoxious buzz-buzz of an alarm clock.  But, I think you are suggesting that rather than using a fixed time in the morning, use a fixed amount of sleeping time, no matter when you go to bed.  Good idea.

Recovery Runner
One feature I'd like to see is that once we set an alarm and the fitbit registers that we've fallen asleep, it will wake you up at the best time closest to your alarm so you don't over sleep and wake up tired.
First Steps

Great idea. And also if we can adjust the time frame before the alarm (10, 20 or 30 minutes and so on) it'd be great.

Recovery Runner

I am rewording this proposal based on the comments I have received.


What I would find useful would be for the device to recognize when you fall asleep, then based on your restful sleep wake you up at a set time, for me that would be 8 hours because I hate to over sleep on my days off. But I don’t want to set an alarm because I may go to sleep at 10 or I may go to sleep at 2.


So the feature would be one you could turn on, and it would be customizable in that you can set it for 30 min for a nap or 10 hrs. to sleep in.

Thank you for your comments and votes!

Not applicable

What if I want to sleep more than 8 hours ?

Recovery Runner

The ideal feature should either be adjustable, or have a toggle on and off function, or better yet both.


Yeah- easy enough to make this adjustable with 8 hrs as the basic preset.

First Steps

Sounds like a fantastic idea. You could also add a nap feature by having it just be a predetermined amount of time. Like set it to 30 minutes so you can have a 30 minute nap, but not sleep any longer.

Recovery Runner

@XanxieI love that idea!

First Steps

I like the idea of being able to have a timer type option, let's say I wanted to take a nap and only want to sleep for an hour.  It could even be used as a timer like if I only wanted to read for 2 hours, or play video game for 2.

First Steps

I agree -- this would take the Fitbit's ability to track sleep to a whole new level of usefulness. Most days, sleeping a full 8 hours is more important to me than getting up at an exact time.

First Steps

I agree -- this would take the Fitbit's ability to track sleep to a whole new level of usefulness. Most days, sleeping a full 8 hours is more important to me than getting up at an exact time.

First Steps
I think that there should be a feature for a morning alarm to go off once you've reached a certain amount of sleep. Cause I'd like to get consistently long sleeps to help me be more prepared for the day. Also bedtime suggestions would be great. You set a time to wake up at for each day of the week and based on your recent sleep history it suggests a bed time for you to get your sleep goal
First Steps
This is a feature I think lots of people would use since it would actually help improve there sleep. Great idea!
First Steps

Support! That is exactly what I want. 

At the moment, I do not have a dream job and work for 10-14 hours every day. Actually I can sleep more than 8 hours only during my day off. 

But I won't have this job forever. So... When I was a student, during my holidays I did sleep more than 8 hours. But I hate to wake up after 12:00 pm. 

I wish to have an alarm that can wake me up after 8 hours (customizing) of sleep. 

Premium User
Base Runner

I second this one.  We can set an alarm for anytime we want.  How about an alarm that goes off at the interval from when the sleep time starts.  For example, suppose my goal for sleep is 7.5 hours a night.  I go to bed at 11:00pm.  My Surge detects that I actually get to sleep at 12:00.  It would then vibrate at 7:30am.  For the Fitbit One, alarm goes off 7.5 hrs after I start the timer.





I would love to have a way for it to wake me up when I'm at the easiest point to wake up between 8 and 9 am or something. Or to have the alarm go off 8 hours after I actually fall asleep.
First Steps
An alarm the would buzz when you have reached 8 hours of restful sleep.

All this producs have sleep tracking and silent alarms so how about an alarm that would wake me up after a few hours of sleep. Let's say that I want to sleep only 2 hours, so I could set an alarm that would wake me up  after I slept exactly 2 hours, this way I would know when I've got enough sleep without having to sync my device and check.

I have a problem of getting TOO much sleep.I would love the fitbit to wake me up immediately when my sleep goal is reached. I would also like it to have a snooze mode to make sure I get up.
I have a problem of getting TOO much sleep.I would love the fitbit to wake me up immediately when my sleep goal is reached. I would also like it to have a snooze mode to make sure I get up.
-Auto Alarm: an alarm that doesn't care about time, it cares only about how much you slept, for example set an alarm for 8 hours, wake me up in 8 hours when ever I have slept that much. This would be great for Fridays when you don't have work.

A reminder: it's so inconvenience to use alarms as reminders, why not put a reminder options that vibration twice but also shows a note on the screen about what's exactly the reminder for. If not it could get confusing due to numbers of reminders.

An auto timer: so beside auto Alarm & reminders, there should be an auto alarm let's say at work you have a lunch break at 2:00 PM everyday, you could set an auto timer that starts automatically, vibration once then it starts the timer for what ever minutes you set it to, then when time is up it would alert you again with a single vibration.

So I know & the Vibration & new features might cause a battery drainage, BUT before being too use the new features, the app could show a pop-up screen that warns about battery.
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