Casting Premium workouts on TV screen or laptop (iOS)

I have the premium membership and would like to stream the workout videos on a larger screen like my laptop or my tv. I don't see that as an option and fitbit support told me to make the suggestion here.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hi @mmarin4, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding the option to cast Premium workouts on TV screen or laptop (iOS). We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I sure hope this feature to show preminum workouts on my mac laptop or desktop happens soon. I was SO frustrated trying to use the phone for this that I installed the fitbit app on my ipad, thinking that since that is iOS, that it would at least be that big. But no. The silly video was still the size of a tiny iphone, even tho it was playing on the ipad. [eye roll emoticon]


Then I tried something really crazy: I did a zoom meeting with myself, on my phone and on my laptop. Then I screen shared my phone's screen in the zoom, which then showed on the laptop. It worked, but it was too much hassle to do often. That does show you guys just how desperate us users are! 

First Steps

Hard to see/use on cell phone, would like to see premium video etc on lap top too

Base Runner

Agreed. It's impossible for me to do many of the premium workouts with a phone in my hand. I need my hands to do the exercises! 

Premium workouts need to be available for laptop and desktop in order for premium users to get their money's worth. 

First Steps

Really disappointed that I can't access the workout videos on my Mac laptop. No way can I work out from videos on a phone screen, I can't see them far away and how are you supose to workout with a phone in your hand?  Unless this is rectified within my 6 months free trial I won't be renewing the premium service.  Please fix this issue

Stepping Up

I would love the feature to cast premium workouts in iOS.   It seems pointless to have premium Fitbit with IOS without it.  

Not applicable

I swear I see a cast button on the workout vids but it's grayed out.  Does this mean they are working on this?

First Steps

Not only will I not renew Premium due to the phone only policy, I will be switching to another device, leaving FitBit altogether.  Premium is great but not being able to use it on larger screens for workouts is insane.

First Steps
First Steps

Would be much more useful if I could stream my premium workouts from my laptop or cast to TV screen. Phone screen is tiny to see when you're up and movin!


I totally agree!  This should be changed for the money you pay


Originally posted 1/23/2022. Is this still not a thing in 2022?? When searching for this, half of the results I got were about Fitbit coach, which has been discontinued! I pay for premium and want to see the workouts on a bigger, stable screen (either smart tv or laptop would be fine). Please tell me that they are going to enable casting/screen mirroring stat.

Edit 8/4/2023: You're losing customers over this, Fitbit. I cancelled my premium membership a while back because you lack this very practical and simple feature. I have been a Fitbit customer for more than 6 years, have bought several different devices for myself and several as gifts, but I probably won't buy another FitBit device once my current one dies. How many people have to vote and comment on the same idea for you to notice and actually take action?


Why they say this feature is released when is not. You can't see the premium videos in your t.v. (android-iOs) fitbit is doing nothing to fix this! It's been a couple of years since somebody did the request and is still not working. I just had a chat with customer suppor and their answer was: go fi d the issue in the forum and vote!, or use google home to see if it works. Really?  Im so desapointed.

First Steps
You would think it would be to their beneFIT to make it available on TV
screens and laptops
First Steps

Fitbit boss/es, please, please, please make screen casting possible from the iOS app to my Roku tv for premium videos!


Don't understand who is benefiting from using the exercise videos on their phone?!! I would think the majority would prefer a larger screen - I am respectfully asking this be considered for a laptop/computer and use IOS.  I am shaking my head as I just don't see the sense.  I have trial of Premium but don't see staying with it given this -- why?


Longtime FitBit user, and just purchased the Sense with the 90-day Premium trial.  Never used videos before, and I'm a beginner -- was looking forward to starting. I was online looking for a FitBit app for my TV -- figured there had to be one, right?.


I cannot understand how the videos cannot be available on my computer screen or able to cast to my TV.  Unlikely that I'll continue after the 90 days, which is pretty sad.    

Completely agree - I want to know who can exercise looking at their phone? I can see some of the video content (relaxation, etc) but I am trying to work on being physically active!!

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First Steps

I would love for this to be an option. it's hard to see and correctly follow along with an iphone,


First Steps
A response from the company would be nice

I totally agree - keeping 🤞crossed.


I really can't imagine anyone consistently making use of the exercise videos via phone and why this hasn't been addressed. Why wouldn't Fitbit want to - in the era of smart tv's and computers with apps, etc.  Weird. I wish Fitbit would answer that....

First Steps

Workout videos should absolutely be accessible through our laptops or other larger devices, especially if we have a PAID premium subscription for specifically for that service. It is nearly impossible to give 100% to a HITT workout when you're trying to watch people the size of ants on your iPhone. We all sincerely appreciate speedy attention in this regard. I imagine you could get a lot more users on board for premium as well.

Completely agree! Here's hoping!!!

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First Steps

I have the premium membership and what the ability to get the videos from my Charge 5 to my smart TV or computer monitor screen. I love this product and the videos are a wonderful help. Please work on this option and make it available soon! Thanks!!!

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