Regain Lost Features Android Dashboard


I am disappointed that the new dashboard involves losing functionality and that the upper half of dash is isolated from the lower half so tiles can't be moved and also previous day's data is only visible in the upper tiles.


I am a Beta user and gave endless feedback in the thread started by @ErickFitbit for us to give our views but the release seems to have gone ahead without any being considered (we don't get told that bit). That thread is pinned in Android forum wil lots of useful ideas from us all.


I prefer the old dash but can cope with the new if it does the same things - this one doesn't and has been a massive disincentive since using it in both IOS and Beta. 


Please please consider those who use tiles other than those in the top fields and who also look at historical data and want to see a day in it's entirety not have to access every tile and graph individually, write hte data on papaer and then figure out how things are going!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

User since 2012One, Blaze, Android
Also occ posting as Blokeypoo
10K Racer



"I've seen more negative feedback than positive."


Fair, but that's because the folks who like the new dashboard, like me, are less likely log into the forum and post.  If the vast majority of the people don't like it, you'd see far more votes on this feature request.


While the idea of "enabling both dashboards" sounds like a sensible one, it means that Fitbit has to maintain two separate dashboards.  Fix bugs with both and add features to both.

Community Legend

Sensable mabey for the user but is it worth twice the maintenance for for the developers.

Tempo Runner

Those who specifically want the old dash might want to start a new feature request. Whilst I prefer the old dash it is the functions lost which matter to me and which are sought here.


I have many friends with Fitbits who really dislike the changes but have never ever used the website and certainly not the forums. It could be that there are as many of those against as there are who love the new dash - the reality is we don't know either way.


What I suspect is that many are unaffected as they don't use their device in a way which is complicated by the new layout - again, pure speculation of course but no less unlikely.

10K Racer



Actually, I think the most actionable approach is neither to have this feature request ("restore lost features") nor to "restore old dashboard".


I believe that the best approach is to list in detail each individual issue as its own feature request and vote that way.  For instance, @dianeg (I hope you don't mind if I quote you) put it best:


"I don't mind the tiles in the new dasboard but I would prefer if you could scroll whole days and not just the information from the top tiles."...  Well, there happens to be a feature request for precisely this.




"I agree with another poster that the colour scheme was better before with the red, green and yellow."...  Well, there is a feature request for that one too.


To put in a feature request to generically restore things is a bit vague.  I happen to prefer the new circular gauges over the old bars for progress, since I need reading glasses and without them it's easier to read (it's easier to distinguish a full circle vs. 3/4 circle than examine the length of the bar if it's all fuzzy).

Tempo Runner


I'm sure you're right but as my thread was on the back of endless detailed and constructive feedback and comms with the mods which they assured me had also been fed back I'll live with it. I've tried to be factual and not just moan at least. 

Can't please everyone and can't always expect customers to know what developers need nor for them to know how to express themselves in a specific manner in order to be acceptable. Hey ho. 


10K Racer



Oh, I'm sorry...  It wasn't meant as a criticism.  You did nothing wrong.  Allow me to frame it differently...


Let's say that you go to a restaurant and you see two items on the menu that look interesting:

  • Ribs and cole slaw.
  • Burger and fries.

But let's say that you want a burger and cole slaw.  Well, there isn't that one item on the menu, and you have to pick one vs. the other.  Maybe it would be easier for everyone if each of the four items were available separately, so you might mix and match as you'd like.


For the features requests, the smaller the feature, the easier it is to appropriately measure the interest in it and the easier it would be for Fitbit to budget the time and effort to address it.  For instance, if you prefer the upper tiles changing for previous days, but not the others...  Would you necessarily vote for this feature if it meant that you got some things you wanted, but other things you liked would go away?

Tempo Runner


No you had a good point, it's fair, I didn't need to bite.


I'm already sulking at the promised snow not turning up (UK) and now you're talking about food just to really wind me up even though I shouldn't fancy that at 0618!  Woman Very Happy 

10K Racer

@Poo, no worries.  I'm trying to avoid the snow, but we're not equipped for it here.  Smiley Sad


Ribs and cole slaw does sound good, however...

Recovery Runner

I'm not a fan of the new dashboard (mobile app).  I tried a "Preview" and felt it was okay, but then had difficulty getting it to set up separate alarms for my Alta and Charge HR - it kept choosing which device to set the alarm for and would not let me override.  So I reverted back to the old dashboard and I'm hoping that glitch gets worked out before I have no choice but to use the new one.

Not applicable

It is more like you order burger and slaw and get it served to you,now as you pick up your fork

to enjoy your order the manager comes over and explains that that combo is no longer available and takes it away.

Tempo Runner

PMSL, you too have a point lol.

First Steps



I have 0 problems with the way the new dashboard is. The layout is fine. I like that I can customise it. 


The problem I have, is that if I switch to look at the previous day, it shows today's stats, I am obviously switching to look at the previous day for a reason, so let me look at my stats. I often want to do  comparison and i am unable to do this on the new dashboard as I have to click into each section individually


I don't know if anyone else has had this probelm, however, myfitnesspal and fitbit don;t sync with the new dashboard, you can disconnect and reconnect the 2 apps as many times as you like, however, as soon as you switch back to the old dashboard everything syns again





Community Legend

Personally i like the new dasboard,  since im able to see all the tiles tat i want to without having to swipe up and down. Wi5h the old dashboard this was impossible.

As for compairing days and stats, this was never possible from the dashboard requiring the user to tap the tile, nothing changed here. 


Tempo Runner

Hi @effersjay,


I get what you mean. I too used to like to swipe back to see the whole of previous days at a glance to, mentally, compare my data, that function is lost now and greatly affects how I use my device. I can't do a mental tot up of cal deficit, wt change etc. and it's very frustrating when accumulating a weekly cal deficit. I CAN'T see what tiles I want to on one screen as I don't use ll the tiles Fitbit has decided are important to me but I do use some they have relegated to lower down and they are also therefore prevented from the daily swipe back to revisit.


I don't have trouble syncing with MFP provided I have MFP open first but I am a beta user so not sure if that's different.

First Steps

I would also vote to return to the old format - I don't see the point of scrolling says but keeping the current days information present. No advantage, would prefer to view the previous days, ET all, and that information for comparison. 


Thank you!

Recovery Runner

I like that I can rearrange tiles with the new dashboard however, when I log out and then log back in, i have to rearrange them all over again. This needs to be fixed.

First Steps

Hi, I'm also disappointed that I can't see previous day's activities for the lower half without clicking on the specific tile. I'm disappointed that I can't enter decimals on distance under track exercise. I used to be able to enter decimals on app and through computer, then with an update I could only enter decimals through app and now newest version of app doesn't allow decimals (but now allowed again through computer). I would like to be able to enter through either way. Also problems with entering distance under track exercise on app. I enter miles, it show I picked miles, but it  registers as yards. Not an issue through computer.


To chime in, it's simply poor UI design to remove functionality without adding comparable or better functionality. The new dashboard fails hard at this with the new tiles. They are not intuitive in that going to a previous day should, in my mind, show that day's stats. Not my current with only the step information at the top changing. Wtf good is that? And there is no way that i can find to see a daily overview of everything for just one day. The service team said "the tiles below the daily stats tile show your most recent information, even if you're looking at your stats for another day. As you mention to view your stats for a previous day, tap the individual tiles to see your history. For more information about the new dashboard design, see the following help article
Since you mention this design is not convenient, please if you want to vote for this feature to be revised, use the following link to leave us feedback." YES I want to vote for it to be revised. Convenience has nothing to do with it, i don't always want to have to compare historical data topic by topic. "I had this

many steps this day compared to that day, oh, but i now need to go a new page to see how many floors. And now let me look my water log, and now my calorie...." inconvenience is a mildway of saying ANNOYING AF. why take away the ability to see a daily summary and not replace it? I dont want a topic specific comparison, i want to flip through my days and see the daily summary. Not flip your topic specific weekly or whatever summaries.

Huge FAIL on the new tiles. 

First Steps

I wasn't an early adopter of the new interface, but it was automatically "upgraded" this week.  Actually, I think "downgraded" would be a more appropriate term.  Losing the ability to compare all stats on a day-by-day basis is a significant loss. Given how long this thread has been running, it doesn't appear that Fitbit actually listens to its users.  It's too bad. My family has purchased 9 Fitbits over the past several years.  You'd think that would count for something.


I completely agree with all of the above. I prefer the old dashboard and have used the device consistently without a break since Feb 2016. Now today another automatic change to the new dashboard has created problems for me with heart rate synching and I'm not happy! Please if you have to keep the new dashboard, keep the functionality of the old or at least enable the old to be continued alongside for those of us that use and value it highly. Thank you.

First Steps

When viewing a previous day, not all stats are actually from that day anymore. Switch back to old dashboard and this works. Fix this so it shows correct stats on new dashboard.


You cant see what times you woke up anymore and thats really bad. Bring this back.


We noticed about 2 weeks ago that a feature disappeared from our accounts from the "sleep" tab on the website. It is the "sleep percentage". This is the one of two features my wife looked at, so unfortunately, 1/2 of what she looked at went away. That and the related "times restless and times awake" are gone. I know the latter are there in a graph form but since I am color "weak" (not color blind) I have trouble distinguising that. (The analog stats on this were great) I respectfully ask that you bring back the "sleep percentage" and if possible the "times restless and times awake".

There have been many changes over the past almost 5 years, some that I didn't care to have them deleted but this one is a feature I feel strongly about. Please reconsider.


Still really missing being able to hover over times awake or restless and see what time that actuially was. No way of doing this now. 😞 Please consider reinstating this, for those of us who use the FitBit primarily for sleep and heart rate monitoring. Thanks.

Hill Runner

As others have noted my main concern / issue with the new dashboard is purely related to the fact that the top portion of the dashboard is the only place where daily stats are displayed.  All tiles below this only display information for the current day.


This is particularly relevant for logging Food/Calories, Water consumption, and Sleep.  In addition to owning a Charge HR and a Charge 2 activity tracker, I own the Aria scale.  I use the food plan feature to establish a weight goal, select a food plan, and each day it shows you your budget of calories and how many you've consumed towards that goal.  Same with water consumption and tracking how much sleep you've had.


The whole purpose of tiles like this, that track daily stats, is to be able to go back in time and see historically how you're tracking towards these goals.  Fitbit allows you to do this with the daily tiles at the top, but NOT for any of the tiles below.  This creates an inconsistent experience across platforms as the Windows dashboard retains the ability for tiles to show daily stats as you change days.  The old Android dashboard also displayed information in this manner, which intuitive.  Since you have the ability to scroll back in time and select different days, it makes NO SENSE to split the tiles up with no indication to the user which tiles are displaying information for which day since the bottom tiles only show current info while daily tiles at the top update based on the day.  This isn't consistent and is confusing for users.


Instead of only catering to customers with activity trackers only, you should also not lose sight of people like myself who use the Aria scale and use the Fitbit ecosystem to manage their overall health goals to eat right, lose weight, get enough sleep and drink enough water.  The current dashboard design breaks this for these users as they no longer can quickly track how they're doing.  After selecting a past day, they have to go into each individual tile to see their progress over time.  Instead of a single swipe to see all that day's info on a single screen, I now have to select a day and individually go into the Food, Sleep, Water, Hourly Step goal and other tiles.  This means what used to be a single click now requires 5 or more clicks without the ability to see all daily information together conveniently on a single page.


I'm not asking to bring back the old dashboard, and am not looking for a rewrite of the entire new dashboard look and feel.  The ONLY thing I want is for ALL tiles to display daily stats for a consistent experience that is more convenient and logical for users.  So if I drank 64 oz of water today and 30 oz yesterday, when I scroll to yesterday on the dashboard I'd expect to see 30 oz not 64 oz.  That is misleading.


Please listen to your customers and bring back this display.  I'm curious if any customers actually wanted this new disjointed display of stats, or if most customers are like me and want tiles to display daily stats (instead of most current).  If you have a sizable amount of people who specifically clamor for the new display then offer an option in settings for tiles to display daily stats or only the most current.  I suspect however this change for tiles to only display the most current data was something no customers actually asked for and instead was implemented by a developer/engineer who never actually uses the product they are supporting.


Please bring back daily stat display on all tiles for the new dashboard!  In the meantime, I've set Fitbit to NOT auto update in google play so I can continue to use the old dashboard until such time as Fitbit (hopefully) comes to their senses and restores this critical piece of functionality.  It's a relatively simple ask.

Interval Runner

Looks like they ignored us all again and went ahead with the shocking new dashboard without Implementing any of the changes, now in there wisdom they again alienate us by removing the function to revert back to the old style dashboard where we can arrange the information how WE want to see it not how THEY want us to see it, suggestions that were made back in November last year (and theres 8 I made )  

have been ignored after having 5 trackers I may invest a little more into a company that doesn't make changes without giving people the option of staying with what they have (ok I didn't get that many votes but how many different forums are there about this, how many threads do we need to post on before we post it on the relevant thread - sometimes change is not for the better - IF IT IS NOT BROKEN DONT FIX IT.

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