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How do people work to get above 20,000 steps?


I am active (run three miles in the morning, work all day, goof around with children in the evening while I do housework but getting above 20000 steps per day seems elusive to me. Help! 

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Thanks for the tips!  My goal was first 10k steps a day, now it's 15k.  I do work week hustle with my husband and 2 friends weekly.  I rarely win, but it's enough to get me moving extra which is what I need.  The best thing is to do the weekend warrior, because I have a tough time getting motivated to move during the weekend.  This is the most active I've been in my life 🙂

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Updates-- I been sick with the sinus trouble today. So I walked for 7,017 steps just now..

just like to keep you all what's going on with me...


thanks for reading mine post happy stepping

Missy M. as@ nkotblove
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I've worked myself up to 20,000 steps daily lately.  My easiest days start with 3000 steps before I get into the shower.  I'm not co-ordinated enough for the treadmill in the morning so I do 6 circuits of the house.  Work on a good day brings me home with 12,000 or higher.  Then between whatever I need to make up I'll do then in 2000-4000 step batches depending on how many I have left to do and how entusiastic I feel.  A year ago I wasn't doing even 10,000 consistently.  In the new year my goal is actually going back to 15,000 a day.  I'm going to focus more on intensity and endurance.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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As a fitness instructor, you are caught up in devices rather than results.  I see no mention of improving your body fat, what you can accomplish physically, or how you can improve your annual physical results.  Are you suggesting 14,500 steps is less beneficial than 15,000-I doubt it.  The same goes for any artificial baseline measurement.  Good Luck.

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Who is this comment responding too?

As a fitness instructor you sound very judgemental.

The fitbit is design to get people moving who otherwise would not be working out, you should be encouraging that.
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Thank you,

Irene Frances Bixby-Webber
-Please excuse any typos, sometimes autocorrect works in mysterious ways-:mobile_phone_with_arrow:
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@SunsetRunner- I know you weren't addressing anyone specifically, but let me answer for myself.  I've decreased my weight significantly and (since I bought a new scale in June) my bodyfat has decreased by 7% and increased my lean mass at the same time.  I've been focusing more on steps as a way to get myself moving more and to build up my endurance.  I also lift weights as a way to help me maintain my lean mass.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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I'm not discouraging anyone. I told them how "I" get it. The question the person asked was HOW does someone get 20k steps a day. I answered how I get it around working in an office-giving people an idea- like doing a cardio class and walking my dogs 3 miles a day before and after work. I included an hour of cardio and never did I mention that more is better. It was an answer to someone asking how users get the amount of steps. When I increased my goal not only did I find that I'm mentally happier, but I'm more energized. I am on my way to 40 . Looking my best isn't the result I'm trying to achieve. My goal is to feel better overall. I've done lots of research on the Fitbit and step counting and many factors including height and stride affect people's steps. I take longer strides as I am 5'10". Would you say someone shorter would take more steps than me with smaller strides- absolutely. Walking my dogs doesn't burn that many calories bc steps are not a guarantee an instant weight reducer mathematically- bc I walk them leisurely thus incorporating the cardio. Even in my cardio class- you being an instructor- should know that people think they will lose 500 calories in that hour- but they are mistaken if they aren't putting in their :hundred_points: 

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I too pushed myself as my goal was 10k and then I did 15k but I was blasting through 15 hitting 18 so I said push to 20. I tell ppl the Fitbit goal is encouraging as if you are 1k steps away, it'll make you get up and take an extra block. If I'm a few away, I'll put on my smart tv and do a workout and my hubs thinks I'm obsessed. It has made me feel healthier, I sleep bettter, I feel more positive, I wake up energized, I'm happy at work and I have a very tough-stressful Job dealing with Hollywood and their money/contracts. I never thought I could do it. Aside from me being happier my dogs are too!  They get longer walks 2x a day. I hope no one judges me off my profile bc I look young as I get that in my cardio class-"it's easier for you" and it insults me bc they are younger than me and think my energy is something that is natural as opposed to me working hard for it. I'm pushing 40 and now, the Fitbit makes me feel 20. As far as weight- i was a 5/6 and now I'm 0. I'm also 5'10". Being half Brazil-my legs are toned in every place.

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Did the device motivate you or did some internal behavior?  Let me provide a bit of news-it was NOT the device.  I might add that I am more interested in HOW you got OUT OF CONDITION because that will provide some clues into HOW you intend to do in the future.

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I agree.  Posted that I go to cardio class and trust me when I say there are women in the fitness instructors class that do nothing but move side to side and do not follow the instructors guide. And they wonder why they don't lose weight. The Fitbit allows us to set goals and it makes us feel good when we achieve our goals. Sometimes It's not always about body fat, it can be about just getting out of the house and feeling good mentally. I think fitness instructors forget that aspect and worry about the physique

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 Before I put the Fitbit on I was up 134 pounds at 5 foot 10 size 4 and 38 years old. I don't know why you're so negative about people being happy that they achieve steps but it has improved a lot of things for people other than looking like I'm Muscle Head. I was very much in shape as I took classes and did work out but adding steps into my day got me to go outside more especially living and working in both LA and New York thus  improving my energy because I'm worn out by the end of day therefore getting more sleep. I understand that you're a personal trainer but After doing two years of med school which means six years altogether I decided to be a lawyer. So if you think you're more educated than the people on here who enjoy their fit bit being a personal trainer as I seen the programs to get a certified personal trainer certificate doesn't really touch base on anatomy or psychology

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Get real!!!!!  Check out a you tube training video of new recruits entering the marines. They are depending on each other to be in condition and at their best.  I am so repulsed by individuals such as yourself I am an instructor on a completely voluntary basis which means I do not charge people.  Yes, thats right-all my accredations ( and I have several)  continuing education, time, insurance, and travel is paid for by me and my services are 100% free.  The advantage is the client wins and I am providing the community a more intelligent and productive individual.   Because you hjave a fitbbit you think you understand anatomy and physiology, bioenergentics, human behavior and aging, risk factors, health appraisal and fitness testing, exercise programming, nutrtion and weight management, program admiistration and metabolic calculations.  If you want to see cheerleading go to your local sporting event!

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Wow a real piece of work
Don't bother people talking to this knuckle head

Sent from my iPhone

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Why do you @SunsetRunner even wear a Fitbit and why are you in this community?

what do the Marines have to do with this conversation?

take your rage somewhere else 

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@acsmman wrote:


I am so repulsed by individuals such as yourself...

Seriously dude?  I'm thinking you've crossed over the line of being a tool and qualified for being the entire toolbox.



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I see you've been around here for about a year. You are the first person I've seen who can get people upset as quickly as I can. 🙂


I have some great coaches. Dr. Ken Cooper is my aerobics consultant. Dr. James Levine is my sedentary physiology consultant. Jack LaLanne is my weight lifting consultant. Joe Henderson is my running consultant. Dr. McDougall and Nathan Pritikin are my diet consultants. Napoleon Hill is my motivation consultant. A pathologist is my anatomy and physiology consultant. All my consultants are or were old and healthy. 


One thing I noticed about the ACSM is they feel exercise is the answer to the obesity epidemic. This is safe because it prevents them from clashing with the meat and dairy industry. The other thing I notice is they present new studies as if they are giving new information. They aren't. They are rehashing old information in most cases. The new information is of dubious value. The don't seem to have a central philosophy on their website. Lots of click bait. Lots of opportunities to donate. Exercise alone will not solve the bad health epidemic that is the real enemy. It has to partner with a good diet.


The thing you are missing is most people will not eat or exercise for good health.  Unless they get to the point of addiction fueled by another goal, they usually don't stick to any program. This is where Fitbit can enter the scene. Engineering types, like myself, can become addicted to tracking progress. Others find support in the forums. Others enjoy the competitions. The device does provide valuable information that can be used in weight control. 










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@GershonSurge wrote:


The thing you are missing is most people will not eat or exercise for good health.  Unless they get to the point of addiction fueled by another goal, they usually don't stick to any program. This is where Fitbit can enter the scene. Engineering types, like myself, can become addicted to tracking progress. Others find support in the forums. Others enjoy the competitions. The device does provide valuable information that can be used in weight control. 
On this, @GershonSurge and I agree completely.  The Fitbit itself gave me the information to start losing weight consistently, without some of the pitfalls I'd had before.  The forums though give me the push to become more active, and the ability to support other people as they lose weight or become more active.  Although I don't personally need a cheerleader, some people do.  You know something, there's nothing wrong with that either.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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Thank you,

Irene Frances Bixby-Webber
-Please excuse any typos, sometimes autocorrect works in mysterious ways-:mobile_phone_with_arrow:
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Wow I have a bio/math degree from Columbia- two years at NYU school of med before I dropped to go to Law.  I am a naturally thin person but yet I have hypothyroidism. I didn't understand why I was gaining weight even though I went to personal trainers such as yourself to try to lose weight and it wasn't working. Not once did my trainer say hey go get your thyroid checked because trainers don't have  The understanding of yet biology or anatomy of which I took in college because it was a pre-rec to graduate as a premed student. I understand the human body and I understand the way the brain works,  that doesn't give you or any trainer for myself the right to criticize anybody using a tool to motivate them for fitness. This website is built to motivate and help everyone become a better self. Anyone on here who's negating any of these facts just wants to argue because they're  miserable in their lives I need someone to argue with. Being raised by a Navy seal I can understand the rage and the mentality that military people have but thank God my dad was humble and taught me about men in the military.  I love how physical fitness trainers think that they know everything when you can go online and earn your certificate. You're missing factors as in people's history, the medical conditions, and outside factors including work that will allow people to let their health go.  If you ever work in New York City which I know you haven't you're fine that is almost impossible to have even a lunch and you work on average 12 hours a day so it makes it difficult for people to exercise when they're stressed out and tired. The age of technology has made work life even worse  because you're expected to work at home as well. Putting others down for using the Fitbit to motivate and hit goals is beyond me or any of us as to why you would actually take time out of your day to come to this forum.  With the other person saying that it was our fault for even letting us get this way is just so maniacal and the fact he thought he knew everything because he's a certified personal trainer. Usually personal trainers only focus on getting you the hot body when in fact most people use a Fitbit  have another thing to look forward to and give them a challenge each day and makes him happier mentally. It also distresses people by working out. People come to personal trainers to get a work out a day but people who use Fitbit walk and run and work out all day long giving us more exercise than a personal trainer could and would do for us. I think his other bull**ahem** that people pay hundreds of dollars for someone to make them do sit ups. Everyone who has a fit bit is fat or lazy like myself who ran an average of 5 miles a day. I'm 5 foot 10 and 125 pounds but before I got the fit bit I was up at 138 which of my height still made me a size 4.

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