07-09-2014 16:23 - edited 07-09-2014 16:32
07-09-2014 16:23 - edited 07-09-2014 16:32
I have that one song. You have that one song. We all have that one song. Some people have more than one song (that's okay!). What is the one song that gets you fired up?
For me, if I'm diggin' some alternative, it's Sleigh Bells' "Infinity Guitars." If I need to hear some nice hip-hop to get my workout going, my go-to is Kanye West's "Power." If I need some EDM in my life, I go with this amended version of Lana Del Ray's "Summertime Sadness." As far as song in movies go, John William's composition of "Battle of the Heroes" does it for me!
As a bonus, my good friend @GraceFitbit reminded me how good the year 2005 was, and went with Beyoncé's Crazy In Love .
Above all else, there is the one song that gets me ready to work hard and reach for the improbable. It is one of the most popular songs in the history of the world, and universally one of the most motivating. I am speaking, of course of Ludwig Van Beethoven's "5th Symphony in C Minor."
Now that you have an idea of what songs get our blood ready to flow and our hearts ready to race, we have to know- what song motivates you?
02-05-2018 11:11
02-05-2018 11:11
One of my favorites is For What It's Worth by the Buffalo Springfield. Great meaning behind the words!
02-07-2018 11:14
02-07-2018 11:14
Missy Eliot "Work It" is a good one!
02-14-2018 14:47
02-14-2018 14:47
02-16-2018 19:44
02-16-2018 19:44
Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) CC Music Factory
02-18-2018 13:33
02-18-2018 13:33
"Lose Yourself" by Eminem
02-18-2018 19:46
02-19-2018 20:32
02-19-2018 20:32
I just discovered "Like That", by Bea Miller. It is the best one I've found in a long time.
02-21-2018 09:44
02-21-2018 09:44
"I Choose Love" by Shawn Gallaway Please check out the song on You tube
02-21-2018 19:27
02-21-2018 19:27
Hi newbie here, Move Along (all american reject) is the song that motivates me.. even though the song is not about to get up and do fitness stuff, but the song make me forget all the problem and do what i want to do
02-23-2018 16:48
02-23-2018 16:48
That song is the perfect song for me. Loved the song since the first time I heard it.
02-23-2018 21:01
02-23-2018 21:01
Seven by Cory Henry -- for the musicians and jazzers -- heroic passionate chords and time is in 7 (?!)
02-26-2018 11:37
02-26-2018 11:37
my favorite is "Work B@itch" from Britney Spears
02-26-2018 12:16
02-26-2018 12:16
Not so much for working out but for overall making good choices. When I get in that rut where I feel I CANT workout or I feel like I MUST eat that thing that is tempting me and that i have no control over either. "Free Will" can snap me back into it.
02-26-2018 15:55
02-26-2018 15:55
02-26-2018 18:42
02-26-2018 18:42
02-27-2018 06:04
02-27-2018 06:04
03-02-2018 06:26
03-02-2018 06:26
anything Bruno Mars.... his beats and music is so enthusiastic and motivates the "pep" in your step! You end up wanting to dance instead of walk!
03-05-2018 09:56
03-05-2018 09:56
03-05-2018 14:10
03-05-2018 14:10
Lately it's been "Walk on Water" by 30 Seconds to Mars. Just the boost I need for my early morning runs.
03-16-2018 16:28
03-16-2018 16:28