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Hi everyone.  Starting this thread because a 30 pound weight loss is my goal but feel free to join in if you have the same goal.  I'm not putting a time limit on this goal.  I will weigh-in weekly on Friday.  I will discuss my successes and failures.  My plan to achieve this weight loss it to count calories, limit alcohol (I'm not a big drinker but know wine is loaded with calories) and exercise. I'm a runner but live in the Northeast USA so getting outdoors at this time of year can be difficult. I do have a treadmill and Total Gym and my plan is to use them on days when I cannot get outside. 


CW = 155 (current weight)
STG = 150 (short term goal)
LTG = 125 (long term goal)

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@anb2014 and @Journey4Life sounds like we're three peas in a pod. I started at 217, am 215 now, and a big size 14. Somehow the difference between a size 14 and a size 12 for me is around 30 lbs. I've been as low as 170 as an adult and found it impossible to maintain, I constantly got comments about how little I ate, couldn't eat out with friends, etc. because anything over 1000 calories a day and I'd balloon up again. So a comfortable 12 (like, a 12 in any brand, not a 12 in this brand but a 14 in that one), is my goal now, which I figure is probably around 190ish. 

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I'm clearly shorter than you all :). At 190 (yes, I lost a pound this week!), I just barely fit a size 14. I'll settle for a comfortable 12—that'd be about 160 for me—but I'm at my healthiest when I'm about 145-150, which is a borderline 10/12. 


This week's stats! (Sorry I'm late. I weighed Friday, but things happened.)


SW: 191

CW: 190

Short term goal is 185 by Valentine's Day

Ultimate goal weight is 145, but 30# would get me back to where I was the last time I fell off the wagon.


Good luck on the upcoming week, all! I'm going to try to get to the gym or at least do a workout vid three times this week. It's a reasonable goal for most, but I'm a mother of three and a full-time caregiver/driver/step-and-fetch for my cancer-fighting spouse, so... I will try :).

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Hi all


Would love to join in too as this group sounds like it might be a good fit age and goal wise.  I live in NZ so my Friday weigh-in will be your Thursday!  It's summer here so no excuses to get out and about.  I'm on holiday for another 2-3 weeks so plenty of time for the gym and exercise.  I have just switched meds in the last week so hoping weight loss will be a little easier on the new ones as I have made no progress in the last year on my others.  



The Stats:

CW: 172

STG: 165

MTG: 150 (July)

LTG: 143 (by end 2018)


I'm 46 and 5' 6".  I work full-time as a teacher and have 3 teenage boys to run around after and drive places.  

I'm on MFP and FB but I don't know how to add people as 'friends' on either!


We are going to India in July so I would like to be my target weight by then as the heat will be intense, I want to fit my clothes well and there's a pool in each hotel so want to make the most of them.


I also plan to limit alcohol this year.  I slipped into bad habits of coming home from work and having a wine (or two!).  This year I aim to keep drinking to social situations only and do so moderately.  My husband is in training for a100km race so doesn't drink while he's training.  This makes it easier for me.  Also new meds have currently reduced the craving so I'm off to a good start for 2018.


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Hope everyone is having a great week!


I am struggling ... with finding this group of wonderful people/forum and discovered this morning it's a forum, not necessarily a group in the Fitbit group/community feature.  If someone can point me to how to get this accessible via my mobile app that would be awesome.  The reason I haven't posted or been in is simply because this has been hard to find.


I am struggling ... with staying consistent in my 'steps'.  There is a lot going on here and sticking to tracking food, getting steps, 'keeping moving' is a concentrated effort.  I WILL WEIGH IN TOMORROW! 


I'm winning at ... I've tried a few new things to kick off the year - reading and practicing a more Keto (fat less carbs) lifestyle and fasting for 14-16 hours each weekday so I'm really interested in seeing if that has impacted my weight.    The only other change I've made is - trying not to eat after 7 pm - hubby is a snack/desert person so this is hard but I've stuck to it so far :).  


Hang in there!!



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@Journey4Life, I'd be happy to add you as a 'friend' (or whatever the term is) on fitbit too but I also don't know how!  I know I will need some motivation from others to keep going.

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I’m in. Recently dropped 26 pounds but really still need to drop another 25 to 30 to ease the stress on my hip. 


Starting weight: 214.1

Short Term 209

Long Term Goal 184

If we are growing, we are always going to be out of our comfort zone. --- John Maxwell
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Well, weigh in

SW 223.9

CW 219.1

STG 208

I am grateful that I have this to keep me focused.  I was laid off by my employer today the next bit is going to be a little rough.

Hope everyone’s weigh ins were motivating.


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Uggggh layoffs are brutal. We are on layoff watch again this year for my husband’s job. 


Hang in there and best wishes for you in 2018. 

If we are growing, we are always going to be out of our comfort zone. --- John Maxwell
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Life has been miserable lately.  

My husband has been out of work for over a year at this point but is not willing to consider looking outside our little town.  There are no jobs here so things are rough right now.   We have other family issues going on with the extended family and are trying to keep them above water.  All this leads to a bad place for me with food and exercise.    I have not hit my step goals yet - desk job and I can barely get a break to stand up and make copies much less MOVE.

Really hoping for a better 2018 for us all. 



Starting  173

Short Term  160

Long Term 140

Current Weight: 167.6   - down 3 lbs by counting calories.  

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Congratulations on the weight loss!! To accomplish that through calorie counting only takes dedication - be proud!

We are also a no income family now, we moved across states last July so my husband would have a larger job pool. We have much to be grateful for, feeling blessed and optimistic that this too shall pass.

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Starting weight = 420 lbs. (at the end of December 2016)

Current (01/22/18) weight = 287 lbs.

Goal Weight: 250 lbs.

Total Loss: 133 lbs.


I weight myself and for the last 4 days, I have stayed steady at 287. That a pound down since I last posted to this thread.


Slow and steady wins the race, but lets remember it's a race that can't end. Matter of fact, it's NOT really even a race. But a decent walk 🙂

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Weigh in day! 

Hello Fitbit friends - it's Friday (depending on where you are), hope you do something fun for yourself this weekend.

SW 223.9

CW 213

STG 208


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I may be a little late to the party but this looks like a great group. I really like the fact that there is no date for end results. I am a single mom of two kids and I work full time.  I have made the decision to focus on my health so I can be here for my kids.  I need to lose more than 30lbs but it is a great place for me to start. 

Using my Fitbit has already made me more active on a daily basis, I tend to get competitive when I see how close I am to reaching my step goal or beating my previous day total. I have started working out using the Fitbit app and my youngest is obsessed with pokemon so we have been going for walks through our town using the Pokémon go app. We both got exercise and he collects pokemon. Sunday’s have become my food prep days and it is just a matter of getting into the routine, but frozen veggies are my friend. 


I hope y’all are doing well well and I look forward to celebrating everyone’s successes!


CW: 228

GW: 175


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Awesome!! I am enjoying the Fitbit too it’s been a great tool, especially since I found I like their food tracker.

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I am making steady progress too:


The Stats:

CW: 172  168.5

STG: 165

MTG: 150 (July)

LTG: 143 (by end 2018)

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I'd love to join this challenge. I'd like to lose around 25 lbs.


Starting Weight - 182 (as of 1/1/18)

STG - 172

LTG - 158

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Great idea. I am joining in, although my long term goal is to lose 45 pounds. This will give me an earlier milestone to celebrate. 


Height 5"6

Starting weight 185 pounds

Short-term goal 175 pounds

Long-term goal 140 pounds


Thanks for the motivation. I will weigh in on Fridays as well. 



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Down another pound folks.


Starting weight = 420 lbs. (at the end of December 2016)

Current (02/01/18) weight = 286 lbs.

Goal Weight: 250 lbs.

Total Loss: 134 lbs.

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Slow and steady! Great job
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Good going ladies!

I am making great progress - though helped by some medication that has a side effect of lowering my appetite (I feel a little 'guilty' that it is feeling easy however I battled for a year trying to lose weight on my previous medication that did the opposite, so fair's fair?)


The Stats:

CW: 172 167.5 

STG: 165

MTG: 150 (July)

LTG: 143 (by end 2018)

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