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Any low carbers here??

Hi all, I've been low carbing for a few years now and so far have lost 30 lbs and I have 30 lb to get to my goal. Any low carbers here? I just got the Force and while I'm still trying to figure it out I think it'll be the motivational boost I'm looking for to get me to my goal. By the way, can anyone tell me how to change my user name from "ontario" to my name? Thanks 🙂
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156 REPLIES 156

@yarddog wrote:

@carl669 wrote:

@yarddog wrote:

The Atkins Diet is deadly nonsense - it killed him, and has caused damage to many ...


Use mostly complex carbohydrates (as close to natural, grains, vegetables, fruit), and just enough

meat (the size of the palm of your hand, each day), and no refined sugars or other refined "junk".


why do you feel the need to come into a thread specifically about low carb and preach your high carb ways?  what works for you, may not work for others.

I feel the need to correct any advice that is highly deleterious to anyone's health.

I do not "preach high carb", but rather high complex carb., which is sound medical advice.

Please don't continue to promote a fad that can cause severe health problems.

be it high carb, or high complex carb, it's still antithetical to a thread about low carbing.  

LCHF since June 2013
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"Ten Scientifically Proven Benefits of Low-Carb Diets"



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Anyone that really cares about their health, and documented scientific information from highly

qualified medical practitioners, should read the link provided. But, you are welcome no to.

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@yarddog wrote:

Anyone that really cares about their health, and documented scientific information from highly

qualified medical practitioners, should read the link provided. But, you are welcome no to.

Your link was from an extremely shoddy site. Not one source was even listed. At least my link had sources to actual peer-reviewed journal publications.

Here are some real scientific publications: - A low carbohydrate, high protein diet suppresses intratumoral androgen synthesis and slows castration-resistant prostate tumor growth in mice. - A low-carb diet kills tumor cells with a mutant p53 tumor suppressor gene: the Atkins diet suppresses tumor growth. - Glycogen storage disease type III: modified Atkins diet improves myopathy. - Long term successful weight loss with a combination biphasic ketogenic Mediterranean diet and Mediterranean diet maintenance protocol.



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It's OK, really it is! You can hold whatever opinion you wish, and selectively quote from articles that have

little or nothing to do with the deadly Atkins Diet. Yes, a temporary increase in high protein can have some

transient positive effects, until they turn into some serious diseases and very negative health effects.


Actually read the article provided, and comprehend the facts. You're welcome to ignore it if you wish.

I will not be responding further to your notions.

Best Answer

@yarddog wrote:

It's OK, really it is! You can hold whatever opinion you wish, and selectively quote from articles that have

little or nothing to do with the deadly Atkins Diet. Yes, a temporary increase in high protein can have some

transient positive effects, until they turn into some serious diseases and very negative health effects.


Actually read the article provided, and comprehend the facts. You're welcome to ignore it if you wish.

I will not be responding further to your notions.

I would prefer if you left and didn't respond.


If you have a chance I would take a look into Dr. Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a renowned Cardiologist and proponent of low-carb living.


I guess I may or may not see you at the finish line in life. Sometimes people are too stubborn to see the facts when they're facing them. Atherclerosis is definitely not on my checklist and I am glad I did my research before living my life like a drone.

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It did not kill him. he slipped on ice and died of complications of head trauma.

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Okay lol I appreciate constructive criticism I appreciate everyone's point of view. Let's encourage each other to fight this battle to stay fit and healthy. Personally I haven't try Atkins diet. I will read up on it... Lchf is truly working for me; I am taking measurements every month and weighting myself weekly.., my coworkers says they can see me losing weight in my thighs lol and my neck getting great right and I did my 10k of this year; more marathons to go next- march of dimes. For the last 4 years I did 10k's an I look back in previous years of my pictures... Good ole WOW factor.... Well I'm just rambling lol have a good night everyone much luv positive vibes flowing to this support groups and other support groups as well..
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yarddog, I do not subscribe to anything atkins. I live high protein,
low sodium, low sugar, practically no carbs, high fresh veggie and fruits.
Told I MUST DO so by my physician. Blood pressure is down, lost a third of
my body weight. So why talk to me about being preachy? I was just looking
for some ideas on how to track carbs with the fitbit.

My husband is very fit, and his diet is completely the opposite of mine.
Marathon runner. DOf course I recognize other people's perspectives.
Tonight he had pasta for dinner, I had spaghetti squash. He had Haagen Daas
ice cream for dessert, I had warm blackberries with stevia and a touch of

This is supposed to be a healthy community. Your comments and attitude are
toxic. It would be nice if you would apologize for your derogatory
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Yep just started this week!  I am doing the slow carb dite in 4 hour bod. I am 40lbs over weight and training for a half marathon in june

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We are all trying to do the same thing. We are all different. But we all
want to be healthy and fit.

I think you are reinforcing my "notion" that public forums are not the best
place to share ideas.

Good luck to you. If you approach everyone else in life with the same
condescending attitude, I am mot sure if your diet lifestyle will make any

Please try to be more open and less critical of others. This whole
conversation makes me sad.
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Good luck and just keep trying, stick to your diet and your goals. If you
have a physician involved, that's even greater!
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Keep up the good work!
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Wow; I haven't gotten a chance to get on this thread for a while.  My asking for help getting back to low carb ended up in a firestorm I guess.  LOL.  Honestly, one would have to be living under a log not to hear how removing......yes, I said REMOVING all bread, (yes, even whole wheat), sugars, sweetners of all kinds,  white rice and pasta from your diet is a great healthly choice.  Remove all processed foods and eat nothing but WHOLE foods...........all fruits, vegies, protein (yes- don't even worry about the fat content as long as it is hormone free and organic).  Limit your dairy; milk after all is for baby cows.  I myself love cheese and yogurt and do fine eating this in moderation.  As for excercise; I am just trying to get moving again.  The fitbit is a great reminder of how sedentary I am..........eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh.

Anyway, here's to lowcarbers everywhere........keep it up and your body will thank you:)  Just concentrate on whole, unprocessed foods.

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Congrats on your success. That's great.

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Most i.portant is to look up a list of low carb foods and stock up on ones you like. It's not about calories, so you have to switch your mindset.  Research so you understand why low carb works otherwise you'll be questioning what youre doing and why. The goal is basically take sugars away from your body so it will burn fat for energy. You may not feel well at first, so you need to read up to know that youll recover. There's important ifo to know. Carbs can range betwwen 20 to 50. Many foods are zero carbs. To start its easy fall back on safest foods like eggs/bacon for breakfast and meat and low carb veggies for lunch and dinner, nuts and cheese for snacks. As you learn more you can be more creative. Adding healthy fat is important: butter, olive oil, coconut oil

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It doesn't matter whether you eat low carb or not.  Google for the number of calories you should eat to maintain your weight for your age and  gender and height and then subtract 500 a day or whatever number you want to work with to lose weight.  AND exercise is good for health but what you eat determines what you weigh.  Don't sit for hours without getting ups and walking around a bit.  It makes more difference than exercise.  Also 10 minutes on a stationary bike while reading the news or a book is amazingly significant.  It was recommended to me by a cardiologist.  Best wishes.

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