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But I still can't lose any weight

I keep track of my food. I stay to the calorie limit per My Fitness Pal.  I'm exercising 3-4 times a week but I'm not loosing.  Any suggestions on what to do?

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Me too. 


I think that the key is to tone up muscles (so make sure you are doing strength training along with cardio), this is because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. 

Plus, I read if you do 15 min work out at the start and the end of the day, it is more effective than 30 in one go. Something to do with how the body continues to burn more energy after exertion.

Maybe you just need to switch things up? 

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im new to flex fit and having trouble with deficits and losing weight it would be great to see how someone is logging their day. im trying to stay btwn1100-1150cal day

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friend me and you can see all my logs. 

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It's so frustrating. We all know exercise is good for us but every time I start to exercise I gain weight. I track my food. I have a good balance of carbs, protein, fiber. I drink my water. I am doing gluten free. I just want to scream. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am probably 60 pounds over weight. I just can't take it. Ahhh. 

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Honestly Robin, the same thing happens to me. If I want to stay at 114, I just stick with walking and 15 minutes of ballet plies, as soon as I do anything more strenuous I start gaining weight. If I do weights or start doing 3times a week yoga classes I gain. 

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My weight has stayed the same all year (about 28 lbs more than I'd like to weigh).  I have tried the new year diet, spring diet, pre holiday diet and post holiday diet (which included a brief spell of the 5-2) and then the I don't care eat what I want diet.  All this time my weight has remained the same.  I do manage 10,000+ steps most days


Next year:  food logging and water diet!

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 I would try mixing up your exercise routine. The body gets used to the same routine so be sure to change it up every few weeks. If you are lifting weights try going up a couple of lbs.

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It appears you're getting a lot of tips and suggestions that are very helpful.  Are you eating enough calories per your current body weight?  I log all my foods, drinks, supplements, etc. and reassess my macronutrient count regularly.  If you're trying to consume Calories for Fat Loss, try this calcualtion - take your body weight x's 14 for your calorie count & then figure up your macronutrients (fats, protein & carbs).  For instance, if you have 19-24% bodyfat consume 35% Protein, 35% Carbs & 30% Fats.  To figure your protein grams take your calories x 35% / 4, for carbs do the same & for fats take your calorie count x 30% / 9.  I did the Calories for Cutting (body weight x's 12) calculation to help me prep for a figure competiton and dropped 16 pounds & got down to 9% body fat.  As you lose weight reasses your intake Smiley Happy

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Wilsey - that's some interesting math. How'd you come up with those percentages? Just curious.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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Woman Happy Ukase - thanks.  I can't actually take the credit for the math, I acquired the mathematical science from Karen Sessions.  Actually the percentages depend on your current body weight, fat percentage & if you're wanting to lose fat or cut/define, so it varies for everyone.  It also depends on how many times a week you work out and how active your job is.  It's all a science and changes as your body changes.

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Thanks for all the replies to this post - its quite interesting to read all the different opinions.


My daily routine is 20 mins walk to work at 0730, back again at 1330.  Fair amount of walking at work but stopping and starting - between 2-3 hours.  After work is dog walk - this time of year probably on 20 mins.  Then to be honest after dinner and clearing up, I'm completely cream crackered.  


Weekend usually housework - got to get back into 30 mins swimming Sat and Sun - and dog walk 30 mins to 1 hour.


Any ideas how I could fit just a bit more activity into my schedule?

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Hi.Sounds like you are at the plateau. Click the 2 links to below to read on about it & how to prevent it or move forward:

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Thanks for the links.  I did mean to say in my earlier post that I walk home at 1530 so basically leave home at 7 back at 4 (although today got a lift into work as it was absolutely pouring with rain).  


For me in 2014 it's got to be food weighing, water drinking, exercising ....

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Hi trainer I've just gone through the whole process I'm 56 & decided at a very early age that I would go through it naturally and gently, I gained 10k. Not pleasant but very liberating the whole process for me was 3 years. I was always active prior to this & 7 weeks ago I got back into training 5 days a week with a PT and  Love it,I feel like my old self is back. I got my Fitbit for chrissy and I am an addict I have to say keeps me acountable.They say that the average age for women to go through the change is 51 and that it can take 5 years. For anyone experiencing Peri hangin there its gets better on the other side.

Comment if I were to change anything I would keep up gentle exercise and perservere Good luck Ladies.

Lou Lou  

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What about "fasting" one or two days a week? I am doing the 5:2 fast and have lost 6 kgs in 7 weeks.


Have a look here:


The good thing about the above is that is does not cost any money! You do not have to buy the book as all the information is online.


In a nutshell: you eat normally (do not over-indulge) on 5 days a week and on two day women stay under 500cal and men udner 600cal. Sounds worse than it is.


I usually eat nothing on my fast days and then for dinner consume my 500 cal. It is easier for me this way as once I start having a little bit to eat I get really hungry.


Fasting has also the huge advantage that your body does not need to concentrate on dealing with digesting food but it can focus on maintenance and repair.


Quite a few members on the above forum report that they could reverse their diabetes and lower their cholesterol.


Anyhow- just a suggestion and there is no money involved in buying any supplements or joining something such as weight watchers. It is an easy to maintain way of life and once you have reached your goal you can do 6:1 or less.



P.S. I am 48 and menopausal.

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I was having a hard time losing weight, and went to have my resting metabolism rate measured.  The resulsts showed that I'm actually burning far fewer calories (like 30%) than any calculations based on my weight would show.  Now that I know accurately how many calories I really am burning, and how many I need to eat to lose weight, I'm beginning to see some progress.   And now I'm working on building muscle, which will increase the amount of calories that I burn.  Having that information made all the difference for me.

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I did try 5-2 in the summer, but I cannot sustain 500 calories a day with my current work / home schedule.  I managed a few weeks but then started eating so much on the non-fasting days it wasn't working.  This year so far doing quite well.  Didn't actually put on any weight over Christmas and am keeping food intake (and alcohol) under control as well as exercise.

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Samr, just a quick look at your fitbit says, on average, you are consuming about 80 more calories per day than you are burning. Now that doesn't say how much you are wearing your Fitbit, so maybe there is some missing calorie burn there, but given that even in the best of intentions most people under-estimate what they eat, that seems to be your problem. Assuming both calories in and calories out numbers arelatively accurate, you should look to reduce your caloric intake. To lose 1lb a week, you need about a 500 calorie deficit (1lb weight roughly = 3500 calroie deficit, so 500 cal daily deficit x 7 days = 3500 calories). 


I wouldn't presume to tell you wear to find those calories (be they through change in diet or additonal exercise, or most likely a combintation of both), but that is where success will lie. You seem to be active, so it will most liley be a diet change, and possibly increasing the intensity if your health allows it. 

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Hi Hans.  Many thanks for your interest in my dilemma.  I wear my fitband 100% so the food v burn ratio is correctl.  I think a major thing with food intake is under-estimation of portion sizes.  Today, for example, I had some peanuts.  I guessed 25 g, but actual was 39 g - my own stupid fault for going without lunch and then being weak and pale with hunger!  


Keep checking out my profile and giving me motivation - I am currently losing weight steadily (OK - I know it;s only day 5 of the new year, but I am thinking positively and everyone on this site is helping to keep my in line.


Many thanks  again

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Thanks Sam I wear my FitBit all day except if I swim bit nervous about that I'm really stepping up my activity now I'm on holidays doing class's at gym and walking a lot will watch my calorie intake closely and stay in zone I'm on a mission love my FitBit by the way synced with my fitness pal

Sent from my iPhone
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