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Chats, Challenges & Laughs 2nd home


For all my Chats, Challenges & Laughs peeps! Since we can't get on the threads I thought I would start a discussion area for us. We may not be able to keep track of points standings easily but we can still talk.

I miss you!

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Hello everyone! Yes, I am still here too.

@Jan2512  - Sorry about your fall but glad it wasn't worse. 

@CJ_Here  - Congrats on your weight loss! Never apologize for your beliefs, being quiet about things is what has gotten us where we are in this crazy destructive world (so I believe). Here's to getting back on track!


I have been gone for a while because

1) no one seemed to be posting much

2) I didn't have a lot going on besides physical therapy for my knee

3) work has been super crazy


My knee is doing very well and I am soooo glad I had the surgery done. We are looking at buying me a bicycle! Yes, my knee now bends enough to ride one (hasn't done that in well over five years).

Hopefully work will get better starting next week....fingers crossed.


Hoping you are all doing well and having a good summer/winter.

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After intending to post many times, I just set aside what I was doing and logged on. 

I have been reading all your posts and cheering you on from the quiet sidelines. And of course, you can’t see that unless I make the effort to post. 

I had posted earlier that my FIL and my dad died in late December. Both had dementia and failing health, so it was a blessing. I was much closer to Hubby’s dad than my own but both hit harder than expected. I sank into depression, just doing what had to be done. 

Inactivity caused my hamstring to tighten so I had physical therapy and am still doing stretching and strengthening exercises for that. My goal is to be able to walk well enough to keep up on our family vacation in October. 

I joined Noom in September and lost 14 pounds before Thanksgiving, when my father-in-law got sick. As of right now, I am down 9 from my heaviest, having regained and starting over. 

Even though I haven’t worked in three years, I am now officially retired as I received my first Social Security payment last month! I have two Bible studies a week, am secretary of the church guild, treasurer of the quilt guild, on the committee for our annual quilt show, and am now treasurer of the agricultural historical museum.  With grandchildren activities, I feel like I’m always running but the truth is that I’m quite a bit slower than I used to be. 

I really enjoy keeping up with all of you and I INTEND to post regularly. And Margaret, if you’re reading, we all miss you. 

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I'm still here, though silent.


I have regained thirty of the fifty pounds I lost. I can blame it on gallbladder surgery back in February, but that was just the start of me feeling in a funk.


Three weeks ago I had COVID, despite three shots. At least it wasn't that bad thanks to the vaccines. Just am really tired. Been napping when I can and not overdoing myself.


I broke the treadmill at my parents'house early in the year and didn't replace it until this weekend. Talk about a workout! 200 pounds of dead weight up stairs and put together with just me and my 72 year old dad. With me recovering from COVID fatigue and him nursing a bum knee, we made quite the pair cussing the old one downstairs and the new (and much heavier) one upstairs.  I've been recovering from that and just can't get on the thing other than to see if it worked!


So I'm still here, just in a funk and starting over.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm back again and with good stuff to break up some of the string of mishaps and misfortune that appears to have plagued our little but tenacious group!


First of all, @Jan2512 my date with my ex was nice. It was a little awkward to start and it wasn't romantic or anything. I think he's really trying but for me, it's too little too late. Since then he's asked me out for 2 different things and both times I had a legit conflict. But the event was super cool - we had a nice dinner and it was an all-star lineup including Bruce Springsteen for the musical guest! Dave Chappelle, Stephen Colbert, so many greats packed into one evening!


Also, you had asked what a "whale" is - it's a large contract. Initially it had to be over $1000/month to qualify but now they've upped it to $1500. When you "hook" one, you get swag and recognition. I haven't received my swag yet though but should have 3 coming.


On that front, my bonus/commission from March paid in April was HUGE! It was enough to give me plenty of spending money for my vacation to New Orleans for Jazz Fest - first vacation since before Covid since it's a spring event. It's a good thing, too, because my friend that I stay with got Covid and so at the last minute, we had to book a hotel room. The friend that I travel with was a little short of cash so I picked up the entire $1500 tab and she'll be paying me back this summer. My check coming later this month will be even bigger by about $200 so I can undo the damage I did while going cuckoo crazy my first time away in so long!


So work is good. I'm enjoying it and learning and growing. I just don't have the confidence that it won't be super pressure every.single.month to reach my quota and most months so far it's been a nailbiter. It's nearly the middle of the month now and I don't have a single contract signed yet. But, if everything I have pending were to sign I'd be at 179%. I'm hoping over time I'll get a little better at moderating my pace and workflow so I can get my contracts in early and then use the rest of the month to build the future month's pipeline.


I've also been doing a little house work stuff - I've been challenged by having too much stuff so I've packed up several bags of clothing to donate and a few items to throw away - putting them out of their misery. Loving something with so many holes that's not lace is just not right! One of the reason I have so much clothing now is that I needed to expand my casual wardrobe for my new job but I'm afraid to get rid of my business and bus casual stuff in case I need it again. I can't afford to replace it! So I've had to very selectively cull. I also don't want to annex the dressers and closets of my other 2 rooms and become a pack rat so I bought some hangars for pants and tops that hold 5 items each and used those to fit more in to less space. Also, I got rid of 2 old chairs and quilt that I never really liked and was taking up space in my office which is also my workout room. I just needed to declutter,


So I took a whole bunch of t-shirts to a quilt lady nearby and she's going to make t-shirt quilt for me. I can't wait! It may not arrive until Christmas time but I may forget about it in time and then it will be a surprise! I had her analyze the quilt I got rid of - in case I should repair it instead - but she said it had no $ value and it had no sentimental value for me, doesn't match my decor, isn't soft and cozy, and was falling apart. She gave me "permission" to just get rid of it. My mom donates to an organization that helps homeless people so maybe it will make a sleeping pad for someone on the streets. Anyway, I can't wait to see how the quilt I WILL use turns out and I got rid of a lot of shirts taking up space that I'll never wear again but couldn't stand to part with.


In other news, Bogart had been losing a lot of weight and looking frail - a trend over 3 years. This last trip to the vet in the fall, she wanted a follow up. I took him a few weeks ago and we did some math and drew some blood and basically, he just wasn't getting enough calories - ironic given that he lives with me. So, no meds or anything, just feed him more wet food each day. And just like that, he's been putting on more weight, filling out again, looking fluffier and he's been more playful, And interestingly, he actually seems to be eating more of his crunchies too! At 14, I worry now. I need him for a long time still!


Mom and dad seem to be stable for the moment. My sister seems to be too. It's summer and the pool is open and I'm feeling pretty good. I've managed to keep my 10-15 pounds off that I lost through the winter. And, finally, just last week, resolved the CPAP issue. I'm not sure if I mentioned but I had a sleep study in January and my pressure had to go up - significantly. I had been at 8 for several years. I had to go up to 15! That big of a change caused a lot of issues with my masks not fitting right and air leaking around and stabbing me in the ear or eye so I wasn't sleeping and getting cranky. They fitted me in March with some new masks but they weren't resolving the issue - maybe helping a little - but not completely fixing it. Finally last Friday I got another new style of mask and suddenly, no leaks. I've got months of poor sleep to make up for but in just a few days, I'm happier, have more spring in my step and am waking up feeling readier for my day. It's a small thing that makes a HUGE difference! And I'm hoping that spring in my step helps me work my weight down even more due to good decisions and more activity.


Okay, enough of my novel for now but I'm so glad you all are still here!

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I love your novels, @Katrin .  Keep it up.  So happy to hear this job is a good fit for you.  Sounds like a solid plan to get into the rhythm of reaching goal early; then prepping for the next month.  Highs and lows in income would be nerve-wracking for me.


Good to hear you have a new treadmill, @Hmkitten, and hope you can start using it soon.  Maybe your starting will get me to start using my bike upstairs.  Using it will help both of us stay out of the funk, and "junk".


Also, good to hear from you, @ElaineJ27.  Sounds like your retirement hasn't slowed you down at all.  You do such good things for your community.  I've gotten two SS payment now, too.  Isn't it grand?  I love reaping what I sowed for so many years 🙂


So, for accountability.  I picked up June 1st and didn't put down until the night of June 13th.  Two weeks of trying to find the perfect sweet and/or crunchy no avail! And I gained 5 lbs.  Headaches every day from the sugar and the constant looking for the next thing to eat.  Yesterday was not near as bad as I thought it would be to eat three healthy meals with nothing in-between.  I stayed away from the sweet and salty crunch.  Today my headache is pretty much gone which is encouraging.  I'm going out to eat for lunch but checked out their menu and know what I am going to order.  I'm happy to be back to sanity in this area.  One day; one minute at a time.


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Good for you CJ !!  I gained too but I learned 2 things lately.  Restraint with eating does pay off and a bit of exercise does work to improve strength and mobility.  In desperation I started doing the 3 pages of exercises a doctor told me to do...5 times each...already an improvement in the usual instructions to do 10.  But also I was willing to do the standing and sitting exercises but not the laying down bunch.  Finally I started doing the laying down set before getting out of bed.  They do help.  My hip joints are getting lots better.  I've lost 4 pounds this week but I'm going to my daughter's for lunch for Father's day & will be special.  I'll probably be back at start.   I'm so short, 4 pounds is lots.   I was told to ride my bike 10 minutes each day.  That is doable, so I do it.   I walked on my treadmill 17 minutes yesterday which is a big increase.  Probably everyone can do better than I'm reporting. I'm just telling you so you can feel good about what you are doing.

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God bless you Darling!
You have been trudging through LOTS of problems and distress. You are not alone on this journey. Continue praying and sharing with your posts on FitBit. We shall help you bear your burdens.
Love 💘,
kev E Chandler

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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Please add me. Shalini Srivastava

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Welcome Shalini!

It isn't always busy in here but it is a nice place for encouragement.


As for me, I gained back twenty five pounds between December and June. My plantar fasciitis was keeping me from exercising (or so I told myself. I could have still moved my upper body) and I didn't stop putting treats in my mouth. I'd given up again, knowing that the only way way up the scale. But.


My mom was supposedly going to start a keto-ish diet three months ago. We were going to do it together. Well, two months went by with her procrastinating and me being supportive of her making a step--any step--towards getting healthy. She has all sorts of health issues and her employer is hosting a medically monitored version of the diet. So I was going to get on board as well. Anyway, I got tired of waiting, foot problems or no. So four weeks ago I started killing my darlings: bread/cake and cereal (and therefore milk). I accidentally cut out most of my daily diet on those three things alone. I had no idea that about 80-85% of my calories were from carbs, fruit or glutenous. 


So now I am using the FitBit calorie tracker to my benefit. So far in four weeks I've shed 12 pounds (3lbs/week but the first week was major water loss) and don't feel hungry. The food tracker keeps me eating enough foods--something that I never thought would be a problem on a "diet". But it's not for everyone. I sort of hope that they turn down Mom for the program so I can maybe coax her to do something a little less stringent. I love her and I want her around a lot longer, and if she keeps the way she is going (the way I was going but moreso), then I won't have her long. But you can't force something like this. I understand that. Hell, I'm not sure how long this particular path will go for that matter. For now? It works and I feel good on it. And I call that a win.

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Good job HM Kitten!!  I would be so happy if I could lose 12 pounds.  I bought beans and grapefruit yesterday.  The diet starts today.  I'm at my fattest.   I'm determined & am going to try hard to fix this.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm still here. I've been under tremendous stress this month. Last month, I completely missed my quota due to focusing heavily on customer care of two very big accounts. Both accounts still have a number of contracts to sign and the biggest account promised to sign them all by end of month in June. Well no one signed anything and so this month, I've been on an action plan. Failure could cost me my job. I've been working my tail off and have exceeded all metrics they established for me and am leading the pack in all categories . . . except signed contracts. I'm strong there but I need 3 more deals this week to make it. I've got about 8 or 9 possibles but pinning these people down and inspiring urgency is stressing me out big time and I'm alternately sad for my possible loss, proud of my amazing metrics, afraid it won't be enough, and so much more - all at the same time.


Meanwhile, I've lost a few pounds and have been mostly sleeping okay. I'm a little off my workouts and way off my meditation and journaling routine which I think is creating a bit of a stress spiral. I'm going to try to get back on track with those so I can stay sane this week!

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Katrin,  Amazing that with all that stress and worry you lost any pounds!!  You probably are completely wrong to worry about losing your job.  Who would take care of those customers if you were gone?

           I'm going to try experimenting a way to reduce calories by drinking less wine.  I'm going to just try switching from no calorie cola and no calorie coffee to 7-up instead of wine at night.   Much of the reason I drink wine is just to have something different at night.  There are lots of negatives about drinking wine anyway.  It is a diuretic, has lots of calories, and doesn't really help at all with sleep.    Maybe some one else will want to try to save alcohol calories too.??   You could at least have a wine spritzer; mixing wine and 7-up.  Right?  I lost 2 pounds this week, before I thought of this wine thing.   I'm happy.  (I'm still at my fattest though)

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7-up wasn't a good substitute for wine, too sweet.  Maybe lemonade ?   It is Monday when  weight is always  up.  I'm almost back to start, but not quite. We can do better this week.  Another chance.

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Hi Everyone!

It's been a while because life (as usual) has been crazy.

We lost three people at work in two weeks so my workload has increased, again. On the up side, I got a pay raise because I'm dependable.

Lots of overtime to keep on top of everything so that's good too.

Hubby's nephew got married for the second time and you would think it was their first! Second time for her too. It was the most over the top wedding I have ever been to but it was great visiting with his family, we don't see them very often.

Hubby's brother had a bone marrow transplant from his sister and everything is starting to turn around with his lukemia (he's in his 70's and was diagnosed early this year).

My brother had an electrical house fire early this month but all are safe.

My sister got back into her house this Memorial Day weekend after her house fire on July 4th last year.

Took my car in for an oil change in July, when they went to pull it into the bay the control arm broke putting the front tire on it's side. They had to have it towed into the bay. Ended up getting two new control arms, a tie-rod, an axle, an alignment and finally the oil change - only $1700. But it happened at the best possible time and place instead of me driving on the road somewhere.

My daughter, her maid of honor and I will be going to look at wedding dresses for her later this month - can't wait!

I still don't have a new bike (darn car took all the money).

Hubby is having a few health issues and is undergoing tests and procedures to see what, if anything, is going on (more money).

We were able to go to the big comicon in Chicago early this month as a family which is always fun (tickets were purchased last year and spending money was already put aside). We purchased some very cool coffee mugs, I got a pair of Stitch earrings and a Stitch t-shirt (from Disney's Lilo and Stitch), and hubby got some very nice original artwork and prints.

This brings me up to date and I have to get back to work.

Hope to hear updates from all of you!

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Life is up and down right now. I'm happy to say that my keto eating is working well with about 2lbs/week. I don't think it's so much the ketosis part of it, but the not binge eating general carbs and still watching my calories. I'll take it while I can though! 


Mom officially started the diet she was going to start in May and we are cheering each other on and trying not to sabotage each other. My dad is even being really good about not bringing home trigger good, despite him really liking junk food. I bought me Rebel ice cream (black raspberry, which I love), Dad cherries (and strawberry ice cream), and mom pork rinds. Something for everyone's munchies without being too damaging. 


I got the treadmill up and running since the plantar fasciitis has let up. I haven't used it much, but it's there for me. In fact, I might want to use it tonight after my hefty introduction to the ice cream earlier in the day. So I have the option to walk inside and this ignore the heat and humidity. I just have to get my rear off the couch and use it!


Been on Prednisone for the last several days and have about a week more to go. It made being on the line with Comcast for... What am I up to?...10 hours in the last week. Steroids plus horrible customer service left me cussing and in tears. I can't wait for both Comcast to not suck and to be off the meds. It also means that I've been hungrier too, which is making life interesting overall. I may have to write off this week's weight loss. So long as it works, fine.


But I'm rambling. Good luck everyone!

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Jan, my condolences on the loss of Queen Elizabeth. She was the epitome of regal. 

I’m the example of “how did I have time to work?” retiree with church, quilt, and historical group work. We are having our annual steam show (steam engine and antique tractor farming) in two weeks and I work in the office, starting next week. 

Since I started Noom a year ago, I’ve lost almost 20 pounds. I love the way my relationship with food has changed!


I still read whatever entries are posted and I’m sorry I don’t reply often enough. 

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Elaine, thank you so much for your kind words.  We all knew this day would come but when it did it was sudden and I don't think we were really ready.  For most British people and indeed many Australians it is like losing an elderly relative.  I admit I shed a few tears.  I suppose for people who live in republics it is hard to imagine the depth of feeling and grief we are feeling.  My family has been watching all the events from England on TV for most of the days (and nights) since the Queens passing. 


I will try to post again.  I really miss the connection with everyone on this forum.  It is just that I don't have much to add.  Since covid started I have not done much.  I used to go the the shopping mall at least once a week, now it is once every 4 to 6 weeks.  We would go to the pictures at least once a fortnight, I have only seen two movies is six months.  Even going to the rugby league, we used to go every other week during the six month season, this year we have seen three matches.  With the better weather (hopefully) getting warmer I might be more inclined to get out more.  I must admit I am still worried about covid even though I have had four vaccinations and wear a mask in a lot of places especially public transport and taxis.


Hope everyone who is still reading the posts is well, safe and happy.  And I hope Elaine and Catherine your diet / lifestyle changes continue to show good improvements.

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I'm sorry your Queen died.  I wish I had 100 pictures of her in different hats.  Maybe a different "royal" will wear hats.  Glenda

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Hi Everyone,


It's good to hear from you even though I know some of you are struggling and/or grieving!


I've had a lot of good news lately so I'll share something upbeat. 


I totally missed quota in June (badly) and was on an action plan for July and August. The stress was horrible BUT I had fantastic results and a nice note from my VP about my comeback. And the resulting commissions have been nice as well. September is going along okay - some ups, some downs, but a little less pressure. Overall, I feel pretty good. And my commission check that pays out next week will be ENORMOUS! OMG I can't wait. 


As a result of the best cash flow I've ever had in my life, I've managed to pay down some debt. I've completely paid off 3 of 5 credit cards and am making some progress on the 4th. (Is this the waterfall or the avalanche method when you pay highest interest rates off first?) But, as my income has increased, strangely, my need to spend has decreased. That includes fun stuff like clothes and shoes and personal items like pedicures and even groceries and dining out. Not being anxious about watching every penny means I don't mind an empty fridge and chipped polish on my toes. I know you've all heard it said that "Money does not buy happiness" but the considerable relief from stress about money I feel is unbelievable - even when compared to the work stress I feel. Maybe it's only trading one for the other but the change is very refreshing regardless!


My sister who has had significant health problems her whole life visited a naturepath a few weeks ago that was recommended by one of my friends. Having seen just about everyone else but with only mediocre results, she scheduled an appointment. He ran about $8k in blood tests (insurance covered all of it) and OMG, the results are truly life changing for her! 1. She has heavy metal poisoning which is not a surprise but what I didn't realize is it could be easily treated with a pill! She needs to take them for 30 days and simultaneously eat a diet rich in iron but low in some other stuff like caffeine to get maximum benefit. She was very worried about how she would feel on them (like it was chemo or something) but actually after 3 days, started just feeling younger, fitter, healthier, happier, everything! 2. She has Celiac's. This is a bit of a surprise and other members of my family will get tested. She already is allergic to rice so this significantly reduces her carb options. 3. She has a tremendous number of allergies - we knew about a number of them but now there's a whole bunch more including nuts! 4. She's actually diabetic - her A1C doesn't qualify her as diabetic but because of some of her other issues, her blood count - hemocrit - is very low. As a result, the A1C alone is not diagnostic for her. Anyway, there's so much more but she's eating a different diet (she's always been very good so I can't say strict) and feeling much better just after 1 visit.


I took a few days off in August and travelled up to Rhode Island - did a sailing cruise of Newport and a walking tour and canal boat tour of Providence, then went to visit the grave of HP Lovecraft and eat French Toast and Custard from the Modern Diner featured on the Food Network, and then spent a day in Portsmouth New Hampshire were I walked the harbor, ate a Lobster Roll and wandered the shops all before finally winding my way up to Madison New Hampshire for the wedding of one of my dear friends from high school. It's been quite a while since I was able to take a long drive like that and it was good to clear my mind and answer to no one for a few days.


Mom and Dad are okay health wise and the business stuff is going okay so I have a little break right now to explore stuff I want to do. The air is just starting to get cooler at night - maybe tonight I'll sleep with the windows open - it will get down to 56! The high was 82 so certainly not cold but without the humidity it is really delightful! I started playing tennis on Sunday mornings with a friend - this week will be our 4th time. I'm slowly getting better having not picked up my racket in about 10 years! It's fun though - not particularly competitive but good exercise and good variety! I have book club tonight and I need to get going for that but I'm looking forward to a nice weekend and feeling generally pretty good about stuff for the moment! 



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The best 2 books I read this year was Seabiscuit and Unbroken, both by the same author.  Couldn't put Unbroken down.  It was about a POW camp.  They are not novels but read like one.  

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