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July 4th to September 7th 2020 Challenge

Hello and welcome to the 5th challenge of 2020!

We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Any one is welcome to join at any time, just hit reply on the most recent post and let us know a bit about yourself.

Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, etc. please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for this challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight/weigh-in

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!


If you want to respond to or 'tag' a particular person with your response, type in @ and you will get a drop down box of recent users to choose from, this will alert them that someone has responded to something they posted and we will all see who you are talking to or about. For example: @_Lilac_  hope to see you here!

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USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 208.0 (7/4/20)

LW - 205.0

CW - 208.0

GW - 200.0 (9/7/20)

Stretch goal weight - 198.0

Mini goal - 195.00

UGW - 150.0

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USW - 260 (5/28)

SW - 241 (7/5)

CW - 241 (7/5)

GW - 228  (9/7)

Stretch goal - 221

UGW- 180


Looking forward to this next challenge.  I fell a little short on the last one so I'll see if I can do better this time.


I am trying to pick up my physical activity.  I was walking or playing pickleball daily, resulting in 2-5 miles per day.  I am now trying to walk 7 miles per day just to get my calorie burn up there, besides whatever else I do.  Also tracking my food intake on Fitbit as closely as possible which has helped me make better meal and snacking choices.  I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure as well, so all of this in combination will hopefully help bring everything under control.  BP has come down a fair amount already in the last month.  Cholesterol will be checked again around the end of this challenge.


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@Cele21Thank you for starting for these. It really has helped me weigh my self daily and keep track of what is working and what is not and what I need to change. 


I know sleep is a huge factor for me. I can tell when I don't get enough hours or don't sleep well, it negates the workouts and eating right.  But I know menopause also plays a role in how we lose.

Not starting on a down note, just stating what I need to keep an eye on to get on track.


US W      236.4

CS W       215.6 (7/5/2020)

L W          215.8  (6/29/20)

CW         215.6 (7/5/2020)

Goal       195     (9/7/20)

Stretch   190

U G      180


I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.

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USW 110

current= 118


 That may seem ridiculously easy  to bigger people  but it isn't at all easy.  I am only 5'2 1/2" with very small bones.  I probably should weigh 10% less for small bones and something less for lost muscle in my old age too. or about 105 max.  Does anyone think giving up 200 calories of wine a night would be worthwhile?  My Sept. school reunion will probably be canceled.  So I've lost that motivation. 

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@GlendaThe 200 calories over the 60-ish days would be 12000 calories.  That is a fair number, but if it's one glass of wine that has other benefits, right?  That might work out to a couple of pounds over that time period, but not if you substitute something else for it.  I would consider increasing activities and maybe substituting some vegetables for some starches instead.  Mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, for instance.  Hopefully you will be able to hit your goal!  Do it for yourself, not the people at your class reunion.

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@PCMagic  Good idea adding up the calories.  If I drink wine I'm going to limit it to 5 ounces or 116 calories and no nuts.  Still that is 816 per week......maybe I can work on that.  

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Hi everyone, I’m just starting to take weight loss seriously. I’ve been gaining weight for the past 6 years since I got out of high school, about 10lbs a year. I’m ready to reverse that pattern and take control of my health. I’m 6ft and am 260 lbs


USW - 260

Current starting weight - 260

GW - 250

UGW - 200


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USW - 380ish

SW - 368ish

CW - 368ish

LW - 374

GW - 350

UGW- anything under 200


Here we go again. I didn't lose a whole lot in the last challenge but it's a start. What I've GAINED though is the ability to do things I haven't been able to do in a long time. I walk to the pool now without having to rest part way. I do my whole workout then walk home without resting part way. My back moves better and I have more flexibility. I even got home from the water aerobics class and decided to mow the yard before I stiffen up and not want to move again for the rest of the day. And that's what I did. I mowed after a full 90 min of activity already. Wow..yay me. My daughter was shocked. She'd seen me suffering on a short walk up the block not long ago. I think it scared her as much as it scared me. 

Off to a slower (this time) but good start!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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USW - 218.0

Current starting weight - 208.0 (7/4/20)

LW - 208.0

CW - 206.6

GW - 200.0 (9/7/20)

Stretch goal weight - 198.0

Mini goal - 195.00

UGW - 150.0


The heat index here is really beating me up. We have central air but tend to keep it at a higher setting to save $. Our daughter and her boyfriend came up yesterday to celebrate her birthday. It was in our back yard and she invited 4 of her friends from the area who she doesn't get to see since she lives over 200 miles away. One couldn't make it and one just stopped by briefly but it was fun visiting with the other two. Social distancing was kept as much as possible but I found it hard to remember when it was just my daughter and I in the house getting cake, etc. She kept reminding me to back up. I miss hugging her. Being out in the sun as long as we were just drained all my energy. So glad today is mostly a do nothing day.

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@Cele21 @_Lilac_ @Neyoung014    you all have goals of over 30 pounds to lose eventually.   Anyone can look attractive, presentable, pretty if they take enough photos.   All overweight people resist photos.  They have to be badgered into allowing anyone to take lots of pictures so that the best possible photo can be chosen.  But all of you should put some effort into taking the best possible  photo, NOW.   Digital photos today are CHEAP  take lots.   Put on your best outfit and check the background, the lighting, the clothes and tweak as needed.  They take hundreds of photos of swimsuit models (actually thousands) so take lots of pictures.  You want a GREAT before picture.    Then when you lose weight you will be SO GLAD.  Do this for yourself.  You can be an inspiration to others .  Isn't that worthwhile???  You can win money too.  Encourage your friends to do this too maybe?   Maybe you already have a great picture?.  

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Hello Everyone,

It's been really beautiful outside. I don't stay long, I step out get some sun in the morning.


USW      236.4

CSW       215.6 (7/5/2020)

LW         215.6 (7/5/2020)

CW         213.4 (7/13/2020)

Goal       195  (9/7/20)

Stretch  190

UGW     180


Watched a couple of movies over the weekend. I'm in bookclub so I had to get my chapters read prepare for this weeks discussion.


I hope everyone had a good weekend.


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@Li_sa  - good job on the weight loss! What book are you reading for your club?

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@Glenda  - Good point. I do have plenty of pictures of myself - usually with family as that is very important to me. However, as fitbit is an open forum and I have no control over who sees my information unlike facebook, I don't feel comfortable putting a picture of myself out there which is why my icon is dragons. I like dragons, I like purple, I like the heart/family connection so it represents me very well. 

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@Cele21Thank you.


Happy Friday!!

Starting today and over the weekend, I challenge myself to move every hour. So, I set the fitbit app to remind me to get up and move. It's been a while since I hit my daily step goal. I'm going to lower it, and then increase it as I go.

So I cut it in half today, since I'm working from home, and I have laundry to do. So, I will get in a few flights as well.

Then tomorrow, I'll increase it, and I'm putting stuff in the basement which will get me more flights. Then Sunday I'll increase it a little more.


Hope everyone had a great week.




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Hey all! I'm starting this challenge today, trying to get fitter to prep for my husband's open heart surgery in the next few weeks. I've been steadily gaining and losing the same 20 lbs for the past few years and need to increase my upper body strength as well as shed some weight.


Going to the gym has really been my way of staying sane and when the 'rona hit, I kind of lost it. I love leg day, hate arm day. I'm self conscious about my ability to properly handle weights so I try to hide. I've been taking my family on six mile bike rides daily - after my husband finishes work at 4:30, but I think I'm eating too many calories.


I really want to increase my upper body strength because my husband will be having open heart surgery in the next few weeks (for a congenital heart condition - 35yo) and I want to be physically capable, and ready for anything. In addition to 30-45 min of cardio at the gym (daily) I've been bench and over head pressing, high pulls, and kettle bell Romanian dead lifts with progressively higher weights - but I'm only at 50 lbs.


I guess I'm just kind of freaking out. Sorry for the long rant.


Now for the numbers...


USW - 225

SW - 218.6

CW - 218.6 (7/17)


GW - 211 (conservative), 204 (aggressive), 197 (insane)

MGW - 200

UGW- 145-150

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@Cele21  I din't mean a picture for you to use on fitbit anywhere.  If you loose much weight you will be able to enjoy your accomplishment more with a picture of the "way it was".  I believe strongly in "before " pictures for decluttering too.   It feels great to be able to see what a great improvement you've made when you clean  a spot .  At least I enjoy it.   In fact, you could walk all around your house taking pictures in every direction in every room and then you are prepared with a  "before"  for anything you fix. You would laugh to see my garage pictures but I don't even know how to post pictures here.


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I forgot to post my wight for today;   116.8 finally.  Now I can start eating at 11:15 AM

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Welcome to the challenge. Lower cals = weight loss in general. This is a supportive group.

May your husbands surgery go extremely well.  He may have some pain if the docs need to crack open his chest.  

Feed him lots of veggies & clean protein to recover. 


Barbara G

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Hi all

cw at 149.2

Forgot what I started at so about 150.

gw  about 147 forgot that too. 

ugw  142 

Been walking 3 miles a day during m-f for months now. 

Need to resist more fully the late night snacking. Even healthy nuts & almond butter & yogurt all add up.

Be strong and resist.

Take care of yourselves,

Barbara G

Now off to bird watch. 

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