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Looking for Weight Loss Buddies/Support!


Hi I am new to Fitbit and the community. My dear husband got my my fitbit as a Christmas gift and am really excited about beginning this transformation into a new healthier lifestyle! I am 46 years old and after years of yoyo dieting and losing 100 lbs only to gain it all back, I had a major roadblock put up 5 years ago and have been stuck at 275 lbs since. I was diagnosed with several back issues, declared physically disabled by my doctors and was put on 360 percocet a month. In 2012, I moved to Ohio, weaned myself off all the meds my Texas drs had me on and thought I would just lose weight. I am physically active, but not quite enough yet to lose the amount of weight I need to lose. But I am determined to do this! On April 30 I will be in Washington DC participating in a 2 day 39 mile walk for breast cancer (a cause that is near and dear to my heart). So the time is now! No more excuses, no more laziness! Who's with me?

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If use my fitness pal app it's free as well as Fitbit then put swimming and spinning etc hope that helps . Sent from my iPhone
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undefinedGood morning!! I just wanted to share the tools I use daily.  I have been using these tools for a very long time (years) 

Eating clean is what always has worked best for me and I love Tosca Reno's books along with her blurbs in Oxygen magazine..and Clean Eating Magazine...   They are excellent reads and just make sense.  Although the titles on some of her books have "diet" on them, she clearly states that clean eating is NOT a diet( I have learned to really dislike the word "diet")  but a lifestyle change.The recipes are amazing...this week I made All American Mac and Cheese, Chicken Quesadillas, and Pita Pizzas just to name a few..all clean..all healthy..all delicious! 

Journals.. I have a ton of them and write the end of my entries I write 3 things I am grateful for that day...there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.. It helps me stay grounded.

My workout stuff is self explanatory.

I also include meditation from time to time...Meditation Oasis is a wonderful app of guided meditation..I need guided as to just do it on my own my mind wanders in a million different directions..this is a wonderful way to start and/or end the day.

I am off to the gym shortly and then I will spend the day meal prepping for the week.. This has always been how I spend my Sunday's  and it helps me emensly to stay on my regime!

Have a wonderful day my friends and here is to a fabulous week ahead!! 😊

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@Mojo-1 where you are now sounds like where I am heading. My life has been lacking balance and I am in the process of steadying the boat. I was working too much and letting everything else slide. I have started a gratitude journal as well. I have a  diary app on my phone which makes it so easy. I am also journalling my healthy life transformation.


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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I really need to get back at this and need support.  I would like to lose about 25 pounds by the summer.  I go on and off.  I have every resource available, but I don't use them the way I should.  Looking to join your group.  My fit bit is charging as I speak.  It's a new day and I need to use it.  I eat fairly well. I need to stop the snacks and the drinks.  I don't overdrink, but I drink when I don't need to.  I need to eat better, plan better and sleep better.  

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I have put my fitbit on my sneaker at will track it then.  I have the fitbit one, so I clip it on my shoelace.

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Hi I'm so happy to say I've 3kg since 4 January 😃 Sent from my iPhone
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Hi @Mummyoftwins. Thats a fantastic weight loss. Well done.

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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I would like to join this group also.  I got my Fitbit for Christmas and I love it.  I have been working out since the beginning of the year.  I have been on and off about exercising for awhile now and I would really like to stick with it this time.  So far the Fitbit has kept me accountable.  I also get a little disappointed when I don't see the results on the scale, but I feel sooooooo much better, since I have been working out and eating right.  I would love some support.  Wishing you all a great week.

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New to FitBit! Got mine for Christmas and I don't have any friends for the challenge parts! I am addicted thus far as my husband and I walk at night so I try to hit the 10,000 a day steps! My goal is to lose at least 25 pounds but I would be happy losing any amount! Loving the FitBit lifestyle!

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didn't have a good day yesterday - kidney stones started acting up again!  Today is much better!  Heading to my water aerobics tonight plus still trying to hit 10,000 steps today hopefully!  Hope everyone is doing great!

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Hiya been a really good girl since Christmas given up booze and bread and doing my steps on my new fit bit.three weeks in and no weight loss .any tips before again I just throw in the towel.lostt 1.5 and then went back on just will not budge been same weight for a year three pounds off then on.cook from scratch usual stuff lean meats veg basicly slimming world . healthier but Definately not slimmer help 😞
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Hi @sheril41. Try calorie counting for a while.I have been surprised how many calories are in the healthy stuff.

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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Hi everyone, I've had my fitbit charge hr for about 5 days. I am liking it quite a bit so far. I also am trying to lose weight. My goal is losing 30. I have lost 5 since New Years Eve and would like to continue that. 

I am also looking for some support friends on here. I am also on MFP which I have found works very well with this app. 

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You need a balance of healthy fats in your diet for weight loss. Try adding avocado, nuts, coconut oil, EVOO, etc. If your body feels deprived, it holds on to its fat reserves. I like using the paleo or whole 30 (more strict version of paleo) as a rule of thumb for clean eating. Pinterest has a lot of recipes for this plan. Sent from my iPad
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Hi how many steps you doing and how calories a day? Sent from my iPhone
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I'm finding Fitbit and mfp work well
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Thank you so much for advice. I will check out Pinterest. I'm not a big meat eater so it may be a bit
of a challenge. I will eat fish more and some poultry. I appreciate your input.
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I would love to join. I need support as well. All my friends are super skinny or very heavy, none have any motivation. When I don't have support I find myself giving up. Please lmk what I can do to help and vice a versa.


Thanks, Janys 

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My mom bought my Fitbit Flex for me for christmas, its so awesome, and i can definitely tell a difference on the days when my battery died on my fitbit versus the days when i have it working.  I'm looking for friends for challenges to help motivate me and keep me on my game!! 

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Great 🙂
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