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More than 100 pounds to lose . . .


Four years ago my boyfriend was killed in a car accident.  At that time I was losing weight and down 100 pounds after a year of dieting.  within three years after he was killed, I had gained all the weight back.  Last June I decided to get back on the weight loss journey and in the last six months have lost 50 pounds.  I received my Fitbit for Christmas and I am really invigorated about getting fit again.  I am still in need of losing another 125 or so.  I am looking for people who like me have a whole lot of weight to lose so that we can encourage  each other on this journey.

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Hi Kristin,

I had been sedentary for so many years working behind a desk and enduring 1
1/2 hour commute in one direction so when I decided to get healthier and
more fit, I knew I couldn't jump right into a gym routine. A friend
recommended I start with yoga or pilates. I started pilates with a
personal trainer and it changed my life! In 3 months, my core was so much
stronger, my legs leaner, and although I still had 30 more lbs to goal, I
started to see definition in my abs. My stamina for walking increased
too. That was pretty awesome following a 100 lb weight loss.

For my at home routine, I found a series of pilates videos on youtube that
I really like. There are hundreds available (maybe thousands!). The
instructor I really like best is Cassey Ho. She has videos for beginners
and specific parts of the body (abs, arms,etc). She also has a free app
you can download to your phone or tablet which makes it easy for me to stay
the couse while I'm traveling. Pilates also counts for cardio exercise and
you will work up a sweat! With your bad weather, you might enjoy the
tropic scenery in her vidoes too!

Hope this helps!
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I know Cassey Ho!  She's does blogtates!  I have to start doing her work outs....they look fun and hard at the same time.....hopefully I can start that...right now I am sick so, I'm trying to get better and just use my pedometer while walking to work and while I am at just want to get better before doing any hardcore working out.....just hope this cold or whatever it is goes soon....I hate it!  Thanks for the tip 🙂

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HI!  I am thinking about investing in some kettle balls....not sure...I have to see how much they run and  what not.....I want to maybe find some exercises for them....I am not sure....right now I am trying to focus on getting rid of this cold or whatever it is I have right now......I'll figure this out.....I just have to think about it and what not......thanks for the response 🙂

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So sorry for your loss.  I am an emotional eater too.  After I had my stillborn son a few years ago, I started packing on the weight and have continued to do so until I am about 100 pounds over weight.  I got the fitbit for Christmas and have been wearing it, but just can't seem to get control of my diet and exersize!  Sharing support with others would be helpful to me as well.

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So sorry for your loss.  I can relate.  My son was stillborn 30 years ago, and I too, packed on the pounds. I also eat for emotional reasons, to get back at someone if I feel they did something against me  Not a very rational reason for eating.  I have been sick for the past 5 days and found out that I have a stomach issue whereas my stomach has no good bacteria left in it.  So I am having to be very careful with what I eat and how much i eat.  So this has been a good motivation for me to start eating healthy.  I am losing weight, but the way I did it was not the best.  But when everything you eat upsets your stomach, you just quit eating.  I am doing much better now.  So am renewing my vow to eat healthy and get fit.

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Sorry to hear about your stomach issues. I hope the nutritious food
works like a magic medicine and heals you from within.:-)
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Thanks!  I appreciate it.  I, too, am hoping that my eating healthy, I can reach my goal.  I know I will feel better.

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HI Laura,

I too have about a hundred pounds to loose, i had lost 50lbs doing weight watchers but put it all back on the min. i quit and can't believe how fast and easy it goes on, so i too got my fitbit for christmas, and have been hitting the gym hard, i started two weeks ago and have been doing at least 2 hours a day on the eliptical, and adding in some weight training. i wouldn't say i am dieting but am trying to eat healthy as possible, no junk, lots of fruit and veggies, extra. i would like to take this journey with you and give support and share idea's of what works and what does not.  not sure how the whole friend thing works but friend me if you want. i am still new to the fit bit community so learning as i go. good luck

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hi kristen, 

well first just start any were, if you can join a gym, i find it motivates me alot more then at home, i see what others are doing and it helps me, but everyone is different, if you can't or don't want to join a gym keep in mind you can go for a walk, do video's or even just move more set your self realistic goals of today i will go for a walk and each day make it a few more steps you will feel better and start wanting to do more and eat better, try to rid your house of foods that trigger you and replace with healthy options, as you workout more you won't want to eat as much bad stuff cause you no you worked hard to get rid of those calories, i too am very overweight and have went way down before then back up and i am back going to the gym, it helps me clear stress and feel better about myself, just try different things and what ever you like try to do everyday even when you don't want to, the weight will come off and you will feel better and happyier in the long run. good luck

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I would advise you to find a nutritionist/trainer if you can to give you suggestions, provide a useful monitoring of your progress, and to provide a knowledgeable person to bounce ideas off of. I sympathize both with your loss and your gain afterward. I have gained about 35 pounds back after losing about 130. I'm losing again very slowly but it's a big struggle and it will last your entire life. The things I learned were that 1) I needed someone to talk to periodically and bounce ideas off of and 2) No one diet and exercise plan is a permanent solution -- both have to constantly change. Your body will get used to any one exercise and will get more "efficient" at doing it, which works against fat loss. You have to constantly vary your exercise regime and that's why you need advice. Good Luck.
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OK, i cheated and weighed in today i usally only do it on mondays, i was very sad to see i put back on one pound, i have been doing about two in half hours at the gym for 2 weeks now, and have been doing 5 to 6 days a week of that, eating good i think at least my calories is always good, sleeping, so last week after a full week of excersizing my but off i lost 2.4 lbs then i weighed in today and gained one back how on earth is that possible, i have been doing everything possible!! even threw in some weight training and i mostly use the eliptical, i would love to get a nutrisionist but were i live and money make that next to impossible, so any ideas??? thanks

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Okay, so I am fat and I have read so many things about weight loss,
nutrition, and exercise over the years that I probably could write my
own book and I positively know that looking at those scales can be
crushing to any life change. For two years, a while back, I worked out
everyday and had lost over 60 pounds within the first 6 months, but
after a couple of weeks...I had to stop looking at the scales. I am one
of those people who actually gains weight, initially, when starting to
work out. You probably are too. If you don't look for a good couple of
more weeks and continue what you are doing, my bet is you will have lost
a good chunk. You probably were dehydrated, which most overweight
people are AND you are also working out muscles that haven't been worked
out in a your fluids are going to those areas to help
lubricate and heal them. Your body is just in shock. My body always
has done that, and believe me, I have went on many "life changing"
events, or so I thought, in which I worked out like crazy and ate well
and didn't lost hardly anything for a good month. I think my body
thought I was starving and held onto everything, but with perseverance,
you will succeed! It is about being healthy and having enough energy to
do all the things you want to in life anyway, isn't it? I know, I
know...the scales are so addictive and can really motivate and we all
want to look better, but be good to yourself, you are doing things to
take care of your body and that is great!;-)
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In 2007 my fiance and I were mugged in 2007. He was beaten by three men with baseball bats and died in shock trauma 18 days later after being in a drug induced coma. I too gained a lot of weight after losing him. I'd just started losing it when his murderer was sentenced to 18 MONTHS in county jail, not even prison. The drug dealer stitched on some big time guys and in return he was sentenced to seven years. All but three were suspended and he did 18 months in a county jail with private bathrooms behind locking doors, basketball courts on every tier, microwaves, washer and dryer, new release movies every weekend, etc and then 18 months house arrest. When I heard that after being a witness food the state and reliving witnessing his murder over and over and over... well, my attempt at getting healthy was halted. I've since had a daughter and healed some but I still carry about 150 pounds too much on my 5'8" frame. 


I absolutely relate to your struggles. I won't say I know how you feel because to be honest I HATED web people said that to me. Your relationship with your boyfriend is yours and his alone and I will never know how that feels. I can only relate. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. If I can help in anyway please ask. 





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Your story really touches me (and angers me).  I am glad you are working on yourself now.  How old is your baby?  I'm sure you know how much better you will feel when you take off a bit of weight.  I have a 2 year old grandson who is a challenge to keep up with, but I've taken off 50 pounds over the last 7 months and even though he is more active now, I am in much better shape.  What part of the country do you live in?  I'm in the San Diego area.  Good luck on your journey and let's stay in touch!

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Do not worry about a one pound gain like that or even more if you know you have been doing everything right, the weight is likely water weight.  As you likely know, women who are still ovulating are quite capable of gaining some water weight.  Also, when you are working out and building new muscle, your muscles actually retain water when they are repairing.  Just stick to what you are doing, I am sure you will see the weight loss at the week end.  Good luck.

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Melissa -- your story brought tears to my eyes.  I am so sorry for all you have gone through.  I love how you put can relate to our struggles as opposed to know how we feel.  I also hated it when people said they knew how I felt.  I knew they meant well, but it just grated on me.


We will lose weight and be healthy for ourselves and for our kids (mine are only the 4-legged furry kind, but they're slugs and one of them needs to lose about 3 pounds -- may not sound like a lot but she only weighs 13 pounds)!



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Your story is very intense.  I wish i could have  helped you through that.  Grief is a horrible thing to deal with.  I just want to let you know that you have a group of people here that want you to succeed.  We are all friends.

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I know I'm kind of late responding to this, but I wanted to let you know that I am absolutely in love with my kettle bells!  I understand the concern about the cost which is whey I went with this set:


It is super reasonable and great for beginners.  I have 100 pounds to lose, and I've been doing these workouts every day along with walking and spinning and my arms are getting a lot smaller because of them. 


Just an FYI - the workout lady in the video is a little cheesy, but it works!

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Thanks for sharing the link.  I want to buy some kettle bells as well.   I have been off of the forums due to a death in the family and in a spot with spotty internet.  My family likes to eat and I ate way too much of the bad stuff.  

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I recently lost 40 lbs on a low carb/low cal medically monitored program. I still have about 100 more to lose. I'm looking for support and motivation. I enjoy using my fitbit to keep track, and nudge me to do more. Starting back on program and hoping to continue my weight loss journey.

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