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Quitting Smoking and Not Losing Any Weight

If you recently quit smoking and cannot lose a single pound, read on!


A few months ago, I wasn't sure that I would be prepared or willing to changing at all. Ever. I really liked smoking and eating. Or eating and smoking - either way.

I guess it started on my last birthday, when I said I would quit and told everyone. Then I kept smoking and didn't even attempt it, but kept promising that I would at least try. Christmas came and went. Then New Years (what a good time for a resolution, but who wants to fall victim to resolutions. Aren't they so dumb?!), and then finally, my daughter's birthday in February. Faced with the request to quit smoking from my 5 year old sucked. She asked me so sweetly.


I bought an e-cig (which you should get if you are still smoking) and kicked it around for a while. I half assed my resolve to quit and clung to my cigarettes. But then one morning, I didn't have any left and I have never had another one. I kept it up with the e-cig for about a month until I realized that I wasn't even really smoking the thing anymore. So, I stopped - that was over 3 months ago now. Yay me!

During that time and against my better judgment, I weighed myself. You may not be surprised to know that I didn’t like the number, and I certainly didn’t want it to go up. I started a healthy eating regimen. Mother’s day came and my wonderful husband bought me a fitbit! The best present I have ever received – it has totally changed my life.


My excuse has always been that I am a busy, working mother – I have no time to work out! The fitbit suddenly made me aware of all the extra time I was wasting by sitting on the couch or not walking the dog.


So, after all of these actions: quitting smoking, changing my eating habits, reducing calories by a minimum of -1000/day, walking 10,000+ steps a day, I cannot lose a single pound.

I want everyone out there who is struggling as I am to know they are not alone. It is the worst feeling. After researching many, many hours, it is very hard to find information about this problem. Many websites discuss weight gain after smoking, but don’t explain why it happens. Or they estimate that your metabolism slows by an average of 200 calories a day. If that were true, I would still be losing weight. Many forums that I have found with a history of similar questions/comments being made about quitting and not losing are followed by a huge number of people saying it’s not true. It’s what you’re eating. It’s because you are not exercising enough. They just quit smoking and have been losing weight no problem.


Well, I’m not imagining things and you aren’t either if you are still reading along. I’ve found out that it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year for your metabolism to recover. I’m sure this varies from person to person. I’m hoping I’m around the 6 month mark!


Let’s use this discussion to post new information or strategies on how to increase our metabolism again and to make it through without having to pick up another cigarette!



I see that people are still responding to this post, so I thought I would update it. It's been over 3 years since writing it, and a lot has changed for me. First of all, my body has healed and I can now lose weight normally again! For a while there, I sort of gave up. I knew it wasn't going to happen and I decided to give my body a rest. I would say that it took 2 years from the time I quit to where my body started functioning normally again. I highly recommend taking probiotics (24-48 billion) per day, as I believe this would have helped me with my gut bacteria even faster. I still take probiotics everyday now. I made some half hearted attempts at weight loss during then and now, which were mildly successful and only failed because I stopped. Now I'm down 27lbs after 4 months of keto and feel great.

For all of those just starting the non-smoking life, be patient. I know it's hard, but you will recover. You will flourish and you'll be healthier than you've ever been before! Give yourself time to heal. The body is amazing, just think of how long you've been smoking and how short a time it will take to heal from that. Amazing!

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Very well said and sooooo true...

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Hi everyone! I guess about 7 months in now and still not losing. But I haven't gained either. Still following WW but I have taken a few days off here and there to try to restart my metabolism. It didn't work (lol). I am still plugging away though! I look forward to the day I can come back here and say "I am finally losing again!" like the original poster. 🙂

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I'd like to know when it gets better 😞 I feel like a slob ! No motivation always foggy and forgetful And my skin and face actually looks way worse 😞 yay for not smoking 


This is EXACTLY how I feel.  I quit smoking almost a year ago and have gained 15 pounds.  I've already upped my clothes a size and they are tight now.  I eat less (healthier), cut back on diet soda and drink lots more water, joined the gym, which I visit at least 3 times a week, walk on the days I'm not at the gym.  My Fitbit has been a great motivator (striving for 10,000+ steps a day), but still... nothing.  I feel like my stomach is getting bigger and my back fat is at an all time ugly.  When I smoked, I was lazy, ate whatever I wanted and was a size 4.  I know... age has a lot to do with it, but I already went through menopause.  I'm 56, 5' 4" and weigh 140 pounds... but look MUCH heavier, especially in pictures.  I don't miss smoking, but I miss being a size 4 and weighing 125 pounds.  I'm glad I found this thread and see that others have the same issues.  Hoping my "healing" process kicks in soon!  Thank you!

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Hi, is fb group still running? I couldnt find it.  I gave up smoking 4mths ago and have gained 2 stone despite going to gym 3 x a week and eating a healthy well balanced diet. None of my clothes fit and I'm heavier now than when I was pregnant 😞

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It is, the group name is Nonsmokers who want support 
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I couldn’t say. I haven’t been online. Too busy watching the weight pile on and my stomach is worse than when I was pregnant. It’s been 7 months

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Hi yeah it's still going.

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This sounds like me... I stopped smoking 3 years ago.. and I can't lose weight. I'm seriously thinking about smoking again I have had enough of feeling overweight with no confidence

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Please don't consider going back to smoking!  I just celebrated a year smoke-free, and have put on a few more pounds (up about 20 now)... and am very disappointed, but not enough to go back to that nasty habit!  

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I know but it's sooo depressing.. I've stopped for 3 years and all I've had
is illness and weight gain... I will end up dying from a weight related
illness instead of smoking... just feels crap and pointless ... well done
on your one year though xx
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I’m 2 1/2 years quit after smoking for 39 years and I’m having the same problem. I’ve gained 25 lbs and it won’t budge. I got so frustrated a few moths ago I gave up trying and gained more 😫 trying to get myself motivated to join WW and start exercising again. As fat and disgusting as I feel, my doc still tells me I’m healthier than I was as a smoker. Don’t give up and go back.

Sent from Laura's iPhone
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I wonder what the chemical or hormonal mechanism is behind the weight gain ? There's got to be something 

seems more severe in some, maybe because of age or length of time smoking , and amount of cigarettes smoked 

it's got to be cortisol thyroid connection ?     why dont doctors just tell us what it is? Surely knowing would PREVENT people from going back to cigs 

if they knew it was just  a temporary passing thing. 

Unless, sometimes it's permanent and the Doctors know that too. Smoking costs the NHS millions

what do you think? 

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I quit eight months ago, gained over 35lbs, continued to run (over 2mi) on a regular basis and the weight continues to pack on.  The calories in/out theory doesn't apply to me at all.  It's definitely hormonal or something else happening.  If you can find non bias studies that speak about this please let me know.  I need to change something else because exercising doesn't help.  In fact, I'm noticing more muscle injury/atrophy, and pre diabetic symptoms.  Not a great outlook at all.    

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Haven't posted here months. Wanted to give everyone an update and hopefully encouragement. I celebrated one year of non-smoking August 9th 2018 (Hold your applause till the end please) LOL and I finally started losing weight. I been at a stand still from October 2017 to May 2018. I did everything and could not break into the 260's I traveled up and down from 279 to 273 all those months. Well I decided in June to take off from working out so much and eat what I wanted. I figured my metabolism has to heal in order to lose weight so no more killing myself in the gym. I decided to get back into working out on July 1st 2018*and I weighed 286.8 I did a Intermittent Fasting where I only ate from 2pm to 8pm and Iost 20lbs in a month. I gained some the first week in August cause its by bday and I partied hard but I lost those pounds too. I'm down to 255 and starting to plautue so I need to change some things up. I also recommend probiotics to help clean your system. I ran out and going back for more. Keep pushing forward. You're breakthrough is coming. And remember you're smoke free which is the greatest of all

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I don't know if I'm happy or more frustrated to see these comments. Happy because I'm not alone, more frustrated because I'm not willing to continue to pack on the pounds. I'm mid 30's been smoking since I was 16 or so. Finally decided to quit about 6 months ago and have been miserable ever since. I've gained 10 pounds (all in my stomach), my acne looks like I'm a teenager again, tired all the time and the mood swings are out of control. I don't even feel like myself anymore, I feel like a different person. I exercise (cardio and weights) 6 days a week, eat a diet of lean meat, fruits and vegetables, don't drink soda. I take multivitamins, a probiotic, drink Apple Cider Vinegar daily. I'm would rather smoke than feel like this. 

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You sound exactly like me !!!!!!! Exactly !!!!!

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I feel better than at 6 months though and look better too


at 6 months I thought I was losing my mind 

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So there's hope ☺ 

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Do not start smoking again!  It's been a little over a year since I quit and everyone asks if I feel better.  Well, NO I DON'T, because I've gained 20 pounds!  I HATE IT!  As stated before, I joined the gym and tried to change my diet, but have to admit, I've kind of let both slip.  Just yesterday, I just started this "30 day challenge":  no chips, no potatoes, no ice cream, no fast food, no fried food, no chocolate, no white breads, no soda, no juice, no cakes, no donuts, no cookies, no candy (basically giving up carbs and unhealthy foods I guess).  Giving up the soda is the hardest part for me.  Day 2 and I was already down 2 pounds this morning.  We will see how it goes.  I know if I can give up smoking for over a year (after smoking for 40+ years), I can give up these foods/beverages for 30 days.  Stay tuned.  I'm mainly doing this as a "jump start" to lose some weight.  BTW... i'm 5'4" and weighed 145 when I started this (143 this morning).

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Absolutely. I have been there lol! I feel like every 2 months or so, I notice in some way I'm a little better than before.

Please push through it , it IS worth it.

I didn't believe it either until recently. My anxiety was insane at 6 months

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