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Valentines Day to April 18th

@Bobbinyc, I hope it's ok for me to plagerize your Christmas to Valentine's Day Topic Starter but it was absolutely perfect!!!


Welcome all Challengers!  What an amazing group we have!

Let's all continue together to take off the excess pounds and keep getting healthier.

This challenge will begin on Valentine's Day and finish on (American) Tax Day - 18 April 2017.   (Really!  It's the 18th this Year, not the 15th!)


All you need to join this challenge is to post your stats regarding your weight, and check in weekly or as often as you'd like. We are a great support group and enjoy keeping up with each other and being there for our ups and downs.  Generally we have found that the more we check in and offer support, tips, info,  and ideas to others, the more we get for ourselves.


We list our weight, as well as any other goals we might have related to being healthy (such as increase water, more active minutes, etc).  Developing good health habits is primary.



A little rundown of terminology for anyone who is new.


USW- Ultimate Starting Weight

CSW- Current Starting Weight (for this challenge)

GW- Goal Weight   (for Feb 14)

UGW- Ultimate Goal Weight   (what your healthy target weight is)

PW- Previous Weight

CW- Current Weight

MFP- My Fitness Pal


List as much info as you like.  Some people include age, gender, height....whatever seems relevant to you.


We keep it as serious or light as we feel, but we always keep it focused on being as healthy as possible, while we support each other kindly.  We can do this together!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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926 REPLIES 926

I had 11,000 steps by 1pm today. I'm quite exhausted, not because of those steps but in general since I haven't slept well for about 4-5 nights. I fell asleep this afternoon and set my alarm to get up at a certain time. I got up, began making food, fed the dogs, and looked at the clock and it was two hours later. Huh? How could it be two hours later because I'd just got up? I was so confused. My theory is that I fell asleep again after turning off my alarm and when I got up, I just didn't remember. So I sat for a few hours still groggy after that. Weird. 

My daughter and I went to see an apartment today that she and her friends were hoping to rent but the person wasn't there to show it to us (after making an appointment with him), and there were cigarette butts all over the ground, dog poop all over the yard where the kids' toys were strewn and they'd been there all winter because the snow was melting to expose them. That told me that the downstairs tenant has no respect for the property, his own stuff or the yard, where she'd have to walk through to get to her entrance. Not a good place. Oh well, it was steps going there and back! It got me to my 10,000.

I didn't get a chance to get to the river today but I am determined to do so in the next few days! We got the rain we were waiting for to start the melting process. Soon we'll have sidewalks. Mud everywhere over still-frozen ground. Messy. But that's spring here.

Ok, enough blabbing about nothing. I was thinking I'd take it easy tomorrow, but whenever I say that I end up NOT doing it. I'll just see how I feel tomorrow to determine how much I do. I need to concentrate on water consumption. I really am tired. 

@terryrunning how are you doing?




Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@_Lilac_ and @GettingfitinSC - I won't make my GW either this challenge.  I have a real problem with sodium and water retention and don't want to 'rush' the last pounds just to meet the numbers.

@_Lilac_ - good on you for choosing to make something at home instead of eating out.  I have had a few work lunches this week where I just wished I didn't have to eat that food and instead eat something lovely from home (which I can track perfectly, haha).


Lovely weather here this weekend - planning to get out as much as possible and enjoy being out of the office.


Hope everyone has a good weekend and stays on track!

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@TT_is_me, I was REALLY tempted yesterday to not log my "OH NO" Snack.  The problem is that whether I log it or not, those Calories were gonna kill me.  Well, maybe not kill me, but they'd be on my Scales this morning.  So I logged them.  All 27 Mini KitKats!  630 Calories.  Took me from 1,560 Cals to 2,190.  (That was after I had a Combo Platter of Chili Rellenos w/ [White] Spanish Rice & Refried Beans topped w/ Guacamole, Sour Cream & Salsa plus an Order of Mexi-Fries for Lunch - 1,320 Cals Total.)  I'd have been OK for the Day until that Snack.  I put in 26,993 Steps and burned 2,241 Cals.  But that dern Snack meant that I was only 51 Cals ahead.  And my Scales showed it this Morning.  I went from 156.0 to 157.6.


I just doesn't do any good to not log your Food. 


Worse yet, if you look back later on, you won't remember why the Scales "betrayed" you since you think your Cals were ok.  As @A_Lurker often points out, input & outgo don't necessarily control the Scales.  But still when ya blow it as bad as I did, it's gonna show!!!  Now, I have 2 Days of Damage Control to put in before my next Weigh in!  OUCH!!!  I just hope it goes down.  I really don't want my Weight to be up next Week when I've been doing so good and I'm so close to my CGW!!!

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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@Ava_  I don't want to rush the numbers either but water retention is killing me after the meals I did have out this week. I'm angry at myself but it's motivating me too. Water bottle is in hand. I've got 4600 steps this morning so far (by 9:30am) and will do many many more. With the water off me, I'm sooooo close to 300lb that I can smell it. I'm going to be super good nutritionally today. That's my promise to myself. We are going to get to 299 or else!!! My goal for April 18th was 295, but 299 will be just as sweet. I'm going to get out all the stereotypical music...Rocky theme, We are the Champions, We will Rock You, Whoomp (There it is), Chariots of Fire soundtrack, all those motivational stadium classics. I'll do it. We'll all do it. 

I bought a new top today. Size 3X (still can't believe it's not a 5X or a 4X). I bought the dogs chewy bones but I stayed away from all the junk in the aisles of the store. 

I am pumped up. Now, I just need to figure out what fun things I'll do today to keep this energy. There is a market downtown but it's all FOOD and some crafts but it's all FOOD. Avoid. Maybe I'll do the river even though it's cloudy and chilly (41F/5C). 

Thanks to everyone for being here to chat with about all this!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Update: I took pups for a walk then didn't want to sit around the house so I grabbed the bus downtown. I walked down to the river but it was windy and cold so I simply followed the trail to the library exit path. I sat there to have my lunch and my sister came along. I'd hoped to do some writing but I'm sorta blocked and we just chatted for a bit then I walked 15 min to a further bus stop and caught it home. 12,000 steps today in total. I am really tired again but it's a good tired I guess. My food is still great and I've had 2 litres of water so far. Supper is cooking. Fish and all veggies. 

Today was my husband's birthday and I'm doing ok with it all but then I keep getting messages from people asking me how I'm doing. And my daughter was upset that he won't be at her graduation. Other people hurting upsets me more than what I'm feeling. Not sure why! I guess I have the tools to shut it down. Maybe that's where food came in, huh? Tomorrow is the anniversary of when we first met. That might be more difficult for me but I just need to keep focused on things that make me happy and thankful I'm here and not ill, that I'm making myself healthier. 

So 12,000 steps is it for me today! Rest is the plan. I hope everyone is doing great this weekend. @HeartBiller I'm watching you (ominous voice and points). @terryrunning  we still haven't heard from you since you went to the doctor. Don't make me worry, now. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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@HeartBiller  Re: the TMI subject, I understand. Since I take pain meds every day it's an issue for me, too. Gummi bears are actually helpful for that, although not the healthiest thing! My pain management Dr. gave me some samples of Movantik and one day I decided to try one. I thought it would take most of a day to work, and I had a Dr. appointment about 2 hours after I took it. Of course when I was in the waiting room THAT's when it decided to kick in! Then the nurse was irritated with me because I wasn't in the waiting room when they came to get me.

I haven't taken one since then. I do wish I had less of a problem with it, too. I always look like I'm 7 or 8 months pregnant.  On Instagram they call that a "food baby".  😛

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@terryrunning  I'll probably find another post from you after I write this reply, since I'm a few days behind. Was your heart flip-flopping? Mine was doing that a lot last summer, and I think it was caused by stress. My mother was in and out of the hospital most of the summer and I was taking care of her yard, etc. Once the summer was over my heart stopped doing that, except for a rare occasion.

I hope that you have some good news from the Dr. It's always better to get checked out and make sure everything is okay.

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@SunsetRunner  Congrats! It looks like you're doing really well. I would love to be losing weight as steadily as you are. Keep up the great work!

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@_Lilac_ -  significant dates are hard for a lot of reasons when the person is no longer there.  I can understand that your daughter's upset that her dad won't be at her graduation, times like that are tough, there's no other way of putting it.  Hope you are not forgetting yourself in all this - it's great that you are there for others, but don't shut yourself down too much to let it out.  Am thinking of you today x

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@Bobbinyc  Thanks for the head's up about the late 50's and 60's. My family never has talked about things much, I think that was part of the reason that I didn't know what normally happened at what age. I am the youngest of 4 so I assumed that things would happen to my siblings before me, but that's not how it happened. Part of that was probably because I was the only one who did office work. I thought that meant their bodies would wear out before mine, but my surgeon told me that sitting at a computer all day was horrible for my back. I had no idea. 

I'm hoping that my future health will go like you said. My orthopedist told me that I would need a knee replacement at some point, but to put it off as long as possible, so that's what I'm doing. I'm adjusting to the idea of getting older, I still don't like it much, but it's going to happen regardless.  Oh and the thing about being a role model for the younger girls? I like that. I find myself more and more wanting to tell them to enjoy their youth and other bits of wisdom. I'm sure they would pay about as much attention as I did at their age!

And speaking of a role model.... look at you!! You're one of my role models.

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@_Lilac_  I agree with Ava_, don't shut those feelings down so much that you're stuffing them further and further down. That can lead to problems later.  I do understand what you mean about feeling worse for your daughter's pain. We know what we can do to control our own pain, but sometimes watching someone else grieve makes us feel helpless.  It will get easier for your daughter as the years go on, just as it will for you. I think the first year's worth of anniversary days are the hardest. You are doing amazingly well for everything that you've been through the past year. If you have a few bad days here and there I consider that normal, even healthy. Nothing will take away from all that you've already accomplished.


Today was my husband's birthday and I'm doing ok with it all but then I keep getting messages from people asking me how I'm doing. And my daughter was upset that he won't be at her graduation. Other people hurting upsets me more than what I'm feeling. Not sure why! I guess I have the tools to shut it down. Maybe that's where food came in, huh? Tomorrow is the anniversary of when we first met. That might be more difficult for me but I just need to keep focused on things that make me happy and thankful I'm here and not ill, that I'm making myself healthier. 

F, 53, 5'9", PA
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@Ava_  Oh, sorry for the lack of information. This husband wasn't my kids' father. He came into our lives when they were teenagers but they were quite close. Their father died when they were babies. Yes, I'm widowed twice, ugh. That's it for me then! haha. So yes, she was upset he wouldn't be there for graduation and knows he'd be proud of her. He knew how hard she worked to get great marks and she also always kept a job at the same time. She was sad yesterday because she found a card he'd given her for her high school graduation. She's doing alright now. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Sorry—we have guests, so I didn't get a chance to post before. Didn't eat fantastically today, though I did insist on cooking dinner for all eight of us rather than going out. We're headed to the zoo tomorrow, and I am going to put together a picnic (with lots of fruits and veggies and such). Hoping not to get too out of control in the next few days.


Wish me luck!


USW (12/2016): 195

CSW (2/14/2017): 180.8

PW (2/19/2017): 180.2 (-0.6)

PW (2/26/2017): 178.4 (-1.8)

PW (3/6/2017): 178.1 (-0.3)

PW (3/12/2017): 174.8 (-3.3)

PW (3/20/2017): 172.6 (-2.2)

PW (3/27/2017): 172.2 (-0.4)

PW (4/2/2017): 173.1 (+0.9)

Current weight: 169.4 (-3.7) 

GW (4/18/2017): -13.5 (167.3) (2.1 pounds in 1 week and 2 days... Hmmmm—maybe?)

UGW (?): 145-150ish


All right, off to bed. Night all!


Best Answer

Another Roller Coaster Week.  Lowest was 155.4 on Thursday, highest was 157.6 on Saturday & Sunday.  I did good on my Steps.  Reasonably good on my Intake.  I've added Weight Training to my Schedule.  I really need to strengthen my Arms.


28 July 2010 - PW - 280.8  BMI 51.4  (My highest known.)
06 June 2016 - USW (in FitBit) - 216  BMI 39.5

14 Feb - CSW 173.0  BMI 31.6
20 Feb - GW 171.4 - PW 171.0  BMI 31.0
27 Feb - GW 169.6 - PW 168.2  (-2.8)   BMI 30.8
06 Mar - GW 167.8 - PW 163.8  (-4.4)  BMI 30.0
13 Mar - GW 166.0 - PW 165.8  (+2.0)  BMI  30.3
20 Mar - GW 164.2 - PW 160.8  (-5.0)  BMI 29.4
27 Mar - GW 162.4 - PW 160.8  N/C  BMI 29.4
03 Apr - GW 160.6  - PW 156.8  (-4.0)  BMI 28.7
10 April - GW 158.8 - CW 156.6  (-0.2)  BMI 28.6
17 Apr - GW 157.0
18 Apr - GW 156.7

13 May - 1st UGW - (but still not a "Healthy" BMI) - 150


Not happy this week.  Not depressed.  Trying to remain hopeful.  I really want to get down to 150 before I leave for Europe.  I'd like to get down in time to purchase some clothes for the Trip.  I don't have much of a wardrobe that fits me well anymore.  Even some of the clothes I've purchased recently are starting to look sloppy.  But I need to do better than I did this past Week in order to do it.  Maybe I am depressed after all.


We took that Photo I mentioned previously.  Another "Mid" one.  Here it is.  I'm actually relatively pleased with it.

Taken 04 April at 157#Taken 04 April at 157#

Saint Helens, Oregon; 5'2", 72, FitBit Charge 2 (Retired FitBit One 13 April 2017)
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USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

CSW- 211.4 (2/14/17)

LW- 209.2

CW- 209.4

GW- 202.4 (4/18/17)

UGW- 150


Crept up a little bit but didn't make it to the gym at all last week due to various aches and pains (back, knees and arm/elbow). Hoping to do better this week - knee has improved - back is slightly better - arm is still keeping me from sleeping well due to not being able to find a position that it doesn't hurt.

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Well I can not tell a lie.... Woman Sad I was horrible this weekend... And I honestly can not believe I was, considering how happy I was to meet that 50 pound loss. I guess I am just too weak. I broke over every day this weekend, and not just a little... Way too much! Yes I am ashamed... Where were you @_Lilac_ I need you to walk beside me and smack my I honestly can not believe how bad I was. It is so sad to know you set yourself back for basically no reason. I have made myself a vow to be beyond good this week. VERY STRICT on what I eat. I have to regain self control.I am guessing I lost it somewhere and not sure where, but I have to find it again!

@BLLinggYou look so amazing in your photo. Major congrats to you! Also major congrats to @SunsetRunner you are doing so wonderful! I am hanging in there, but won't lie, struggling and feeling like I am running out of rope, but still hanging

@almost_whereThanks for the congrats, but not sure it will still be there tomorrow... Smiley Sad

@DJC_63Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the issue. I have no ideal why this has become an issue, but it appears to be getting worse instead of better, so I guess I am going to have to find some other solution for it.

Well I do not know if being super good today will help my official weigh in for tomorrow, but one can pray it does. I know it does no good to be mad at yourself after the fact, so I guess I need to just get stronger will power to JUST SAY NO! (I'm sure it works the same for food as it does

I guess I will get this week started. I have a packed full week, so maybe there will be less time for food. We have revival this week at church and we have a full schedule at work, so maybe if I stay super busy all day and then go straight to church I won't have time to I am already planning what I can eat healthy between getting off work and heading to the I am doing this! I will eat healthy this whole week!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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I'm tempted to claim today's weight as weigh-in weight because I just know it will jump back up tomorrow, but I'm not going to. My weight really dropped after cutting back on carbs. I didn't even completely cut them out. I've cheated once each day and had some type of bread, but still my weight has been down for the last two days. I'm crossing my fingers that it's staying off. I'm still cutting out carbs, trying for none at all today. Even after weigh-in tomorrow, I'm going to keep cutting back the carbs. Just by this weight drop, I can see how it contributes to my weight, so if the pounds are going to go, the carbs need to go. @HeartBiller Cutting back on bread/pasta today may help you on your weigh-in tomorrow. Everyone's body is different, but my weight dropped the next day after cutting back. We usually have bread and/or pasta at every meal, and I've limited it to once per day (half a piece usually) and no deserts except my one mini chocolate something in the evenings. 


Also, I have noticed for myself, after a great victory of weight loss, I struggle terribly with temptation, giving in or giving up more than usual. I won't really start a spiritual discussion on here, but that often happens spiritually as well. If we're aware that it's coming, we can brace ourselves and be prepared to resist the temptations. 🙂 


My sweet husband surprised me with breakfast from Bojangles on Saturday. He made a 'healthy choice' for me and got me the egg biscuit with no cheese or meat. I couldn't tell him that his 'healthy' choice for me was still way more calories, carbs, and sodium than I needed to have, so that was my cheat for the day. I cut back the rest of the day to stay under calories. 


Hope everyone has a great day! Make great choices! 

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@GettingfitinSCI have decided today will be a NO carb day for me in hopes of undoing some of the damage that was done over this past weekend. I am hoping that no carbs and lots of water will at least Today has started off good so far, now to just keep it up the rest of the day! It is just so nice to come here and know that people feel your pain and know your struggles and yet don't judge you. I am hoping to get off work in time to get my steps in before church tonight.

I will admit, I am a blood bought christian, and with out the Lord, I know I wouldn't be where I am today, so I could ever thank him enough! As we all do, I struggle there too from time to time, but I thank him for his forgiveness and willingness to lead and guide me on a better path!

Hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day!

Rhonda - 46 - F - Kentucky - Charge HR
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Walked with Mom, walked with the dogs, walked to the doc's office with my daughter and then home. Almost 12,000 steps so far today. I put a deposit on a new custom-built computer so that's exciting. I'm encouraged because I got down to 301 lb this morning. I told the doc I'm 1 pound away from her scale. I was tempted to book an appointment already for the official weigh-in but I want to be at least 5 lb lower since they always weigh heavy. Also, I don't want to go in just for that. I'd have to have some medical issue. I am officially 6 pounds away from the challenge goal I set for myself, and although that's too much to ask for the next week, it's not seeming such a terrible task now. 

Off to have a late lunch...I roasted a turkey yesterday so that's going to be on the menu most of the week. Haha. 


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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3/29/17 SW 158.6 lbs

4/3/17 PW 158.8 lbs   

4/4/17 PW  156.8 lbs

4/10/17 CW 161 lbs 


It has been a real struggle the last couple days. Not getting a full night sleep. Out to eat a lot, Chinese food/sushi is my weakness this weekend. My activity levels have been great, not really focusing on strength training though and I think that may be another reason I am seeing the plateau. Trying not to get aggravated and get back to calorie counting after a terrible weekend. We shall see what happens. I don't see the weight falling off by the deadline. 

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