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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

Starting Weight: 180 lbs (Aug 2016)

4/17: 173 lbs

4/24: 172.8 lbs


Short Term GW: 165 lbs by June 15th

Long Term GW: 140 lbs


Slow but steady!

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@Dave001 I'm also loving this group! Thank you for keeping on going and inspiring me to keep at it too!

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 Slowly but surely.. 💕:hundred_points:


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Here is my weekly weigh in:

SW 24/3/17   163lbs

       31/3/17  162    -1

       6/4/17    161    -1

      14/4/17   160    -1

      20/4/17   158   -2

      27/4/17   157   -1


So I lost 1lb this week which is OK and what I am aiming for. In fact I was down a further lb the day before, but I did this weird thing of over-eating the night before my weigh in (again).

Does anyone else do this? It's a kind of self sabotage. So frustrating as I have been so careful all week and it's as if some part of me doesn't want me to succeed.

Ugh. I find it hard to get motivated to start again, but today has been a 'good' day as I've done loads of extra walking, so I feel I'm back on track. I am determined to do this thing!!

I heard on the radio this morning " we make our habits and our habits make us who we are". That's been giving me something to think on through the day as I try and make myself the person I want to become!!





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@Cottongrass- we all have good days and bad days.  I tend to be very consistent during the week and very inconsistent on the weekend.  I'll sleep in, skip meals, etc.  Sundays I take my mother out to lunch so at times my options are limited.  I'll often see a lower weight mid-week, but as long as the overall trend is down the specific weigh in day doesn't matter.


Today was a complete rest day (long day, I will post more about it tomorrow) and I made fresh pasta (most of which ended up in the freezer) so I suspect I will be up slightly tomorrow (glycogen and changes in carb levels will guarantee this) but in the end I'm okay with that.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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@Lauraboo wrote:


 Slowly but surely..  

17 pounds in two months is anything but slow! What’s the app you’re using, btw?

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Cottongrass: you’re doing great (6 pounds in one month)! Remember consistency always beats perfection.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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CW - 245 -2     8 WEEK AVERAGE -1 LBS (-8)  USW - 363 3/9/16

PW - 247 -2

PW - 249 -9

PW - 258 +10

PW - 248 -0

PW - 248 -3

PW - 251 -2

PW - 253 -0


In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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Nearly there but not appearance wise. Then onto my final target. Get rid of what is left so nothing jiggles. About an inch and half an inch in places.


155.2lbs today.



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@Cottongrass wrote:



So I lost 1lb this week which is OK and what I am aiming for. In fact I was down a further lb the day before, but I did this weird thing of over-eating the night before my weigh in (again).

Does anyone else do this? It's a kind of self sabotage. So frustrating as I have been so careful all week and it's as if some part of me doesn't want me to succeed.


@Cottongrass - I weigh in daily and had a similar experience over the past two days.  Saturday I dropped half a pound and today I was up 2.3 lbs.  When that happens, I just try to remember that every day my body is processing 5-10 lbs of food and water and it is hardly surprising that even though I weigh in the same time every day that those daily changes don't show the true weight change over time.  That's why when I see the 6 lbs change you show over the past 5 weeks it seems a better measure of your success than eating over your goal day before weigh in -- which is no big deal unless you are trying to make weight for a wrestling competition or something :-).  Sounds like your habits ARE changing and you are doing great!


Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Here we go again ...


Starting Weight:


    Jan. 6, 2017:  202.3 lbs


  • Sun, 2.12: 195.6 lbs
  • Sun, 2.19: 193.9 lbs
  • Sun, 2.26: 192.3 lbs
  • Sun, 3.5:   189.8 lbs
  • Sun, 3.12: 188.2 lbs
  • Tue, 3.21:  186.8 lbs
  • Sun, 3.26:  185.8 lbs
  • Fri, 3.31:    184.5 lbs
  • Tue, 4.10:  183.3 lbs
  • Sun, 4.16:  181.8 lbs
  • Sun, 4.23:  179.8 lbs
  • Sun, 4.30:  177.7 lbs

-2.1 lbs since last week

-24.6 lbs since start.  

Goal Weight: 165-170 lbs


So I am around 2/3 the way to my goal weight and as I approach it I'm trying to up my calorie intake. But this week I actually wound up going down a bit -- to around 1900 calories/day from around 2000/day the week before.  Part of the reason is that my wife and I are eating at cross purposes just now.  She is further from her goal and trying to restrict more, so our common meal (dinner) is usually less than I should be eating.  She will continue to do that for the next couple of weeks, so I will try to compensate throughout the day and see if I can push up to 2300-2500 without adding too much processed food back in.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer

@A_Lurker wrote:


USW- 407

CSW- 360 (Feb 2016)

PW - 252.0 (4/16/17)

CW - 251.6 (-0.4 lbs)

Progress:  108.4lbs in 64 weeks = 1.69 lbs/week

UGW- No idea yet  Woman Happy

So, lots of changes from last week.  My dieting history is one that often pushes me into illness, so I'm trying to avoid that.  Years ago I avoided dealing with a steadily climbing heart rate and ended up in the hospital for over 2 weeks.  Those of you from Canada will know that you need to be pretty much dead to stay in the hospital for that length of time.  It was a general cold that became a pleural effusion - something probably caused by over-training and under-eating.  I say that because at the time my oxygen stats were fine when checked because I was spending 60 mins on the treadmill at a good clip each morning.


Over the last 28 days my resting heart rate has been climbing from high 50s/low 60s to 77 Thursday last week.  Part of this was a challenge that I was in that ended on the 15th.  I finished with a day over 50,000 steps (but averaged 30K+ that last week).  Work has also been extremely busy and my sleep schedule has become very poor.  I slowed down the insane exercise a bit, but didn't address the lack of sleep.  So Friday night I went to bed early and didn't set the alarm.  I managed to get 9h45m sleep (although was in bed for almost 11).  I did almost no steps (was going to work in the garden but the weather was cold so just relaxed).  Last night I did the same, but didn't manage to sleep as much, although I had a nap this afternoon.


So, two days of relaxation and my resting heart rate has dropped to 70 today and I'm seeing some 60s while resting so this is good.  I also figure I wasn't eating enough to support the activity because I ate way over maintenance yesterday and yet am still down .2 pounds from last week.  So it's time for a rest/maintenance week and I'll reassess at the end of the week to see what I'm going to do.


USW- 407

CSW- 360 (Feb 2016)

PW - 251.6 (4/23/17)

CW - 251.4 (-0.2 lbs)

Progress:  108.6 lbs in 65 weeks = 1.67 lbs/week

UGW- No idea yet  Woman Happy

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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i know this may sound crazy but I ma looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. I made a deal with my BFF after whining about my lack of change and mental outlook based on the scale not moving. That deal was no weighing x 2 weeks, no taco truck or any kind of ice cream x 2 weeks. Taco truck comes to work on Thursday, I indulge but stay within my calorie count. In any case I have also made it to the gym 4 times in the last week. I Have to be careful about balancing work and gym with my lupus. In order to take care of myself today was yoga and rest. As a result my heart rate has dropped a couple of points in 24 hours. 

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Starting weight: 158.8 2/1/17
Current weight: 151
Previous week: 153 (2 weeks ago didn't weigh last week) 
Weekly loss (gain): 2
Goal weight: 135
Short term goal: 145


Not the epic scale movement I had hoped for, but at least it is moving. 

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This Monday's numbers.

Starting weight: ~241+ lbs
Current weight: 186.2 lbs
Last week's weight: 187.2 lbs
Weight lost this week: -1 lbs
Total weight lost: 54.8 lbs

Weight left to lose: 26.2 lbs
Mini-goal: <180 lbs
Goal weight: ~160

Best Answer

Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
This Week 157.8 05/01/2017
Last week 159.0 04/24/2017
Maintenance mode
Loss Range 105 lbs +/- 5 lbs


Basically the same again.  Looks like I'm down a bit but I had a big work morning and hot yoga today so I was likely just a little empty.  I wasn't sure if I'd see low numbers anymore because I am trying to build muscle and I think I have so I am thinking this is a bit off.

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Did so well tracking last week, but lost it at the end of the week/weekend.  Need to do track, need to track, need to track...

Have a great week!


SW - 193.8 - March 20  First day of spring! 

192.7 - March 27th, one step in the right direction.

192.8 - April 5th.  Same... close enough! 

191.8 - April 10th  Down, yay!!!!

193.1 April 18th  boo...

192.7 April 26th  OOOKAY

CW - 192 May 1st  Keep going...

Total down 1.5 lbs.

MiniGW - 189

UGW - 160

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OK, I’ve been monitoring this topic as an outsider and I love the good spirit in it, so I thought I could join and use it for accountability. I hope skinny guys like me are not discriminated against Smiley LOL


Thanks to my Fitbit Aria, my weight history is fully documented for the past four years or so:


weight 4years 01052017.png


No particular issue with the weight itself, except that I’m getting close to the bottom of the normal range. My main goals are related to body composition. I just reached 15% body fat (according to the Aria), which is the lowest I’ve seen so far:




 I would like to take it further down, but without losing too much lean mass. So here are the numbers (I’ll be using the TrendWeight numbers every Monday):


Starting 1-Jan-2017: weight 67.4 kg, BF 18.5%, fat mass: 12.5 kg

Current 1-May-2017: weight 62.2 kg, BF 15.0%, fat mass: 9.3 kg

Mini goal: BF 14.0%

Ultimate: BF 12.5% (e.g. weight: 64 kg, fat mass: 8 kg, lean mass: 56 kg)


The focus of my resistance training for the past 15 month has been on strength (rep range: 3 to 8). I’ve now modified it a bit with slightly higher rep ranges (5 to 10), which results in a 25 to 30% increase of total volume. I’m hoping this will help me retaining more lean mass.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Dominique, that's awesome.  I feel like you are part of our group already anyway.  Have you ever measured your BF any other way?  I don't have an Aria but using both the tape measure method and the caliper tests (and all of the variations of the tests) I get a very low BF% and I am curious about your experience.  I get between 6 & 7% based on my measurements but when I google body fat % images, I don't really look like the 6-7% but I attribute lots of that to the surplus skin that is still resident on my body.  Just curious about your experience.  Body composition is as valid a goal as weight so welcome here.  I am kind of focused there as well right now.

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@Dominique- I'm with @tamado - all are welcome.  Also, you've been hanging around and posting along the way, so you're already part of the group.  I think the weekly weigh in is one of the major points of maintaining a weight loss.  Some bullet points from the National Weight Control Registry:


  • There is variety in how NWCR members keep the weight off. Most report continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet and doing high levels of activity.
    • 78% eat breakfast every day.
    • 75% weigh themselves at least once a week.
    • 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week.
    • 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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