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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

Second time trying to post so hope doing correctly😄Weight just steadily creeping up as I age (58) so now at unhealthy weight. BMI 30, 5'6" and weight 186.8lbs this morning. Increased my steps to 15,000 a day and run a couple of times a week. I eat pretty clean, but too much and need to limit alcohol. What I am doing is not working, next plan is track everything I eat (eat at least 500 under daily allowance)and weigh in each week and get my steps up to 130,000 weekly. Really hope the scale starts to edge down before I end up with health issues:(

i like reading everyone elses posts.😄Motivating. Thx

SW-186.6 (Feb. 20) Steps 90,000 weekly




Best Answer

@RunningDown185: you have a much higher than average activity level, and the fact you’re able to run at your current weight is great. This would suggest the critical variable for weight loss is not your activity, but rather your dietary intake. It’s easier to optimize your diet for weight loss than "out-train" a suboptimal diet. Look for "low-hanging fruits": alcohol could be one. @Baltoscott has great strategies that have worked well for him, maybe he can share a few tips.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Hi @RunningDown185.  Seems like you are on the right track.  There is a ton of great information in all the posts on this thread.  I remember when I found it last year it was about a year old and it took me a few weeks to work my way through it.  Seems like every question has come up and been answered with lots of variations, and if anything is clear to me now it is that different things work for different people.  But it really helps to see what works for someone else and sometimes it works for you too!


We are about the same age and I was around the same BMI in January 2017 when I started to lose weight.  I did some of the same things as you are doing, including tracking what I eat. 


Regarding too much drinking.  People definitely approach the issue differently, but for me I just treated it as an activity I enjoy but was doing too much -- a couple of beers a night.  It was also low hanging fruit in terms of weight loss in that two 12 oz beers amount to between 300-600 extra calories/day.  I didn't want to give it up, but to prove to myself I could I went dry for January 2017.  After that I just cut my consumption in half by allowing myself to drink on odd number days but not on even numbered days.  (A more popular variation is only drinking on the weekend, but I like that by having and even/odd rule I wind up practicing not drinking on social outings sometimes). Saying "no" is not a big deal when you know it's only for a day, and I've been 95% consistent with that rule since I started doing it last year.  


Anyway, congratulations on learning how to post and welcome to the community.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Hi Dominque,  thanks for your reply and support for "track my food" and I totally agree I cannot out exercise my diet:( I would say I eat pretty clean. Will see! Obviously not clean enough.  I am noticing already that the glass of wine in the evening with a snack of a couple of pieces of cheese or crackers and dips at times....not every night lol, but a few times a week.....totally puts my calorie count either over or not in a deficit. Tracking my food is showing me the reality. I am really active. I have ran my whole life....since high school so natural activity for me and guess my knees have just gotten stronger with my weight gain! I have just (2 months) cut red meat etc. from diet..... Eat fruit,  veg. Fish, eggs and bit of chicken  and grains. I am a size 12 that is now tight. I have gained 15 lbs in the last 3 years. So....annoying, but should have paid attention 3 years ago lol and worked a bit harder at not eating so much! Two things that have changed in the last year is I have a sleep apnea machine(I didnt snore for diagnosis, I didn't sleep was my problem, message to especially women, not sleeping can be sleep apnea) and my vitamin D was seriously low, even though I am outdoors all the time, and my blood sugar was on the rise.  So with both of these fixed I have tons of energy now. And reality is I am older. In the past I could up my running for a week amd drop 5 lbs. Now I increase my running and do not lose an ounce. So my first step now is tracking the food seriously.....and doing the 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day. (Oh, other thing fitbit has made me realize is I would go for a run and think "good for me" I ran 5 km , but did not do enough steps rest of day...I retired from a busy active job 3 years ago ) so I need to consistently get those steps in and stay off of the sofa. TMI in this post, but some backgrounds . PLEASE give me advice and keep me accountable.  I so hope I have lost a pound or two by time I weigh in on Monday. I have stayed at 1500 cal/day and had 1000 cal at least deficit so should work! Thx.

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Thank you for your reply:) I am also happy I have figured out how to find my post lol.Thank you for your support re: drinking. A great strategy and thank you I will try it. It is that routine, I am retired, my spouse isn't and our routine is before dinner we have a drink most evenings. I think alcohol really messes with my blood sugar with this weight on. I am doing no alcohol this week and will be so motivated if I actually lose a pound lol.

I am going to go and read the other posts. Thx again for the motivation. Very appreciated.

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Hi, I'd like to join this forum, but am unsure if hitting reply in the last discussion just makes to reply to that individual, or if it starts my own.  I guess this is a test!  I look forward to participating, supporting and getting support!

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@Private_Syntax Just a note to say ‘welcome’. I only joined last fall when I bought a Fitbit Charge (love it!). Both the device, and this and another Support Group, have helped me SO much — seeing the numbers throughout the day, and reporting them help keep me motivated and on track. Good luck with yours! 

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@Katsong: welcome! you figured it right: you can jump in by replying to any previous post (your reply is not attached to that particular post). Just pick up any day of the week you want to use for reporting, and you can choose your own format. 

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Would also like to welcome @Katsong to the group! 

My report will be brief. No weight change this past week. The positive side is that it has not increased; however, I would very much like to get back to losing @.5 kg per week! Tips?





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@I would very much like to get back to losing @.5 kg per week! Tips?

@Jotex: I personally like a phasic approach to weight loss: lose no more than 10% of your body weight in one stretch of no more than 3 months, maintain for 2-3 months, go for next stretch of 10%, maintain for 2-3 months, repeat. You started at 77 kg in September and reached 70 kg in December, so met the criteria for the first stretch. It’s now OK to maintain your current weight for some time, so instead of viewing the first two months of the year as lack of success with weight loss, view it as a successful maintenance phase before the next stretch of weight loss. For the rationale of this approach, check the Losing All Your Weight at Once presentation by Dr. Mike Israetel.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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My goal since mid-December is to lift weights and "bulk up" at the rate of about .5 to 1 lbs/week until I get to around 170 lbs.  After that I will probably "cut" back to 160 lbs.


Jan. 6, 2017:        202.3 lbs (starting weight)

                                              fitbit's daily net calorie calculation during the week preceding weigh-in.

  • Sun, 12.17  159.3 lbs    
  • Sun, 12.24  159.5 lbs    -455
  • Sun, 12.31  160.8 lbs    +43
  • Sun, 1.7      160.5 lbs    -568
  • Sun, 1.14    161.3 lbs    -560
  • Sun, 1.21    161.9 lbs    -410
  • Fri, 1.26      162 lbs       -535
  • Sun, 2.4      161.6 lbs    -818
  • Sun, 2/18    162.8 lbs   -51
  • Sun, 2/25    163.8 lbs   -55

+3.9 lbs since 12.17  

Goal Range: 160-170 lbs


I'm hitting my numbers and gained a pound this week.  Nice to be on target.

I will probably hit 164 during the week and will update the table below when that happens (2/26 - chart updated).


 Cut Bulk 
Weight (lbs)DateBody Fat %DateBody Fat %
1647/22/1718.82/26/18 18.6

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Thank you all for your warm welcome.  I find that I really need a structured diet where I track my calories.  I have been doing Jenny Craig since the first of the year, and have lost almost 15 pounds.  I'm halfway to my goal.  The most critical component to my success has been being really active, lots of running in the morning before work and walking in the evening.  I am having to work so much harder to lose the weight than I have in the past.  It seems like I keep relosing the same 30#s every year, but after I'm all done, and a few months later, I go back to may sugary grazing ways, and start missing exercise opportunities. That is my biggest challenge.


I hit 61 this past year and it's weird how that MAY have effected my metabolism, or am I more sedentary...could be.

Starting weight: 176.4

Current weight: 161.8

Goal weight: 147

Best Answer

@Dominique wrote: “You started at 77 kg in September and reached 70 kg in December, so met the criteria for the first stretch. It’s now OK to maintain your current weight for some time, so instead of viewing the first two months of the year as lack of success with weight loss, view it as a successful maintenance phase before the next stretch of weight loss. For the rationale of this approach, check the Losing All Your Weight at Once presentation by Dr. Mike Israetel.”


Thanks so much @Dominique! Just the right tip at the right moment! You’re right — the 7 kg loss was 10%! Now I feel better about it all! Really enjoyed the video and have saved it in a playlist to watch again as needed. Ta vm! 

Best Answer

I plan to gain weight over the course of 16 20 weeks at an average pace of 0.25 kg per week (about 1 kg per month). After 10 weeks, I’ve gained a total of (63.8 - 60.2) = 3.6 kg, i.e. 0.36 kg per week in average. That’s faster than what I planned, hence the addition of a 4-week minicut that starts this Monday, thereby extending the total period to 20 weeks.


Here are my numbers for the past week (including average step count and energy expenditure):


Week 0, ending 18-Dec-17: 60.2 kg (13.0%), 11.2k steps, 2523 cal.

Week 1, ending 25-Dec-17: 60.5 kg (13.4%), 5.9k steps, 2390 cal. -> +0.23 kg

Week 2, ending 1-Jan-18: 60.6 kg (13.6%), 14.0k steps, 2629 cal. -> +0.17 kg

Week 3, ending 8-Jan-18: 61.1 kg (13.6%), 16.2k steps, 2887 cal. -> +0.49 kg

Week 4, ending 15-Jan-18: 61.7 kg (13.8%), 17.9k steps, 2932 cal. -> +0.54 kg

Week 5, ending 22-Jan-18: 62.3 kg (14.4%), 10.3k steps, 2731 cal. -> +0.64 kg

Week 6, ending 29-Jan-18: 62.1 kg (15.0%), 11.4k steps, 2536 cal. -> -0.27 kg

Week 7, ending 5-Feb-18: 62.4 kg (15.4%), 13.1k steps, 2742 cal. -> +0.34 kg

Week 8, ending 12-Feb-18: 63.0 kg (15.5%), 13.9k steps, 2926 cal. -> +0.60 kg

Week 9, ending 19-Feb-18: 63.5 kg (15.8%), 11.7k steps, 2714 cal. -> +0.56 kg

Week 10, ending 26-Feb-18: 63.8 kg (16.0%), 14.5k steps, 3028 cal. -> +0.26 kg


The past week was more active than usual and almost as planned in terms of weight gain. Nevertheless, I’m starting my minicut as mentioned above. It’s in red in the following table: 






body fat




body fat


Week 0




Week 1






Week 2






Week 3




 61.1 13.6

Week 4



  61.7 13.7

Week 5



  62.3 14.4

Week 6



  62.1 15.0 

Week 7




 62.4 15.4

Week 8



  63.0 15.5 

Week 9



  63.6 15.7 

Week 10



  63.8 16.0 
Week 1105.Mar.18    
Week 1212.Mar.18    
Week 1319.Mar.18    

Week 14



Week 15





Week 16




Week 17




Week 18




Week 19





Week 20





Based on my experience with the first 10 weeks, I expect I’ll be gaining 0.36 kg per week once I resume my gaining phase, rather than 0.25 kg as initially planned. I still want to end it at 64.20 kg, so I want to start the last 6 weeks at 64.20 - (0.36 x 6) = 62.0 kg. This means I must lose (63.8 - 62.0) = 1.8 kg during the next four weeks, i.e. 0.45 kg per week in average. That’s almost exactly 1 pound, should be feasible.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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USW (pre Fitbit) Nov 14 2016; 123kg
SW (Fitbit) March 2 2017; 97.7kg
PW Nov 06; 72.1kg
PW Nov 13; 72kg
PW Nov 20; 70.7kg
PW Nov 27; 70.3kg
PW Dec 04; 70.8kg.
PW Dec 11; 70.3kg
PW Dec 18; 69.8kg
PW Dec 25; 68.6kg
PW Jan 01; 68.3kg
PW Jan 08; 68.0kg
PW Jan 15; 67.5kg
PW Jan 22; 69.2kg
PW Jan 29; 68.4kg
PW Feb 05; 67.5kg
PW Feb 12; 67.6kg.
PW Feb 19; 68.5kg


CW Feb 26; 68.2kg

loss this week; 0.3kg
new goal weight; 65kg

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Had a good week stayed at 1500 tracking food and walked or ran at least 15000 steps per day. Wish I dropped more than 1.5lbs but content that weight dropped and didn’t go up. Certainly this food intake and exercise is quite manageable so looking forward to next few months and seeing some results. I didn’t have alcohol 2 times ....darn weekend hard to resist, but was still w/I calories but they are useless calories so will keep trying. Enjoying reading along the posts ! 

SW186.6 Goal Of 90,000 steps/ week

CW 26/02/18-185 lbs....Weekly steps 105,800- did weights one day

GW 149

CW 183.5 2/03/18.....weekly Steps 80,000, did a long run of 10km which is long for me:)

So posting my weight from last Friday as I am travelling until the 12th. Happy with loss but then this weekend visited friends, did absolutely no exercise and ate OK and had next goal cuz travelling for next 7 days is to exercise first thing every morning and eat whole food plant based for 80 percent of day( staying with people so meals ???? Although they are healthy eaters.) I live in the land of snow and ice so will be un the sunny south for the week so steps should be awesome! Tracking food....1500 calories a day and want burn to be 2500.

Have a good week all and like reading the posts! 


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Thank you all for your warm welcome.  I find that I really need a structured diet where I track my calories.  I have been doing Jenny Craig since the first of the year, and have lost almost 15 pounds.  I'm halfway to my goal.  The most critical component to my success has been being really active, lots of running in the morning before work and walking in the evening.  I am having to work so much harder to lose the weight than I have in the past.  It seems like I keep relosing the same 30#s every year, but after I'm all done, and a few months later, I go back to may sugary grazing ways, and start missing exercise opportunities. That is my biggest challenge.


I hit 61 this past year and it's weird how that MAY have effected my metabolism, or am I more sedentary...could be.

Starting weight: 176.4

Current weight: 161.8

Goal weight: 147

Hi @Katsong  Gaining it back has been a big concern of mine too.  I lost a bit over 40 lbs from January to June last year and managed to stay steady at around 160 through December before embarking on my current goal of gaining 10 lbs.  I still have to have daily talks with myself that this current gaining phase is OK because it is on purpose. 


I don't think I've got this figured out well enough yet to be sure I won't slip back into my old ways, but part of what I'm doing differently now is staying engaged here and continuing with weekly reports even long after hitting my initial goal; and I added a new goal (body recomposition) to keep from going back to the auto behavior that seems to keep my weight bouncing between 185 - 200 instead of the 160-170 I want.  I've also stuck with several of the habits I developed last year: 2 of those that come to mind are (1) no snacks, generally eating only during my four planned meals -- actually five right now since I'm trying to gain; and (2) veggies at every meal -- including breakfast.


I guess the only thing I would suggest for your situation is to start thinking now about the transition from Jenny Craig to the food you'll make yourself once you move on from it.  I haven't done Jenny Craig, but from what I understand it does have a transition phase for about a month where you wean yourself off the prepackaged meals and cook for yourself, and there is an emphasis on lots of veggies.  That makes a lot of sense to me.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Grats everybody on your weigh ins.


Another week done. Only lost 1 pound this week, stayed within my -1,000 calorie deficit per day. But I did loose another 1/2" off my waist, for a total of 2" since I started a little over a month ago. My goal was to loose 10% in 12 weeks, then take a break and go maintenance for 2 months, then resume dieting for another 12 weeks targeting another 10% goal. Not sure I will make the 10% this time, but at least the clothes are fitting better.


Date/Starting Weight/New Weight/Net




2-02-18/260/254/-6 (pre-vaction)

2-11-18/260/260/+0 (post-vaction)





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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015

161.2 02/12/2018

163.8 02/19/2018

161 02/26/2018


Maintenance mode
Loss Range 105 lbs +/- 5 lbs (target 155-165)


So I hit 164 at weigh in last week and didn't get around to posting but I decided that I must be in denial about how much I am eating and what I am eating.  I dropped my portions and have kind of tried to kick myself back into keto for a stretch just to change the momentum from gain to loss.  It seems to be working so I'll give it a couple of weeks.  I would like to weigh in around that 160 or just below mark most of the time.  I am ok with mid day weights being mid 160's but not weigh in.  I hit as high as 170 on the scale last week (after a big supper).  So, time to have a reality check.

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@tamado: I think you’re making things uncessarily complicated and stressful by weighing in multiple times during the day. It’s much more simple to always do it first thing in the morning, and only then. This way you don’t have to worry about the impact of the foods and beverages that are in transit in your system and you’ll have numbers that are comparable day to day.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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