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Weekly Weigh In


I am weighing myself every Monday morning and I am going to log my results each weigh for accountability and support. Please feel free to join in.


Start weigh                   125.5 kg 14/12/2015

Now                              124.2 kg 11/01/2015


Loss this week             200g

Loss to date                 1.3kg


"Slow and steady wins the race"


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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2,723 REPLIES 2,723

@AuroraKat congratulations on your 5K. It's brutal when the end of the race is uphill and heat is a killer. Good luck on your race/fun run this weekend. I just returned to running after 8 months off. I am doing a 10K this weekend. I am no near fast enough to race, just using a s a supported long run in my training plan. I picked a half marathon in August I am training for. My only goal is to finish.


Happy Trails!

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@AuroraKat, congratulations!  Those milestones are huge moral victories.  I also like to weigh myself daily, being fully aware of expected variance in the scale.  I like to guess my weight before I step on and I'm often within .2 or .4.  I weighed in at 158.8 on Monday but as usual, I was about a pound or two higher the next two mornings.  If I step on in the afternoon I expect 163-164 and if it's after supper or a big lunch I can even crack 165 (I've seen up to 167 the day before I weigh in sub 160).  If you know these fluctuations and can simply see them as data, not indicators of success or failure, they become useful for monitoring your body, etc.  For those whose daily weigh ins cause anxiety, I think trendweight is great because it shows trajectory.  I personally don't go to it much because I have learned to take mid-week fluctuations in stride and only put stake in my actual weigh in which is after my big Monday work morning when I come home to eat and shower.  Little things are interesting, like I can take off close to a pound of water with a hot bath so a .2 or .4 variance is really not a weight change unless it's sustained over time.

I am genuinely happy for you and for everyone who is here and committed to health.  I saw an anti body shaming post today and I pondered how we swing to such extremes in our society.  To live and eat healthy is almost seen as an indicator of a mental health problem because we couldn't just embrace who we were.  It's kind of bass ackwards in a way.  I am not saying I support body shaming but we also need to celebrate and support individuals making healthy lifestyles choices.  (steps off soapbox).

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@Kimbur96 good luck on the 10k! I look forward to hearing your race report when you are done! Every time I race, my only goal is to finish. I am not fast enough for anything more right now. Eventually, I will attempt a 10k, but I'm not there yet. 


@tamado if I try and predict my weight, I will probably fail in a big way! The monthly cycle is just too much of an influence on water retention. But, it's a fun game and I'll see the next few days how close my guesses can get. At first, weekly weigh-ins made sense. I lost every single week (save for once or twice) because I was so big and had a lot to lose. But, now that I am at a lower weight, the water retention makes a huge difference and can even show gain on some days. Weekly weigh-ins became too stressful because there was so much riding on that one day a week. If I happen to be retaining, I'd have to wait a whole other week to see if there's progress. Now, I can have feedback about my body every day. And, even though I was afraid that I'd fixate on the scale, I treat the results like data now, while previously it was like I was being morally judged once a week. 


As for anti-body shaming, I am glad that this is gaining more recognition in our society. I was body shamed all through my childhood and into early adulthood by my mother and other family members. I was overweight, yes, but not obese. Regardless, this caused me to lose a bunch of weight in college in a very unhealthy way, although I stopped at a normal BMI. I was then body shamed for being "skinny fat" and flabby, which put me in a mental state that lead to anorexia. It took me many years to get into a more healthy mindset about my own body. Heck, I am not even fully there yet. Body shaming is horrible. And, of course, I agree that no one should be shamed, which includes people of all sizes, small or big. Though, I have to admit that I don't personally know many stories of normal weight health-conscious individuals who were shamed into obesity. The shaming disproportionately targets folks at the extremes of the BMI scale (both obese and very thin). 

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Hi everyone!  


I usually tag onto my previous week's post but since I can't find it anywhere I'm going to start fresh.....


USW:  224.5 (07/06/16)

CSW:   150.0 (06/02/17)

PW:  147.5 (06/08/17)


Goal:  Maintain between 148.0 - 152.0


As you can see, I fell a little below my maintenance range. This is where I struggle. I'm working on finding the right calorie intake for my activity level.  I'll post more this weekend.  Congratulations to all who met their goals! 



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CW - 242 -9     8 WEEK AVERAGE -0.875 LBS (-7)  USW - 363 3/9/16

PW - 251 +8

PW - 243 -1

PW - 244 -0

PW - 244 -1

PW - 245 -0

PW - 245 -2

PW - 247 -2


In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
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It's that time again ...


    Jan. 6, 2017:  202.3 lbs


  • Sun, 4.23:  179.8 lbs
  • Sun, 4.30:  177.7 lbs
  • Sun, 5.7:    175.6 lbs
  • Sun, 5.14:  174.4 lbs
  • Sun, 5.21:  173.2 lbs
  • Mon, 5.29:  172.1 lbs
  • Sun, 6.4:     172 lbs
  • Sun, 6.11:   170.4 lbs

-1.6 lbs since last week

-31.9 lbs since start.

Goal Weight: 165 lbs

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Finished the 10K yesterday but it was ugly. 80F at the start and uphill the first 2.5 miles. the heat was hard on everyone I talked to. To put it in perspective, last weekend at the same time we were in the 50-60's. It really hard on the body when all of sudden you're asking it to run in 20 degree hotter weather. But I finished, that was the goal. I'll keep training. I went out for a short 2 mile recovery run at 5:45am and enjoyed the cool 66F weather. 

Posting my weigh in today since it will probably increase tomorrow as I'm probably a little dehydrated still, but it makes the numbers look good, lol. Even without the dehydration I dropped the water weight from camping and continued to loose. I was 148.8 Friday before the race Saturday. 

Starting weight: 158.8 2/1/17
Current weight: 147.8

Previous week: 152.8
Weekly loss (gain): -5
Goal weight: 135
Short term goal: 145

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SW (pre Fitbit) Nov 14 2016; 123kg

SW (Fitbit) March 02 2017;    97.7kg

PW  June 05;                         85.9kg

CW  June 12;                         84.5kg


target weight 70kg by Christmas 




1.4kg drop this week but I expected it. Was really busy at work and had functions upstairs everyday. Low staffed so I was running a good 8- 10 hrs a day up and down those stairs. Add to that my usual weight and cardio training sessions and I had a super active week. 


Its nice though to literally sprint up the stairs whilst the customers are slowly crawling up like it's the hardest thing they've done all week. I used to have that issue 🙈

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So I have missed a couple weeks. Work's been crazy and it's slipped my mind completely. I did get under 180 though. Almost back to what I weighed when I got married 10 years ago (175lbs).

Starting weight: ~241+ lbs
Current weight: 177.4 lbs
Weigh 3 weeks ago: 181 lbs
Weight lost this period: -3.6 lbs
Total weight lost: 63.6 lbs

Weight left to lose: 17.4 lbs
Mini-goal: <170 lbs
Goal weight: ~160

Best Answer
Ultimate Starting Weight265 lbs
Current Starting Weight199 lbs
Last Week's Weight190.8 lbs
Current Weight193.1 lbs
Weekly Change+2.2 lbs
Mini Goal180 lbs


This is a very late report for Saturday because me weekend was crazy busy. I was playing around with RMR/BMR/TDEE Calculators last week and realized that I was under eating by about 400 - 500 calories minimum everyday. So this last week was a calorie reset week. I am not surprised at the gain. I actually got up to 194 at one point and yesterday was down to 192.5 so as long as I keep my calories up where they are supposed to be I am in a good place. Now to just remember healthy food to get the calories up not binging on ice cream last minute to get in 500+ calories last minute.

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Start 265 lbs 09/27/2015
This Week 159.6 06/12/2017
Last week 158.8 06/05/2017
Maintenance mode
Loss Range 105 lbs +/- 5 lbs


Up close to a pound in a week.  It's been a slow, steady increase this last while so I think I will tighten up for a week or two to make sure I'm not getting bad habits.  A little more sugar, a few more treats, etc - time to be more aware again.

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Starting weight: 301.4 lbs

Now: 305.5 lbs

Loss this week: +4.1

Loss to date: +4.1


Well that's kind of an ominous start! 


This week I bounced, somewhere up and down between 301 and 307.  Not the direction I want to be bouncing, but I believe my actions are the cause - and therefore it will be my actions that provide better results.  I started off the week with a couple really great workouts and better food management, and I ended the week barely getting my step goal (if I got it at all) and with multiple days of chips and salsa.  This is not the formula for success.  BUT - I will not hate myself or berate myself, I own all of my decisions, including the one to give myself grace while I continue to try to work on this. 


This weekend is a road I'm not foreseeing much success there either, however, I know it's fighting all the little battles that will help me win the war.  Rule #1 - no soda, Rule #2 - no Doritos (awww), and then I'll go from there.

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Starting weight:
1st Jan 2017 142kg


10th May 2017 118.8kg
16th May 2017 120kg :up_arrow: 😢
23rd May 2017 118.4kg
31st May 2017 117.4kg
5th June 2017 116.6kg


13th June 2017 115.9kg


Although the scales show a loss, I'm not so sure. I feel sluggish and dehydrated today. I've been working hard in the heat, so I'm probably running a little dry. 


I need to concentrate on hydration and not be too disappointed if next week is the same weight or even a slight gain.  

Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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@IMchika, thanks for checking in!

It can be interesting when you first get started with a healthier lifestyle and the water weight bounces up and down, etc.  Don't get discouraged by those few lbs, that's for sure.

Also, do not accept that just because you are on a road trip, things won't go well.  There will always be road trips, big games, family bbq's, holidays, etc so you are at the beginning of learning how to make your best choices all the time, not just when it's M-F in your own home.


Here are a few things I do on a road trip to help me manage food:
- Meal sized salads at restaurants - this was a hurdle for me.  I felt like it made my life sad.  It doesn't.  After many disappointing meals where I left my fries or bread and walked away hungry, I have found the salads at a lot of restaurants to be among their more interesting menu items and you walk away satiated and feeling like you made good choices

- Watch your sides - If you don't opt for the salad option, avoid the fries, garlic breads, pasta, etc.  Ask for the salad or a soup that's full of veggies.  If the salad looks boring, ask for a plate of cut up veggies, it's amazing what you can get by asking

- If you are on a road trip or in a hotel, a cooler full of chopped up or easy veggies is your best friend.  I'll grab baby carrots, snap peas, broccoli florets, etc and that's what goes in the fridge.  If sitting on the bed snacking is a weakness, a handful of vegetables is a lot better choice.

- If you really need the salt fix (chips), I have found that the multigrain corn chips are a much healthier choice to a flavored chip.  Dipped in a fresh pico de galo salsa or something similar and you have a reasonable snack (read the portion on the bag, count your chips and put the rest away until tomorrow!  I usually eat a half portion).

- Avoid sweet cocktails.  If you really want a drink on the road, liquor on the rocks or a gin and tonic is  a much better choice.  If you have a glass of wine, get the driest they have (it makes a difference) and severely limit any beer consumption (I usually allow myself one a week).

- If you are alone and tempted to get takeout for the hotel room, stop at a grocery store instead.  Buy some cooked meat (rotisserie chicken, pulled pork, etc) and a salad mix (there are a lot that come with dressing mixes and a seed mix as well). Ask for a plate from the breakfast room or take a few along in your suitcase.  Throw a big pile of salad mix on your plate, top with meat and sit back with a big water and binge watch bad cable :-).


These are all things I put into practice.  Do whatever you like but I have found these to be ways to keep things under control on the road.  I look forward to seeing your posts in the coming weeks and months.


The photo is of the tour pack (trunk) on my Harley on a recent road trip.  Mixed nuts, cooked meat, vegetables and fruit. A handful at a fill up while my buddy grabbed fast food burgers and breakfast sandwiches meant I came home with my body and mind happy.


2017-06-01 10.03.43 - small.jpg

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@IMchika wrote:



This weekend is a road I'm not foreseeing much success there either, however, I know it's fighting all the little battles that will help me win the war.  Rule #1 - no soda, Rule #2 - no Doritos (awww), and then I'll go from there.

It makes sense not to have too many rules.  Implement a few new ones every couple of weeks and give yourself time to make them automatic before trying to make more changes.  @tamado gave you lots of good ideas coping through various situations on road trips.  My thought is that you listed two good rules above that you want to implement, but you have not added the "instead" part.  So, for example, you could rephrase Rule #1 - unsweetened iced tea or water instead of soda, and Rule #2 as - baby carrots and humus instead of Doritos.  Obviously there is no real substitute for soda and Doritos, but you've got to do something as those urges arise and it might help to think about it now, while your are outside the urge.


Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Start:            253 lbs

Last Week:  138.6 lbs

This Week:  138.2 lbs

Change:       - 0.4 lbs

Total Loss:  - 114.8 lbs

Goal :           125 lbs


Mini Goal: 135 lbs - because this was my steady weight since more active college days


I am very happy I started weighing in daily. I've seen smaller numbers through the week, but I gained some water weight during the past few days, so the seemingly minor loss of 0.4 pounds doesn't worry me. I look forward to collecting a few months worth of daily weight data to see how my cycle and exercise both affect scale weight. 


My 5k last weekend went very well. Even though I set out to treat it as a fun run and take it easy, I beat my 5k record in the process. The race was chip timed and I finished in 36:16. Slow, of course, but a pretty big improvement for me. The course also had 400 feet of elevation gain and there were literally hundreds of dogs to be dodged (it was an animal shelter charity run that encouraged people to run with their dogs). Of course, it helped that this wasn't a trail race and the entire time we ran on pavement. My goal of running a sub-35 minute 5k next year seems actually possible at this point.  


Also, yesterday I hit a pretty big milestone with my running - I ran for 5 miles! I could have kept going, and it was tempting to run 10 kilometers, but I stopped myself. I don't want to overdo it. I had two races so far, both challenging, and I have a race coming up this weekend. The last thing I want to do is injure myself! But, I was so happy that I could actually run that far! 


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Start 128.5kg

Last week 118.7kg

This week 118.4kg

Shrinkage 10.1kg

Mini goal 115kg

Desired 70kg


I am happy to have got back to having lost 10kg. My mini goal,however, is 115kg as this was where I got to last year before I went backwards for a while. 

I am incorporating much more fiber into my diet now and experimenting with new ways to cook vegetables, fruits and legumes. My new go to dessert is stewed rhubarb with raisins, cinnamon and ginger. I have also fallen in love with lentils.


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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@Move.It.Move.It wrote:



I have also fallen in love with lentils.

Me too! I absolutely love them!


I didn't realise they were so versatile. All of these years I've been making lasagne and chilli and cottage pie with minced meat when lentils were so much better. Why did no one tell me sooner?


A friend sent me this recipe for lentil burger recently. The bloke behind it is a bit of an arse, but the recipe is great. I didn't bother with the mushroom bit and just served the burger with a salad. Delicious!

Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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This week was actually ok.  Pulling back on my sugar intake and have been succeeding.  Well done to everyone who works so hard here!


SW - 193.8 - March 20  First day of spring! 

192.7 - March 27th, one step in the right direction.

192.8 - April 5th.  Same... close enough! 

191.8 - April 10th  Down, yay!!!!

193.1 April 18th  boo...

192.7 April 26th  OOOKAY

192 May 1st  Keep going...

191.7 May 8th Slow...

193.0 May 16th

194.5 ish May 29th ???  entry MIA

193.7 June 5th

CW - 193 June 15th

Total down - - 1.  close enough

MiniGW - 189

UGW - 160

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The lentil burger recipe looks mighty tasty @Dave001. I will give it a go this week end.

Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of focusing on how far you have to go.
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