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Weight Loss Goal 50 to 100 Pounds



I'm trying to lose 75 pounds, hopefully at a rate of 1.5 pounds per week. I started on my journey a week and a half ago and I'm currently down 3.6 pounds.  I'm looking forward to a healthier lifestyle and if you want friends for extra motivation feel free to add me.  🙂

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struggling to get back on track! Lost 22 lbs from sept to Christmas but put 5 pounds back on over Christmas. Time to get back on my Fitbit Flex again!
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Hi all -
@paperclip - thanks for checking in. I miss the activity on here too.

I'm ok, just plodding along trying to always get at least the 10k steps in. Since Aug 3rd, I'm down 67.8 lbs. I think I have about 35 more to go. I don't really have a specific "finish line" number in mind, I am just hoping that when I get to some point it will feel like the right weight and I'll switch to maintaining mode at that point. Christmas season was tough for me but i got thru it.

Hey, what do people think of the new blaze? Aesthetically, i like it way better than the surge, but w no gps functionality, I'm not sure if i want to switch from my surge. I LOVE the surge w the exception that it just looks so manly.

Well, i hope everyone is having a great start to this new year. Let's check in more and support one another and do this together.


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67lbs is amazing! wow. that’s so inspiring. I’ve got 70 wish to go and it feels like it’s going to take me forever 😞 I think the blaze looks a bit big for my wrists really. I still have the flex but wish fitbit would make a new design that wasn’t so rubbery looking. The New Jawbone Up 3 looks so much more stylish and less like having a rubber thing on your wrist. You have inspired me to get moving so tomorrow I will start logging again. Thank you x
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Hello Everyone,  I'm new to this site, but I would like to join in.  I, actually have over a hundred pounds to lose, but maybe you'll still let me stay.  As of today I have lost 28 pounds of the 164 I need to lose.  I am not looking at having to lose 164 pounds, because that number is over whelming to me, so I'm taking it in 25 pound increments.  I have now one set of 25lbs and I've lost 3 of set number 2 of 25 and have 22 left to lose.   I have a total of 5 sets of , and then 14lbs to lose after that to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs.  I go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week for one hour and then I go and run, I'm up to 3.1 miles.   I'm training for a 5k with my husband at the end of March, so I want to be ready for it.  Food, sadly, is my biggest problem, but that is even getting better.  I drink tons of water and have a great support system, I have no excuse not to lose weight, so, I'm going to lose it.  I received my fitbit for Christmas, the best gift ever, and I am using it everyday, it is a life saver.  I am looking forward to meeting some new people, learning some new tools and tips from you, what works or what doesn't work for you, some new recipes, and supporting and encouraging you and receiving your support and encouragement.  Thanks for letting chat with you and have a walking good day.

Schedule: It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford
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@MusicMaker - congrats on making the decision to actively pursue a healthier lifestyle and welcome to the group.

It sounds like you have a plan and are motivated. I look forward to hearing your successes.
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@edingurghlass - thanks. So happy to help motivate. 🙂 i agree about how rubbery the fitbit is. That is one of tye things i like about the blaze, you can opt for a leather band. I've just accepted the size....and really w the release of the apple watch, bulky seems to be all the fashion in "watch wear"

Good luck and make sure to check in and let us know how you are doing or if you need encouragement. We are all here to support you and cheer you on.
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How did you lose so much in such a short space of time? I feel like my weight loss has been so slow! I know it doesn't happen overnight but when you have another 70 ish pounds to lose it's frustrating when you know you have such a long way to go! Did you just stick to the fitbit calorie allowance and steps target or did you do lots of additional workouts as well? any advice welcome. I really need to be inspired at the moment!

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@EdinburghLass - initially i made sure i burnt 1500 cals more than i consumed. I did this by tracking my food on fitbit and doing my best to always have at least 10k steps. Now, it is much harder to get to a 1500 deficit so i just ahoot for over 1000. It is coming off a little slower but it is still coming.

Don't let how much you want to lose feel daunting. I try to look at it as good practice for when i want to maintain. If i can consistently maintain a deficit, when i want to break even...that will be easy peezy. Ok a little overstatement....but ypu get the idea.

Good luck, stay motivated and put in the work and you will get there.

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Another wonderful day of fun and good healthy exercise, I just really love this fitbit.  I went back and read some of your stories and they are so wonderful and inspiring to me.  I know I can do this,  especially with this site and support and encouragement of people who are in the same boat as me.   Have a wonderful fitbit week and stay healthy.

Schedule: It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford
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Thanks Karen. Can I ask whether you set an "active minutes" target each day? This is the part I find difficult. I can get 10,000 steps easily but finding time every day to actually go for a walk is very difficult. I can manage long walks at weekends but I'm so busy during the week. I was wondering if it would be just as efficient to do my 10,000 steps and ignore the "active minutes" target?

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I am trying to lose about 200 lbs and need all the support and encouragement I can get!  I have tried many times to lose it and can't seem to do more than 10 pounds only to gain 15 back.  Tired of the yoyoing diets.  Looking for friends to help me be accountable.  Please feel free to add me.


Looking forward to making new friends and healthier lifestyle.


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@edinburghlass  - Hi Maddison, I've seen the active minutes tile on my dashboard and I watch it to see how close I get to it...but I don't use it to guide my amount of exercise. Most days now I get in 12k steps, but in my head I'm just trying to make sure I hit 10k, anything above it is just all the better.


Happy Monday to everyone.



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Ok, I'm back in now too.

Thanks everyone for logging in and giving us all a collective kick in the cushy rump. (well, speaking for myself)

I've had such a tough time of it lately, not sure at all really what is going on in my head.  But to illustrate it, my brain is basically trying to pull my body off of any surface I can lie down on be it couch, bed, floor, you name it, and my body is like "go away, I'm tired and sick of everyone and everything" and my brain is like "tell someone who cares, tell someone who doesn't feel like that if you can find them, now get up and get moving or you'll just die here a big unhealthy jelly blob like substance!" and my body says "ok, I'll stay put, works for me" and then my brain just shrugs and walks away and gets caught up in whatever is on tv.


On a more positive note, I found my charger for my fit bit and got it all charged up and working again last week.  Then left the charger on my desk at work so it died on friday and couldn't charge it all weekend.  I have an excuse for everything it seems.

Well I'm charging it right now.  so should be good to hit my wrist again in about an hour I suppose.


Do you ever feel like your just so tired and run down that you won't have the energy to do anything at all? How did I get to the point where I can't keep the simplest promises to myself. 

Sorry, I'm a bit of a downer on this monday morning. 
Just call me hayleypoopypants.


I showed up though, that's got to count for something, right?



My path isn't always straight or clear, but at least I'm on the way somewhere.
SW 263 CW 248.6 GW 160
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hey @MusicMaker I have 100 to lose.  I like how you've broken your weight loss down to achieveable, motivating pieces.  I think I'm going to steal that idea for myself! LOL

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omg @hayleycan  I totally relate to everything you've described.  I've found myself pulling back from family and friends thinking I'm sick of them...I know deep down it has to do more with how I'm feeling about myself.


Thanks for sharing.


You being here IS what matters.  I've always found in the past that my attitude towards life improves when I'm feeling better about myself.  No newly discovered scientific theory there.  We feel better, we act/behave better.


I've recently determined that I'm tired of looking and acting older than my years.  I looked at myself in the mirror a couple weeks ago and thought, "when did I let myself become a middle-aged frumpy wife?"  Since then I'm getting back to 10k steps per day.  But that's not all. I had stopped even putting makeup on for work and wearing my nice shoes for work etc.  So, I have new daily checklist for myself and each evening I'm assessing my frumpiness factor.  Being overweight shouldn't stop me from looking and feeling my best.  And, as they say, when you act it, you eventually become and feel it.


So there you are, my slight confession.  But, like you said, we continue to come here and show up...that's what matters.  I'm not giving up on me.



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Its riduculous how much I relate to the frumpy wife thing.  I was taking the bus this morning to work, all bundled up, scarf, lumpyish jacket, boots, and thinking to myself about how the 20's and 30's girls that work downtown around me all look so good.  Sure there is the factor of the inherently unstylish ones, that fashion of any choice is just not in their personal dna - and that's cool, for them.  But I mean, for me - I used to love doing my hair and make up, let alone wearing jewellery and skirts, showing some serious sass.  Now, it's like a miracle if I have lipstick on, let alone eyeliner.  And work shoes that are not the same scruffy black flats everyday  because it somehow hurts to wear heels  - even when I'm SITTING at my desk!! what the heck!

When did I lose my personal style.  When did I fade in to a total greyscale version of myself.  When did I lose liking to be around people, speak up for myself, laugh out loud.  When did I stop wanting being seen and be a part of something and instead become invisible.  Who have I become?


My path isn't always straight or clear, but at least I'm on the way somewhere.
SW 263 CW 248.6 GW 160
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@hayleycan I feel like we're in each other's heads or sharing the same story. I love your description "greyscale version of myself."  It's so spot on.


As of the past few days, I've been taking the steps I need to go back to that vibrant coloured version of myself (putting on makeup, taking nice shoes to work, wearing my nicer clothes).  I have a checklist each morning that I go through before I leave the house.  Each evening I have a second checklist that I review to see how I did on other items (chores completed, food eaten, journaling done) - I do love my checklists. 


Something that a friend and I are now doing is maintaining a "Success Contract" with each other.  We started last week.  We each felt that there was no real accountability when we didn't do something we said we would. We simply slapped ourselves on the wrist and moved on. So we devised our contract.



We have each put two of the main items we wish to improve/be accountable for in the contract.  Each item must be done every week day (Mon-Fri).  If not, you incur a $2 fine for each item not completed.  It's payable immediately and must be given to a random stranger.  (money talks for us so we selected a monetary fine). 


We figure it's fun, the heart of it is to motivate and be accountable.  There's not supposed to be any hard feelings or anything.  We each have our own two items and we simply check in each day.  If one or both aren't completed, $2 per item.  Payment must be completed infront of each other to the random stranger.  We have some provisions and exceptions built-in but really the goal is self-improvement so we really are trying to avoid any exception.  Anyway, it's only been a week, no fines paid yet...I'll let you know how it goes.

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Paper Clip, Good job, whatever you can do to help improve yourself is a positive step forward, keep moving forward. I am learning that this is a journey/marathon and not a sprint, it may take me a lifetime to reach my goal. But, as long as I keep working towards my goal then I'm on a winning team. Blessings to you and yours, in Christ Vanessa Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.
Schedule: It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford
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Hey Haylecan, You can be down, sometime we need to feel down because then we might just realize that we are feeling sorry for ourselves, and that doesn't help, and then we get moving. Shed a few tears, get a little mad at yourself or someone else, and then move on and do something about the situation you are in. As Michael Jackson would say "I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways." Man in the mirror is one of the songs I run to, helps me to focus on improving myself and make the changes that need to be made. You hang in there and feel wwwwooooonnnnnddddeeerrrrffffuuuuuullll real soon. Blessings to you and yours, in Christ Vanessa Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.
Schedule: It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford
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Hi Roxy, I will be here to help support, encourage, and maybe even challenge you a little. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try...........and then try again. I'm in the same boat as you, except this time I've given away28 pounds and I'm going strong. My head is not big though, because I need to give a lot more weight away, but I'll take as much time as I need to in order to drop the weight, 164 pounds, but 28 is gone. Someone once told me, "if you lose the weight that means you might find it again, but if you give it away you won't want to take it back. I gave that weight to the gym, the step class, the running path, my walking trail, my stairs at home, everywhere, I love to give this weight away. You can do this, just believe in yourself. Blessings to you and yours, in Christ Vanessa Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.
Schedule: It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford
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